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history of NATO

photostory Chicago 01
NATO was created by a treaty signed in Washington, DC in 1949. As NATO returns to the US 63 years later for its Chicago Summit, NATO Review highlights some of the key moments of the shared history of the Alliance and its biggest member.
Havel Reuters
Czech Minister of Defence, Alexandr Vondra, remembers one of Europe’s and NATO’s political giants, Václav Havel.
ISAF-The_Mara_Wara_Bridge-October 2009
NATO’s Diego A. Ruiz Palmer analyses the 20 years of NATO operations that started in 1992 – and looks at how the ones over the next 20 years may look.
This 10 question quiz will find out how well you know the Alliance.
US flag
US bloggers, journalists and communications experts reveal how they would try to bring NATO closer to the US public.
Ragoussis 2 NATO
The Alternate Minister of National Defence of Greece, Yiannis Ragoussis, tells NATO Review how important NATO is for Greece, as well as about his country’s active membership in NATO.
Skordeli 2 NATO
Dr Marina Skordeli analyses the strategic importance and location of Greece and Turkey and how each country derives its significance from different considerations and threat assessments.
Greece Turkey Adhesion to NATO
Here we reprint the 'Resolution on the accession of Greece and Turkey to the North Atlantic Treaty', signed in 1952.
Robertson E
Being NATO Secretary General is always a job fraught with challenges and surprises. But on 11 September, 2001, Lord Robertson had one of the most extraordinary experiences of any NATO Secretary General. Here, he recounts how the day panned out.
2B. Prague Summit
In retrospect, instead of heralding NATO's decline, "09/11" became the catalyst for the most fundamental changes in NATO's history, argues Michael Ruhle. Yet for the NATO Allies, the questions they had to ponder from the outset were as obvious as they were profound.
The end of the Cold War brought questions about the need for the Warsaw Pact and NATO. Soon, one crumbled, the other expanded. Why the difference? Petr Lunak looks for answers in Lawrence Kaplan's latest book.
Patrick Stephenson reviews Rebecca Moore’s “NATO’s new mission” and analyses whether it gives a full picture of where the Alliance is heading.
David S. Yost explores how NATO could further combine its strengths with those of other international organizations.
the big move
François Le Blévennec takes us back 40 years with his eyewitness account of the move of NATO Headquarters from Paris to Brussels.
General James L. Jones, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer outlines the issues to be discussed in the Latvian capital.
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga looks forward to the NATO Summit in Riga.
Victoria Nuland explains how the practical demands of NATO operations in Afghanistan have pushed the Alliance beyond its theoretical limitations.
Pierre Lellouche offers his thoughts ahead of the Riga Summit.
Diego A. Ruiz Palmer considers the ever-closer relationship between NATO's operations and the Alliance's transformation since the end of the Cold War.
Sophia Clément-Noguier explores the important questions that will face Allied decision-makers at the Riga Summit.
Allen G. Sens argues that NATO's transformation must be broader than is currently conceived if the Alliance is to meet the security challenges of tomorrow.
Robert Bell explores the challenges of setting up the NATO Response Force.
Sten Rynning looks at what choices the Alliance must take if it is to renew itself.
Admiral Giampaolo di Paola gives an Italian view of transformation.
Mario Bartoli examines progress in improving Alliance capabilities.
As NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, US Air Force General Lance L. Smith oversees efforts to modernise NATO’s military structures, forces, capabilities and doctrines to improve the military effectiveness of the Alliance and its Partner nations.
Patrick Stephenson investigates the causes of NATO's new growing agenda.
invoking _article_five_01
Edgar Buckley describes how NATO invoked Article 5 on 12 September 2001, 24 hours after the terrorist attacks against the United States.
Stanley R. Sloan analyses the debate over Article 5 that dominated the Washington Treaty negotiations.
Stephan De Spiegeleire and Rem Korteweg consider a variety of scenarios for the Alliance's future.
Sebestyén L. v. Gorka analyses the significance of the invocation of Article 5 of the Washington Treaty five years on.
Kenneth Weisbrode pays tribute to George F. Kennan, Paul H. Nitze and Andrew J. Goodpaster, three leading Cold-War strategists who all died recently.
Christoph Bertram argues that NATO should focus on stabilisation and give up the pretence of being a war-fighting alliance.
