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McCaul Subcommittee News

As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations and Management, Congressman McCaul has oversight jurisdiction of all Department of Homeland Security operations.

9/21/12 - Homeland Security Subcommittee Hearing | DHS Management Acquisition Challenges: How to Save Taxpayer Money

Hearing Advisory: DHS Management Acquisition Challenges: How to Save Taxpayer Money

Press Release: DHS Silence Deafening in Failure to Disclose What it Spends on Employee Conferences

9/14/12 - Homeland Security Subcommittee Hearing | Lessons from Fort Hood: Improving Out Ability to Connect the Dots

Hearing Advisory: Lessons from Fort Hood: Improving Our Ablility to Connect the Dots

Press Release: Intelligence Breakdowns, Human Failure Led to Fort Hood Terrorist Attack

7/19/12 - Homeland Security Subcommittee Hearing | Examining Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones) Inside the U.S.

Hearing Advisory: Examining Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones) Inside the U.S.

Press Release:

5/21/12 - Homeland Security Subcommittee Hearing | U.S.-Caribbean Border: Open Road for Drug Trffickers & Terrorists

Hearing Advisory: U.S.-Caribbean Border: Open Road for Drug Traffickers & Terrorists

Press Release: McCaul Hearing Exposes America's Unprotected 'Third' Border

5/17/12 - Homeland Security Subcommittee Hearing | Examining DHS Ethical Standards in Wake of Theft, Corruption, Inappropriate Behavior

Hearing Advisory: Examining DHS Ethical Standards in Wake of Theft, Corruption, Inappropriate Behavior

Press Release: CBP Testifies Drug Cartels Attempting to Infiltrate U.S. Law Enforcement

5/1/12 - Homeland Security Subcommittee Hearing | Using Technology to Facilitate Trade and Enhance Security at Our Ports of Entry

Hearing Advisory: Using Technology to Facilitate Trade and Enhance Security at Our Ports of Entry

Press Release: Hearing: Free Flow of Commerce, U.S. Economy Increasingly Threatened by Cartel Drug Trade and Violence

4/24/12 - Homeland Security Oversight Hearing | America is Under Cyber Attack: Why Urgent Action is Needed

Hearing Advisory: America is Under Cyber Attack: Why Urgent Action is Needed
Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks:

Press Release: McCaul Hearing Demonstrates Urgent Need to Secure Critical Infrastructure

3/22/12 - Homeland Security Oversight Hearing | DHS Gets Poor Grade for Morale & Leadership, Among Lowest in Federal Government

Hearing Advisory: DHS Gets Poor Grade for Morale & Leadership, Among Lowest in Federal Government
Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks:

Press Release: McCaul Hearing Reveals Poor Leadership Driving Low Morale at DHS

3/8/12 - Homeland Security Oversight Hearing | Another "SBInet" Highlights Continued Waste, Fraud, Abuse, Duplication in the Department of Homeland Security

Hearing Advisory: Another "SBInet" Highlights Continued Waste, Fraud, Abuse, Duplication in the Department of Homeland Security
Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text as prepared)

Press Release: Hearing Reveals Need for Internal Oversight at DHS CBP Corruption, Mistaken Airport Access, Delayed Projects Put National Security at Risk

3/1/12 - Homeland Security Oversight Hearing | DHS Failure to Integrate Management Systems Results in Scrapped Programs, Wasted Taypayer Dollars

Hearing Advisory: DHS Failure to Integrate Management systems Results in Scrapped Programs, Wasted Taxpayer Dollars
Press Release: McCaul Hearing Finds Bipartisan Agreement: DHS Mismanagement Affects Mission Performance

2/3/12 - Homeland Security Oversight Hearing | What's Wrong with DHS? McCaul to Examine Mission Delays, Performance Problems in First in Series of Hearings

Hearing Advisory: McCaul to Examine 'What's Wrong with DHS'
Press Release: McCaul Cyber Amendments Limit Regulations, Single Out Foreign Threats to Critical Infrastructure

