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Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Chairman of Homeland Security Oversight & Investigations, on today's vote to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress

VIDEO of House Floor Remarks (different from statement below)http://youtu.be/QSkJjQ1mWfw

“As a former federal prosecutor at the Department of Justice, I believe it is of utmost importance to understand all the facts of a case before passing judgment.  After briefings on Operation Fast and Furious and months of debate between the Administration and the Congress that has played out before multiple congressional committees, it is clear that Attorney General Holder is in contempt of Congress and should resign.

“The Department of Justice under General Holder has failed to comply with subpoenas demanding documents related to the botched operation.  Under the Constitution, the congressional committee investigating the matter has oversight jurisdiction over the executive branch. 

“The fact that the White House asserted executive privilege minutes before a contempt vote in committee doesn’t pass the smell test.  As Chairman Issa stated in his letter to the president, executive privilege is only applicable to “those documents and communications to and from the President and his most senior advisors.”  Yet, the White House maintains it has not played a role in advising DOJ in this matter.

“This case takes on such great importance because Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by a weapon that the Department of Justice placed in the hands of Mexican drug cartels.  Understanding who knew what, and when about this ill-conceived operation is essential fortransparency and accountability, both of which are necessary to maintain the American people’s trust in the federal government.

“In February, as Chairman of Oversight on the Homeland Security Committee, I requested the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General investigate the extent of DHS’s involvement in Operation Fast and Furious. While the investigation is still ongoing, the Inspector General has personally assured me the investigation is being given the highest priority and will report its findings in the near future.”

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Congressman McCaul served as a federal prosecutor at the Department of Justice prior to his election to the U.S. House.