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McCaul Bill to Designate Iran's Qods Force as Terrorist Organization Welcomed by Former DEA Ops Chief

Targets Iran’s Ties to Mexican Drug Cartels, Ability to Penetrate SW Border



Washington, D.C. – Citing Iran's growing nuclear capabilities, its nexus with Mexican drug cartels and its ability to exploit the Southwest border to attack the United States with a weapon of mass destruction, Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX)introduced legislation today that would designate Qods Force, the terrorist arm of the Iranian government, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.  

"(If) our nation's security resources and apparatus, understands that they are now a designated foreign terrorist organization it just naturally causes them to focus more heavily on that threat. That designation means a great, great deal," testified Michael Braun, former Chief of Operations, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

Iran's attempt to hire a Mexican drug cartel in a plot to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador in Washington last year exposed the likelihood that Iran and Hezbollah cells in Latin America, that historically finance terrorist operations, could turn operational.  This would give Iran greater ability to launch an attack inside the United States.  The International Atomic Energy Agency has reported that Iran has enriched more than 100 kilograms of uranium to 20% grade – enough, according to experts, to build an effective dirty bomb.

"This is a very dangerous cocktail," said Rep. McCaul, whose 2006 report exposing the threat of Mexican drug cartels also documented Hezbollah’s presence in Mexico.  "While Iran cannot deliver a nuclear missile, the idea that they could have weapons grade uranium and bring that across the southwest border in say a backpack and detonate adirty bomb in the United States, does become a more real threat."

H.R. 4228, co-sponsored by Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King (R-NY), would provide U.S. Law enforcement with enhanced tools to prosecute Iran's Qods Force as a Foreign Terrorist Organization or anyone who provides material support.  Witnesses today testified that there are an unknown number of Qods Force and Hezbollah operatives in the United States.

"If anyone thinks for a moment that Hezbollah and Qods Force, the masters at leveraging and exploiting existing elicit infrastructures globally, are notgonna focus on our Southwest border and use that as perhaps a springboard in attacking our country then they don't understand how the real underworld works," Braun said.

Effects of FTO Designation

  • Separate charges can be brought against anyone providing “material support or resources” to FTOs.  This includes but is not limited to money, identification, lodging, training, weapons and transportation.
  • The penalty for providing material support or resources is up to 15 years in prison and possible fine.  A life sentence may be imposed if their actions resulted in death.  This penalty is levied in addition to penalties for any associated crime.
  • Any foreign member of an FTO can be deported from the United States even if they are in this countrylegally.
  •  Banks must freeze any funds tied to FTOs

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