Contract Details Vicinity Map


LPV-17.2 - Bridge abutment and Floodwall Tie-ins at Causeway Bridge -Phase 2
Construct to 100-year level of protection.

This segment of the HPS consists of concrete crib wall and I-wall around the south abutments of the Causeway bridges and steel sheet pile wall with reinforced concrete stems which tie-in the crib walls to the adjacent earthern levees. This segment is deficient in elevation. This contract provides for construction of new I-walls to provide protection to the 100 year level of protection.


Contract Award 08-24-2010
Contract Value $43.19M


LPV-17.2 - 16 November 2010: Contractor has several meetings scheduled with utility companies to furthur discuss relocation activities. Contractor has also scheduled a meeting to discuss the details of the traffic control plan prior to submitting.


Causeway Bridge Abutment and Floodwall Tie-In
Causeway Bridge Abutment and Floodwall Tie-In

Revision Date: Friday, October 19, 2012