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News > DOD begins prorating imminent danger pay
DOD begins prorating imminent danger pay

Posted 2/2/2012 Email story   Print story


by Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

2/2/2012 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Service members now will receive imminent danger pay only for days they actually spend in hazardous areas, Pentagon officials said here today.

The change, which took effect yesterday, was included in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, which President Barack Obama signed into law Dec. 31.

"Members will see the prorated amount in their Feb. 15 pay records," Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. John Kirby said.

The act called for the Department of Defense to pay service members imminent danger pay only for the time they spend in areas that qualify for the pay. In the past, service members received $225 per month if they spent any time that month in an area where the pay was authorized.

"This is a more targeted way of handling that pay," Kirby said.

Now, service members will receive $7.50 a day for days spent in these areas. Personnel who travel to the designated areas for periods less than 30 days should keep track of the number of days they are in the area to verify that they are paid for the correct number of days, officials said.

The military services are working to waive or remit debts for members who may have been overpaid for January, officials said. The services can waive this "when there is no indication of fraud, fault, misrepresentation, or when members were unaware they were overpaid," Pentagon spokeswoman Eileen Lainez said.

Proration is based on a 30-day month, which translates into a rate of $7.50 per day. It does not matter if the month is 28 or 31 days long, officials explained; if service members serve in affected areas for the complete month, they will receive the full rate of $225 per month.

The Defense Department defines imminent danger pay areas as places where members are subject to the threat of physical harm or imminent danger because of civil insurrection, civil war, terrorism or wartime conditions.

Service members who come under fire, regardless of location, will receive the full monthly hostile-fire pay amount of $225.

Service members will receive notification of the change via emails, on the MyPay system, on social media sites and via the chain of command.

