Contract Details Vicinity Map


LPV-00.1 - Reach 1 Lakefront Levee - Phase 1
Levee - Bring to design elevations

This segment of the HPS consists of approximately 2.0 miles of levee along the East Jefferson lakefront from the east end of the Re-curve Floodwall adjacent to the West Return Canal to the west end of the tie-in floodwall on the west side of Pump Station #4 (Duncan). This earthen levee has a 7 foot wide crown with a design elevation of +16 NAVD88 and 1 vertical on 3 horizontal side slopes. At present virtually all of the length of the levee crown is below design grade with a 1 to 2 foot deficiency throughout. This contract provides for accelerated construction completion to the authorized level of protection of a levee lift to an elevation of +17 NAVD88, thus providing one foot of overbuild in anticipation of further levee subsidence.

LPV-00.2 - Reach 1 Lakefront Levee - Phase 2
Already built to authorized level of protection. Raise and construct levees/floodwalls to 100 year levels.

This segment of the HPS consists of approximately 2.0 miles of levee along the East Jefferson lakefront from the east end of the Re-curve Floodwall adjacent to the West Return Canal to the west end of the tie-in floodwall on the west side of Pump Station #4 (Duncan). This earthen levee has a 7 foot wide crown with a design elevation of +16 NAVD88 and 1 vertical on 3 horizontal side slopes. At present virtually all of the length of the levee crown is below design grade with a 1 to 2 foot deficiency throughout. This contract provides for construction to the 100 year level of protection of a levee lift to an elevation of +19 NAVD88, thus providing one foot of overbuild in anticipation of further levee subsidence.


Contract Award 08-31-2006
Contract Value $4.57M
Contract Award 08-18-2009
Contract Value $3.16M


LPV-00.1 - Construction complete.

LPV-00.2 - Construction complete.

Vicinity Map


Reach 1 Lakefront Levee facing west
Reach 1 Lakefront Levee facing west

Lakefront Levee facing west
Lakefront Levee facing west

Revision Date: Friday, October 19, 2012