NGA provides timely, relevant, and accurate geospatial intelligence in support of national security.

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Putting the power of GEOINT in your hands.

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Research and Grants 

Research and Grants 

NGA is unique in the Intelligence Community as one of the few agencies that awards grants and other agreements. Below are the various types of programs available through NGA and links to more information.

NGA invests significant resources in research and development to accomplish the agency's mission of providing timely, relevant and accurate geospatial-intelligence to national, military, and civilian customers in support of national security objectives. It is DOD policy to use technology transfer activities to strengthen the industrial base and make the best use of national scientific and technical capabilities to enhance then effectiveness of DOD forces and systems. NGA uses CRADAs for its technology partnerships, and actively seeks commercial and academic research collaborators.

The NGA Academic Research Program is focused on innovative, far-reaching basic and applied research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics that has the potential to advance the GEOINT mission. The objective of the NARP is to support innovative, high-payoff research that provides the basis for revolutionary progress in areas of science and technology affecting the needs and mission of NGA. This research also supports the National System for Geospatial Intelligence, which is the combination of technology, systems and organizations that gather, produce, distribute and consume geospatial data and information. The end result is aimed at advancing GEOINT capabilities by improving analytical methods, enhancing and expanding systems capabilities, and leveraging resources for NGA, DOD and the IC.

NGA is the only member of the Intelligence Community that participates in the Small Business Innovation Research program Members of the IC are exempt from SBIR. But, NGA found that the SBIR program is valuable enough to warrant voluntary participation.