12/13/11 - Congressman McCaul Urges DHS to Use Military Assessment to  Secure US-MX Border

Press Advisory: McCaul Urges DHS to Use Military Assessment to Secure US-MX Border

10/26/11 - Homeland Security Joint Hearing |Oversight & Investigations Counterterrorism & Intelligence
Iranian Terror Operatoins on American Soil

Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text as Prepared)

Press Advisory: Oversight & Investigations Counterterrorism & Intelligence: Iranian Terror Operations on American Soil

10/17/11 - Homeland Security Oversight Field Hearing in Austin |  Texas Wildfire Review: Did Bureaucracy Prevent a Timely Response?

Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text as Prepared)
Press Advisory: Texas Wildfire Review: Did Bureaucracy Prevent a Timely Response?

10/14/11 - Homeland Security Oversight Hearing |  A Call to Action: Narco-Terrorism's Threat to the Southern U.S. Border

Video: Hearing Testimony
Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text as Prepared) (Video)
Press Release: Generals Testify of Drug Cartels' National Security Threat, Need to Secure Border

10/4/11 - Homeland Security | Foreign Affairs Joint Hearing: Merida Part Two: Insurgency and Terrorism in Mexico

Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text as Prepared)
Press Advisory: Merida Part Two: Insurgency and Terrorism in Mexico

09/16/11 - Homeland Security Hearing at Boston Logan Airport

Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text as Prepared)
Press Release: Behavioral Analysis Pilot Working to Weed Out Real Threats
Press Advisory: Ten Years After 9/11: Assessing Airport Security and Preventing a Future Terrorist Attack

08/24/11 - Field Hearing at Port of Houston

Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text as Prepared)
GAO's testimony: (as entered into the record)

Witness Testimony: James T. Edmonds, Adrian Garcia, William J. Diehl, James Whitehead
Press Release: Oversight Hearing Reveals Vulnerabilities of Port of Houston, Nation's Energy Supply to Terrorist Attack

Press Release: Preventing an Economic Shock Wave: Securing the Port of Houston from a Terrorist Attack
Hearing Photos: (picture one), (picture two), (picture three), (picture four), (picture five)
Ship Tour Photos: (picture one), (picture two), (picture three), (picture four), (picture five)

07/15/11 - Homeland Security Contracting: Does the Department Effectively Leverage Emerging Technologies?

Video: Hearing Testimony
Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Texas As Prepared) (Video)
Press Release: DHS Tells McCaul it is Backing Off Purchase of Faulty Radiation Detectors

07/07/11 - Homeland Security Investigations: Examining DHS's Efforts to Protect American Jobs and Secure the Homeland

Video: Hearing Testimony
Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text As Prepared)
Unofficial Transcript of Chairman McCaul’s Exchange with Witnesses
Press Release: DHS Policy Opens Floodgates for Counterfeit Microchips to Enter US

06/03/11 - Denying Terrorist Safe Havens: Homeland Security's Efforts to Counter Threats From Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia

Video: Hearing Testimony Part 1 and Part 2
Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text As Prepared) (Video)
GAO Report: U.S. Government Should Improve Its Reporting of Terrorist Safe Havens
Other: (Inside Osama Bin Laden Compound) (Map of Location of Compound)

Press Release: Pakistan's Efforts to Deny Safe Havens to Terrorists, Prevent Attacks are Unclear in Wake of Bin Laden Killing

05/11/11 - On the Border and in the Line of Fire: U.S. Law Enforcement, Homeland Security and Drug Cartel Violence

Video: Hearing Testimony
Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text As Prepared) (Video)
Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety Opening Remarks: (Text As Prepared)
Press Release: Texas, Arizona Law Enforcement Tell Congress that US Border Violence, Holes in Security are Reality

03/31/11 - The U.S. Homeland Security Role in the Mexican War Against Drug Cartels

Video: Hearing Testimony
Chairman McCaul Opening Remarks: (Text: As Prepared) (Video)

H.R. 1270: Drug Cartel Designation As Terrorist
Press Release: McCaul Seeks To Classify Drug Cartels As Terrorist