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  • MOS Tax Service (2)

    MOS Tax Service

    Military OneSource is pleased to announce the availability of the Military OneSource version of the H&R Block At Home® Online tax preparation service.

  • Military OneSource Alert

    Military OneSource EAP Outage Alert

    The Military OneSource EAP website will be unavailable from 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. EST on Sunday, Mar. 24, 2013.

  • March Homepage Panel - Job after PCS

    Finding a Job as a Military Spouse after a Permanent Change of Station Move

    Visit these tips to help prepare for your next job search.

  • March Homepage Panel - Interstate Compact

    The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children

    Learn how the Compact works with states to help families.

  • Healthy Base Initiative

    New - Healthy Base Initiative

    The new Healthy Base Initiative is designed to create an environment that encourages sustainable healthy lifestyles.

  • March Homepage Panel - RAP

    Your Relocation Assistance Program – A Benefit for Families on the Move

    Learn more about this benefit before your next move.


Guest Blog: Moving On: How to Say Goodbye to Your Friends

by Guest Blogger on Wed, 20 Mar 2013
Blogger Biography: Cheryle is a 10-year military spouse who has lived away from her husband longer than they’ve been under the same roof. Now that they are transitioning into the retirement stage, a whole new adventure has begun. There will soon be more time to spend at the lake, with their three children and their ... [read more]


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"The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for #milkids. Created to make school transition an easier process:"

"Webinar! Relocation 101 Defense Installation Messaging System Refresher, 3/27 at 10am & 2pm ET:"

"The Create a Cover contest is going on now in honor of the Month of the Military Child! Enter to win #milfam #milkids"

"RT @MC_FP #Healthy Base Initiative Seeks Better Lifestyles: #milhealth #milfam"

"Starting & maintaining a career as a #milspouse can be a challenge. MilSpouse eMentor Leadership Program can help:"