2/12/2012 7:23:05 AM ET
Without an upgrade to DFAS' pay system this is going to cause an endless snarl of pay issues. Currently if there has been a mistake the only way to correct it is to take back all of the money that was ever paid for that particular allowance or pay type back to the date where the error was made and then try to give all of the money back in one lump sum. If you've ever had a pay issue or helped someone with one you have an idea of what I'm talking about. If there is more than one pay issue it can easily become nearly impossible for the member and even Finance or DFAS itself to figure out exactly what happened and unsnarl it. This system simply can't correct mistakes by making a difference payment i.e. say I overpaid or underpaid you by a total of 50 so I either take back or pay you that amount. This already causes titanic pay problems for people and will be a complete disaster with a prorated pay. A possible temp solution is making it part of a voucher although it would
MSgt Rhoda Ochoa, Offutt AFB NE
2/10/2012 11:36:04 AM ET
@BigTom: While in the danger zone, you'd be eligible for hardship duty pay in most places for no more than $100 a month prorated. It's also usually paid out in full after travel vouchers are paid because they're not started up while they're actually deployed. But if it was running along with imminent danger pay, you'd be getting nearly 11 dollars every day deployed not to mention your pay is still tax free all month for every month you're getting at least some HFIDP and if you've got dependents you can get an extra $8.33 every day for at least 30 days through Family Seperation Allowance.
Amn, MO
2/9/2012 2:01:29 PM ET
What a coincidence that this clicks into place on February the only month with less than 30 days.
Amn, MO
2/8/2012 10:17:59 PM ET
Well for starters this will only impact the first and last month for those who fill regular deployments of between 4 and 2 months. However in the larger scheme there is an inherent difficulty in assigning a monetary compensation for the increased risk assumed during such an assignment. The DOD has a one size fits all approach for this encompassing the door kickers and the rear echelon folks sitting in a bunker somewhere. Arguing over who is entitled to what here in this forums is an exercise in futility. It is the DOD's decision and it hasn't changed in a long time.
Sgt Pickders, SWA
2/8/2012 6:14:56 PM ET
Bet the Guard guys and Reservists love this. Should seriously lessen those happenstance in-theater arrivals and departures on the last day and first day of the month respectively. As D wrote below now prorate the other special pays and witness the high number of GO and western Europe base folks' trips also lessen.
Tell The Truth, U.S.
2/8/2012 12:39:02 AM ET
@Adrian Cool story bro..........
not impressed, Whoville
2/7/2012 1:45:28 PM ET
Seriously Arguing on the internet over who deserves more payThe simple reality is we get paid to defend our in fight her in war. We do not get paid to sit in offices punching buttons on a keyboard or turning wrenches on the flightline at some base in the States or flying around the flagpole. We get paid to do what we do when it matters. Our true jobs only exist in a warzone. Period.Maybe instead of being paid extra to be in a location where we can do the jobs we're hired to do we should have the 7.50 per day deducted from our pay when we're sitting at home practicing...Aside from that I say BRAVO to the DoD for making a change here that makes sense. All pays should be pro-rated. It makes no sense for someone to receive a full month's pay for only working one day...
MSgt S, Moody AFB
2/7/2012 1:08:17 PM ET
Blah blah blah blah blah. If you don't like your career field change it or get out. If you don't like getting prorated IDP get out. If you don't like that the Air Force's mission is to fly airplanes and it takes aircrew to do that get out. If you want to fly but don't want to be an officer join the Army. If you don't like your deployed location you should have volunteered for somewhere else before you got voluntold to go where you went. Bottom line quit your whining.
Maj, SWA
2/6/2012 11:27:26 AM ET
I think everyone who posts comments about rescue helicopters and all these incentive pays that we apparently abuse should watch what you post. Rescue guys earn their incentive pay and honestly dont get paid enough. I m HH-60 gunner and if you think a couple hundred of dollars a month is worth getting shot at by missiles and enemy ground gun fire while trying to land in LZ no bigger than the helicopter while in a brown out then call me. Never compare a C-5 aircrew guy to HH-60 aircrew guy. by the way have some respect fot our fallen. thanks...
Adrian, Moody
2/6/2012 10:21:44 AM ET
Airgunner meet boom. Boom represents the MAJORITY of aircrews. Better than everyone else and deserving of the special money afforded to them. Just like anything else in this world it only takes a handful of people to perpetuate a steretype. I will however say thank you for your hard work. Jealousy aside.
Same, Here
2/5/2012 3:28:22 PM ET
So apparently all aircrew are like C-5 aircrew Break in high per diem locations and sit In that case all non-flyers could probably be outsourced to contractors cheaper and higher quality of work. Generalities suck.I say score higher on your ASVAB or don't wash out of UPTUNT and you can enjoy benefits of being a flyer.
