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Army Fielding New Joint Medical Logistics Tool
July 30, 2012 by MC4 Public Affairs
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Staff Sgt. Stephonee Payne, a pharmacist with the 325th Combat Support Hospital, processes medical supply orders for the U.S. Military Hospital Kuwait using the DMLSS 3.1.2 Prime Vendor Generation IV app upgrade. View on Flickr

Staff Sgt. Stephonee Payne, a pharmacist with the 325th Combat Support Hospital, processes medical supply orders for the U.S. Military Hospital Kuwait using the DMLSS 3.1.2 Prime Vendor Generation IV app upgrade. View on Flickr

Sgt. 1st Class Nichole Cunningham, the Area Support Group - Kuwait Class VIII warehouse non-commissioned officer in charge, performs daily maintenance on the DMLSS server. View on Flickr

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  • DMLSS upgrade will reduce errors, improve customer service and enhance the processing, ordering and delivery of supplies
  • MC4 users in five locations will be using the new medical supply interface by fall 2012
  • Training for DMLSS and other MEDLOG tools will be universal


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FORT DETRICK, Md. – Army medical logistics processes are receiving long-awaited improvements with the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) 3.1.2 Prime Vendor Generation IV app upgrade. The new software will reduce errors, improve customer service and make processing, ordering and delivery of supplies more efficient through enhanced capabilities for medical logisticians. The upgrades will affect all echelons, to include Army medical treatment facilities, medical logistics companies and combat support hospitals.

"We are on the cusp of achieving an Army Medical Department [AMEDD] strategic goal of a joint medical logistics enterprise solution from foxhole to sustaining base,” said Dana Baker, chief of the Medical Logistics Informatics Division at the Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG)/Medical Command, who assisted with the DMLSS upgrade management. "Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine units in theater and medical treatment facilities will now share the same automated medical system.”

The DMLSS upgrades will be fielded to 61 Army units and more than 5,000 users located in eight countries: United States, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Korea and Japan. About 150 Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) users in five locations will gain use of the new medical supply interface by fall 2012.

DMLSS is an automated information system enabling the management of inventory, ordering of supplies, tracking and maintenance of medical equipment. Army medical personnel using the MC4 system to electronically manage medical supplies (class VIII) will soon experience new DMLSS capabilities that include price validation and catalog management.

Training for DMLSS and other MEDLOG tools will be made universal. A similar design framework was used for DMLSS and the DMLSS Customer Assistance Module (DCAM), another application for managing class VIII supplies, which MC4 users are set to receive updates for later this year. With a similar look and feel, the learning curve is reduced and crossing over among applications is streamlined among other enhancements.

"Improved catalog data, synchronized to an authoritative data source and providing one-stop shopping for complete, accurate and up-to-date vendor catalog data is the major enhancement for GEN IV users,” Baker said. "The ultimate goal is to reduce pricing errors. These enhancements are a result of feedback from users, inefficiencies and corrupted data that we [OTSG] identified.”

Moving forward, the catalog will look the same on every computer and connect to a medical master catalog authoritative source. This improvement will reduce cost of goods, improve the identity and accessibility of items and facilitate medical surgical standardization efforts.

The three year project to upgrade DMLSS to 3.1.2 will be implemented by August 2013, at which time the Army will sunset a legacy system; the Theater Army Medical Materiel Information System (TAMMIS) will be turned off. TAMMIS is a medical supply app dating back to the 1990s. No longer will Soldiers have to work with green screens and function keys to manage medical supply orders because DMLSS has a graphic user interface that provides a modern look and feel.

"Migrating to a joint medical logistics enterprise system positions us to embrace shared services and data,” Baker said. "The Army won’t have to support and resource an AMEDD-unique medical logistics system anymore.”

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