Contract Details Vicinity Map


SELA-09 - Pump to the River Pump Station
A new 1,200 cfs pumping station to be constructed near Dickory Avenue and Mounes Street.

This contract involves construction of a new 1,200 cfs pump station near the intersection of Dickory Ave and Mounes Street. The pump station will pump water from the southern end of the Soniat Canal to the Misissippi River via three 84 inch diameter steel discharge pipes.

SELA-09A - Pump to the River Intake Basin
A new intake canal from Soniat Canal and Mazoue Ditch to the transition canal into the pump station.

The proposed suction canal will consist of a double barell concrete box culvert, which will direct flow from the junction of the Mazque Ditch, Harahan Ditch, and the Soniat Canal to the new pump station. Relocations will be necessary at the Harahan playground in order to construct the suction canal and structures.


Contract Award 09-21-2011
Contract Value $29.39M
Contract Award Q-2-2013
Contract Value $5-20M


SELA-09 - Contract not awarded.

SELA-09A - Contract not awarded.

Vicinity Map


Pump to the River PS and Intake Structure
Pump to the River PS and Intake Structure

Revision Date: Friday, October 19, 2012