Boom, ARIP
2/5/2012 1:04:40 PM ET
Interesting first step. Now to remove IDP and HFP for countries not needing it and pro-rate tax free status. That should quell the wastefulness of senior leaders passing through the AOR every other month as a tax shelter.
2/5/2012 9:47:30 AM ET
I would rather be fat and happily see the world then be divorced skinny broke and shotdown on a helo. Ill hoist up a beer for you while my perdiem exceeds 3.50 a day plus 7.50. Just sayin....
TSgt Picka, MDL
2/4/2012 9:19:19 PM ET
@ Brandon those of us in CSAR don't do it for the extra pay. We do what we do that others may live any further questions @ Same if you would have read my OP you would realize that you are telling a CSAR guy something he already knows. Stop painting everyone with the same brush. @ Tony as an aircrew member in CSAR. I don't live in a fantasy world. YOU need to get your head out of the sand and stop laying blame to all for the actions of a few. @ Rick my feelings weren't hurt a bit. However thanks for clarifying your comment.
AirGunner, Here
2/4/2012 12:47:16 AM ET
Turkey...yeah...lots of IDF there. I cannot believe that those stationed there get the AFESR...and HFIDP...This is an issue that the USAF should have looked at long ago like someone the ' BS to get the pay there or in Kuwait or Manas. I remember years ago processing through the folks at Manas were like we are XX miles from Russia..FPCON Blah.. This when my guys and I loaded up while being shot at...
Retired, Retirement
2/3/2012 5:07:14 PM ET
@ Tony...Just to make it clear aircrews do not have the luxury of planning their stops. The stops are due to mission requirements and are not planned by the individual crews. They stops are based on numerous factors. The stops are watched with intense scrutiny due the fact the mission is to have the jets in the air.
Boomer, Here
2/3/2012 3:05:23 PM ET
Finally, someone somewhere trying to legitimately save money and making modifications/cuts that make sense. If you are there, you earned the pay; if you weren't, you didn't. Now they need to review the locations where IDHD is paid as mentioned below. All entitlements need to be on a case by case basis. Could common sense see a return? This is certainly a good start.
2/3/2012 3:02:30 PM ET
I recently returned from a 15-month unaccompanied tour to Incirlik where I enjoyed receiving HFP. Unless DoD considers the trots as hostile fire, then this location needs to be removed from the list.
Maj, staff
2/3/2012 2:41:32 PM ET
Hey AIRGUNNER, you must be living in a fantasy world. If you don't think aircrew plan their stops around a dollar bill you are nuts. Get your head out of the sand.
2/3/2012 2:05:25 PM ET
AirGunner, the percentage of Aircrews flying Pedro and CSAR missions in comparison to the rest of the aviation commuity is small. However, much like anything else, the stereotype has been given and for the most part well deserved.
Same, Here
2/3/2012 12:37:21 PM ET
I think it's a step in the right direction, but it sends a bit of a wrong message the risk of harm is only worth 7.50day. Maybe they could have pro-rated as a percentage or something. Something certainly needed to be done to cut the abuse though.
BigTom, OK
2/3/2012 11:50:58 AM ET
@Rick Mantangelo..Here are some angry Aircrew comments for you and you don't even have to count down...Did you know that you are posting to an Air Force site Air..get it We are a flying service so taking a shot at Aircrew is just stupid. I'm tired of all you haters that joined a flying service and hate flyers. It's as dumb as joining the Army and hating infantry or the Navy and hating ships. This goes for all of you haters not just Rick stop crying Crosstrain if you don't like what you do. If you want to get fat and see the world be a fixed wing aviator. If you want to see combat most of you don't join Rescue. Questions No Mahalo
Pedro Flight Engineer, Nellis
2/3/2012 11:37:34 AM ET
Airgunner, my irresponsible comment was aimed at the people spending a day in theater and getting paid for the whole month. I have the utmost respect for our CSAR folks; in fact I know they earn every cent of their pay. Hopefully that helps quell your hurt feelings a bit.
Rick Mantangelo, CONUS
2/3/2012 10:47:52 AM ET
@ Airgunner. Did you sign up for the job or the incentive pay? Now if we can get ride of Tops in Blue we'll be getting somewhere.
Brandon, Ellsworth
2/3/2012 9:04:45 AM ET
This is a step in the right direction. It always amazed me how many times a delay would occur at the end of a calendar month causing some to stay literally hours or even minutes into the next month only to get the next full months incentive pay.
FB, Here
2/3/2012 8:57:56 AM ET
@ Rick Mantangelo why don't you join us CSAR aircrews in theater especially doing the Pedro missions in Afghanistan for a day before you make such an irresponsible comment. Not all aircrew hunt for danger pay. We earn every bit of that now 7.50 a day then some. Waiting for your tearful response in 3...2...1
AirGunner, Here
2/3/2012 7:57:08 AM ET
Tearful aircrew comments in 3...2...1...
Rick Mantangelo, CONUS
2/3/2012 7:03:00 AM ET
Now they just need to review the list of IDHD locations. I never understood why people at the Deid received IDHD while I took daily IDF in Iraq. Where they in imminent danger of a hangover and sunbcurn
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