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All Military Announcements

DoD Backs Efforts to Keep Junk Food Out of Schools

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Defense Department underscored its support for the work of a group of retired generals and admirals who have called on Congress to help in reversing the nationwide trend of obesity in young people.

Online Toolkit Available for Mental Health Providers

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Department of Veterans Affairs has developed a new online community provider toolkit aimed at delivering support, therapeutic tools, and resources to community providers treating veterans for mental health concerns.

Roth Contributions to Open to All Active-duty Troops

Monday, October 1, 2012

Beginning Oct. 1, 2012, active-duty members of the Army, Navy and Air Force will be able to contribute to the Roth Thrift Savings Plan as part of their investment planning, Defense Financing and Accounting Service officials said.

DoD Receives Military Family Support Award

Monday, October 1, 2012

The National Military Family Association awarded its annual Support of Military Families Award to the Defense Department at a Sept. 24 reception on Capitol Hill that celebrated several longstanding supporters of military families.

The Military OneSource Blog Brigade Seeks Military Spouse Bloggers

Monday, October 1, 2012

Great things are happening on the Military OneSource Blog Brigade! We are happy to announce that the Blog Brigade has a bold, new look, and an exciting, new opportunity for military spouse bloggers! For the first time, the Blog Brigade is accepting submissions for guest military spouse bloggers. Military spouse bloggers are the influencers in the blogosphere and it's time to tap into their military life expertise. So, put your thinking caps on, milspouse bloggers, and be ready to share your knowledge and experiences! You'll also hear from DoD leaders on program updates related to military life, as well as more great posts from our staff bloggers. Want to know more? Visit the Military OneSource Blog Brigade today!

DoD Website Connects Military Kids

Monday, October 1, 2012

A new Defense Department website, Military Kids Connect, is connecting military children - whether it's across town or across the world - who are dealing with a loved one's deployment. Visit the Military Kids Connect website to learn more.

Hiring Our Heroes - Upcoming Hiring Fairs

Monday, October 1, 2012

The US Chamber of Commerce will host 100 hiring fairs with local chambers of commerce across the country as part of their "Hiring Our Heroes" program to bring our unemployed veterans together with potential employers. Register now for one near you: