Due to translations, the other language editions of NATO Review go online approximately two weeks after the English version.

Here are the results of a survey of 103 Russian experts carried out by the Atlantic Initiative, a non-partisan, non-profit and independent organisation, providing analysis and recommendations on how to foster NATO-Russia relations.

First question: How would you describe Russia's relationship with NATO?

Question: Is it in Russia's interest to make agreement on missile defense a precondition for progress on other NATO-Russia cooperation initiatives?

Question: NATO and Russia agreed at the 2010 NATO Summit in Lisbon to develop a framework for ballistic missile defense cooperation. How likely is it that this cooperation will result in a joint defence shield within the next 20 years?

Question: Russia agreed to provide more support to NATO in Afghanistan (broadened transit arrangements through Russian territory, expanded counter-narcotics training and helicopter maintenance). What is your view on this increased cooperation?

Question: In your opinion, what are Russia's biggest concerns for cooperating with NATO on missile defence?

Question: Russia and NATO agreed to cooperate on many projects in Lisbon and a new momentum has been created. What could NATO and Russia do to ensure that this progress continues?

Question: What should NATO do to support Russian security interests?

Source: Atlantic Initiative

Here are the results of a survey of 103 Russian experts carried out by the Atlantic Initiative, a non-partisan, non-profit and independent organisation, providing analysis and recommendations on how to foster NATO-Russia relations.

First question: How would you describe Russia's relationship with NATO?

Question: Is it in Russia's interest to make agreement on missile defense a precondition for progress on other NATO-Russia cooperation initiatives?

Question: NATO and Russia agreed at the 2010 NATO Summit in Lisbon to develop a framework for ballistic missile defense cooperation. How likely is it that this cooperation will result in a joint defence shield within the next 20 years?

Question: Russia agreed to provide more support to NATO in Afghanistan (broadened transit arrangements through Russian territory, expanded counter-narcotics training and helicopter maintenance). What is your view on this increased cooperation?

Question: In your opinion, what are Russia's biggest concerns for cooperating with NATO on missile defence?

Question: Russia and NATO agreed to cooperate on many projects in Lisbon and a new momentum has been created. What could NATO and Russia do to ensure that this progress continues?

Question: What should NATO do to support Russian security interests?

Source: Atlantic Initiative

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