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Statement by Congressman Michael McCaul, member of the Foreign Affairs Middle East Subcommittee, on the president's address:

"It is unfortunate that two weeks ago this administration missed an opportunity to remove Gadhafi from power without the need for extended and costly US military engagement in Libya. More options for the swift removal of Gadhafi from power should have been considered earlier to neutralize the atrocities leveraged against his own people.

While NATO has taken command of the operation and our allies have taken a greater role in assisting the Libyan people, the President should not dismiss the significant cost incurred by the American people to launch this operation or downplay the continued and tremendous expense that Americans will bear to provide the robust support required to maintain operations for NATO and our international partners for an undefined duration.

The President must provide Congress and the American people greater details about our military commitment to Libya and beyond: 
how many of our men and women in uniform will be dedicated to this operation, how much will it cost, how will we pay for it, and what event or events, such as the removal of Gadhafi from power, will mark the end of our military involvement."