Contract Details Vicinity Map


WBV-46.1 - Sector gate Complex - Phase 1
Ongoing construction. Build to elevation 11.5. Includes Cousins Discharge Channel.

This ongoing contract is for the construction of a sector gate in the Harvey Canal and 500 feet of connecting concrete floodwalls for hurricane storm surge protection. The 125 foot wide metal sector gate will be located just down stream of the Lapalco Overpass.

WBV-46.1a1 - Harvey Canal Floodgate (Sector Gate) - Repair of Temporary Pumps

WBV-46.2 - Cousins Canal Walls - Destrehan Bridge to Sector Gate
Build to 100 yr level of protection.

This contract involves raising the sector gate structure in the Harvey Canal and its 500 feet of connecting concrete floodwalls to the 100 year level of protection. The sector gate will be located just downstream of the Lapalco Overpass. Work shall consist of constructing reinforced concrete floodwalls; installation of sheetpiling, steel H-piles; geotextile, surfacing, chain link fence and gates, painting, turf establishment, demolition, pile load tests, clearing and grubbing; structural excavation and backfill, and other work incidental thereto.

WBV-46.1a - Harvey Canal Floodgate (Sector Gate)- Permanent Pumps


Contract Award 12-16-2003
Contract Value $35.69M
Contract Award Q-4-2013
Contract Value $0-5M
Contract Award 05-18-2010
Contract Value $3.5M
Contract Award Q-1-2013
Contract Value $5-20M


WBV-46.1 - Construction complete.

WBV-46.1a1 - Impacts are not available at this time.

WBV-46.2 - 16 November 2010: Contractor will install silt fence, truck wash-down rack, and will install 4" of surfacing over geotextile.

WBV-46.1a - Impacts are not available at this time.

Vicinity Map


Sector Gate Complex
Sector Gate Complex

Revision Date: Friday, October 19, 2012