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USA Map with Facts in Brief

USA Map with Facts in Brief

USA Map with Facts in Brief

This publication includes plenty of facts and statistics about the United States -- its government, geography, environment, sports and entertainment, the economy and employment, education, transportation, and population.

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Inside This Publication

October 2007


  • Government

    Contains facts and statistics about the U.S. government

  • Economy

    Collection of facts on the U.S. economy

  • Education

    U.S. schools, from elementary to graduate levels

  • Geography

    U.S. is the fourth largest country in the world

  • Environment

    Facts on U.S. climate and conservation

  • Population

    General statistics about the U.S. population

  • Transportation

    Major forms of transport in the United States

  • Sports and Entertainment

    Collection of facts on sports, entertainment and recreation

  • USA Timeline

    Significant events in U.S. history


  • map of the USA

    This electronic version of one of the State Department's most popular publications contains basic information on the economy, national holidays, sports and entertainment, transportation and communication, geography and environment, population, education, and the government of the United States.

Feature Article

  • graph
    American Girls and Women Go for Sports

    Between 1971 and 2005, female participation in collegiate sports increased 456 percent. In the same period, female participation in high school sports increased more than 900 percent to about 3,000,000.


  • chart
    A New U.S. Religious Landscape

    A tradition of religious tolerance plus constitutional safeguards have made religious life in the United States one of most diverse and vibrant in the world.

Did You Know?

  • The first presidential election was authorized on September 13, 1788, by the Constitutional Convention; the presidential election authorized in this resolution took place on February 4, 1789.