Ryan C. Hendrickson examines the chain of events leading to Operation Deliberate Force, NATO’s first air campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and their significance ten years on.
Helga Haftendorn analyses the debates and events surrounding Germany's accession to NATO 50 years ago.
Ronald D. Asmus examines the remake that NATO requires to meet the challenges of the post-post Cold war era that are centred beyond Europe
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Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope has been the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Transformation since July 2004.
Nick Witney is the first chief executive of the European Defence Agency, the body created by the EU Council of Ministers in July 2004 to improve European defence capabilities.
John J. Garstka examines the concept of transformation, the role it plays in both commercial and military organisations, as well as aspects of NATO's transformation.
Jonathan Parish offers a personal account of both NATO's and his own transformation.
Henning Riecke considers the need for change in international organisations, arguing that NATO's transformation must be based on a firm political foundation.
Robert G. Bell assesses implementation of NATO's Prague, Norfolk and Munich transformation agendas.
Anthony H. Cordesman analyses the rationale behind force transformation on both sides of the Atlantic and the results to date.
Mark Joyce examines how NATO has been transforming since Jaap de Hoop Scheffer succeeded Lord Robertson as Secretary General.
Ryan C. Hendrickson examines the record of Manlio Brosio, NATO's fourth Secretary General, 25 years after his death.
Steve Sturm examines how NATO is seeking to improve its force-generation and defence-planning processes to meet the ever-increasing demands of crisis-response operations.
Gülnur Aybet places the Istanbul Summit in its historical context, examines its contents and assesses its significance.
Ryan C. Hendrickson assesses the legacy of Manfred Wörner, NATO's seventh Secretary General, ten years after his death.
Stefan Melnik reviews an Alliance primer.
Adam Kobieracki examines the evolution of NATO's operations and considers prospects for future deployments.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer outlines areas of special focus for the Alliance's Istanbul Summit and considers the way forward for NATO.
Tomás Valásek examines the impact of both EU and NATO enlargement on security thinking in Europe.
John Colston examines how the Alliance is improving its military capabilities to meet the demands of its ever-increasing operations.
Lord Robertson looks back on his time as Secretary General and reflects on Alliance history, transformation and prospects.
Robert van de Roer profiles Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO's new Secretary General.
Zvonimir Mahecic analyses Croatia's relationship with NATO and its Alliance membership aspirations.
Andrés Ortega (left) is a columnist for El Pais and author of various books on European integration and NATO. Tomas Valasek (right) is a Slovak security analyst and director of the Center for Defense Information's Brussels office. They discuss the challenges of NATO today.
Christopher Bennett examines how NATO has forged effective partnerships with non-member states and other international organisations since the end of the Cold War.
Tom Donnelly assesses the impact of the Iraq campaign on NATO from a US perspective.
Admiral Ian Forbes was acting Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic (SACLANT) between October 2002 and June this year and deputy SACLANT for the ten months before that.
General James L. Jones is the first Marine to be appointed Supreme Allied Commander, Europe and Commander of US Forces, Europe. He succeeded General Joseph W. Ralston on 17 January this year and is the 14th SACEUR.
Karel Kovanda considers how the Czech experience of NATO accession may be useful for the seven countries invited to join the Alliance at the Prague Summit.
Steve Larrabee and François Heisbourg discuss the role NATO should pursue
NATO member states and invitees since Prague 2002
Greek foreign Minister Reuters
Does NATO have a role to play in Turkey's new stronger foreign policy outlook? Does the Turkish public see NATO as necessary? Here we ask Turkish journalists and analysts to describe how they feel NATO looks from a Turkish perspective.
Greek troops
What did it feel like to join NATO in 1952? Here we ask, among other experts, someone who was there. Vice-Admiral Vasilios Mitsakos recounts how Greece joining the young NATO Alliance meant spending more time with international counterparts. And how even babysitting duties drew countries together...
Turkish FM
What do young Greeks feel about NATO? Do they know - or care - what it is for? Here we ask three young Greek students how they see NATO's past, present and future.
Turkish soldier
NATO Review interviews Turkish Defence Minister Ismet Yilmaz about smart defence, Turkish foreign policy and what being in NATO for 60 years means.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746
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