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Statement by Congressman McCaul on the passing of Neil Armstrong

Growing up in the age of the space race, I remember watching Neil Armstrong’s “one small step for man” and “one giant leap for mankind”.  He was among the explorers of his day in the Apollo and Gemini programs who truly embodied the American spirit, and along with President Kennedy’s challenge to land a man on the moon, inspired a generation.  At a time when society too frequently throws around such terms, Neil Armstrong truly was a pioneer and American hero.  

Four decades later I had the privilege to discuss the state of America’s space program with my childhood hero when he testified before the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.  (See video)


In response to my concern that eliminating NASA’s Constellation program would leave the United States dependent on other countries such as Russia to enter lower earth orbit for many years, jeopardize our national security and send a message to the world that the USA is no longer a dominant force in space exploration, Armstrong told me, “If for the next decade we have no access to space we will be viewed by people around the world as being a has been.”

Armstrong also summarized that “NASA has been unable to articulate a master plan that excites the imagination and provides a semblance of predictability to the aerospace industry”.  He continued, “For a country that has invested so much for so long to achieve a leadership position in space exploration, this condition is viewed by many as lamentably embarrassing and unacceptable.”

While Neil Armstrong lived a very private life and rarely made a public appearance, our nation will miss his presence.  As I told him during that May 2010 hearing, a thousand years from now no one will remember the names of any politician in Washington, but his name would still be known.  

VIDEO of McCaul-Armstrong testimony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b31JS41NTyA&feature=relmfu