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McMorris Rodgers Joins Parents of Children with Special Needs

(Washington, D.C.) Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers joined more than a dozen parents to talk about the special needs of millions of children throughout the nation who rely on our health care system on a daily basis. 

“Throughout the health care reform process, it is very important that those with a disability have a voice in pending legislation.  Yesterday’s press conference was a step in the right direction for the disability community, and I look forward to hearing from others as well,” said McMorris Rodgers, who is mother of a 2-year-old son with Down syndrome.  

“I want to make certain that those in the disability community do not take a back seat in any type of health care reform that is passed by Congress,” McMorris further added.

“As we move forward with health care reform, we must remember to protect the doctor-patient relationship.  We need to ensure every American family has the ability to choose the doctor and treatment that best fits their needs.”

McMorris Rodgers believes there are solutions to our health care problems that focus on lowering costs, covering the vulnerable and making health insurance more accessible.  Additionally, she favors reforming medical liability laws, investing in health information technology and reducing waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid and enhancing quality of services provided. 

McMorris Rodgers also believes in empowering Americans to take control of their own health care decisions and leading healthier lives.

Destry Henderson