U.S. Coast Guard History

Articles, Information & Downloadable Files

The cutter Rush at Sitka, Alaska, in 1901

The Revenue Cutter Rush fires a 
salute on Independence Day, 1901 at Sitka, Alaska

Website Directory:
U.S. Revenue Cutter Service seal

Overview Histories:


U.S. Coast Guard, Revenue Marine & Revenue Cutter Service:

U.S. Lighthouse Service History:U.S. Lighthouse Service logo

U.S. Life-Saving Service:

  • Sand Pounders: An Interpretation of the history of the U.S. Life-Saving Service, Based on its Annual Reports for the Years 1870 Through 1914 by Captain Robert F. Bennett, USCG (Ret.).

U.S. Steamboat Inspection Service & U.S. Bureau of Navigation:

General Histories (by region, period, missions, etc.):

  • Rum War At Sea, by Malcolm F. Willoughby USCGR (T), 1964 (reprinted 1972) [pdf]

Publications and History Post-2000:

Heritage, Traditions & Miscellaneous:

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Last Modified 10/11/2012