Missle Defense Agency

U.S Department of Defense

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Lead the Greatest Technological Achievement of Our Time

The Missile Defense Agency is assembling a team of career professionals to develop and deploy one of the most challenging and advanced technological undertakings since the U.S. moon landing.

Here’s your chance to participate in our layered Missile Defense System, which is being developed and tested to defend our country, our allies, and our troops in the field.

The MDA is looking for bright engineers, scientists, program managers and more with diverse background experience and education, insight, ability and a clear sense of mission. If you are prepared, talented and motivated, we have a position for you serving your country and defending freedom in one of the most critical efforts in history. »

U.S. Missile Defense Agency. Missile Defense. It’s not a game. But you do get to save the world.

U.S. Missile Defense Agency. The YAL-1 Airborne Laser. It’s carried by a 747, Acquires its target in 8 seconds, And engages at the speed of light.

There is an inbound missle only five feet long, 200 miles into space, closing at 15,000 miles per hour. How will you keep America safe?