Contract Details Vicinity Map


WBV-09a - Hero Canal to Oakville - Levees
Raise and construct levee and a small pump station to 100-Year level of risk reduction.

This contract involves construction of 5500 feet of earthen levee to the 100-year level of risk reduction and construction of a 300 cfs pump station. The construction will occur from the south side of Hero Canal in Plaquemines Parish and extend to the end of the old FEMA trailer park near Belle Chasse Highway. The levee will then begin again on the east side of Belle Chasse Hwy and tie into the Mississippi River Levee.

WBV-09b - Hero Canal to Oakville - Structures
Raise and construct stop-log closure, pump station, and tie-ins on Hero Canal to 100 Year level of risk reduction.

This contract involves construction of a navigation stop-log closure on Hero Canal to the 100-year level of risk reduction and a 70 cfs pumping station. A hydraulic crane will also need to be installed for emplacing the stop-logs during times of closure.

WBV-09c - Hero Canal to Oakville - Highway Structures
Raise and construct vehicle and RR floodgates on Belle Chasse Hwy to 100-Year level of risk reduction.

This contract involves construction of a floodwall tie-in to levees and swing gates across Hwy 23 (Belle Chasse Highway) and a railroad swing gate. The contract will also involve constructing of an improved road that will serve an an emergency bypass that re-routes emergency vehicles from Hwy 23 up and over the Mississippi River Levee.


Contract Award 06-21-2010
Contract Value $33.41M
Contract Award 05-14-2010
Contract Value $26.47M
Contract Award 07-09-2010
Contract Value $7.03M


WBV-09a - 16 November 2010: Contractor will continue placing fill material in FEMA area, degrade exisiting levee, and will place sand in swamp area.

WBV-09b - 23 September 2010: Contractor will continue dredging in main channel and begin dredging in temporary by-pass, haul dredge spoil to site, install horizontal strips, and finish any last equipment installation and set-up.

WBV-09c - 16 November 2010: Contractor will mobilize more equiptment in preparation of T-wall construction, continue to grub cleared areas, and will install silt fence along highway.

Vicinity Map


Hero Canal to Oakville
Hero Canal to Oakville

Revision Date: Friday, October 19, 2012