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Process Receipts in DCAM


Processing receipts in DCAM can be done using the traditional single receipt process or the new multiple receipt process.

Complete Receipt - Single
Verify quantity and Unit of Purchase (U/P) Price against the Materiel Release Order (MRO) to ensure this is a complete receipt and click OK to process a complete receipt.

Complete Receipt with Partial Cancellation - Single

  1. Verify quantity, U/P price, against the MRO to ensure it is a complete receipt.
  2. Enter the <manual cancel quantity>.
  3. Adjust the Receipt Quantity to reflect actual receipt amount.
  4. Click OK to process.

Partial Receipt, Stock Still Due In - Single

  1. A suffix code other than "Z" indicates a partial receipt. Enter <suffix code> from MRO.
  2. Enter the <actual quantity> received in the Receipt Quantity field and verify the U/P price.
  3. The receipt will process the received quantity and the remaining balance pending receipt of the follow-on stock will appear in the Remaining Due In field.

Complete Receipt, Complete Receipt with Partial Cancellation, Partial Receipt w/Stock Still Due In - Mass Receipts (Excerpt)
Mass Receipts show multiple due ins at once within DCAM, speeding up the receipt process. While this process is faster, it still follows the same rules for receiving material.

  1. Complete Receipt: A checkmark is only required. Suffix is Z.
  2. Complete Receipt with Partial Cancellation: Enter a checkmark, the <actual quantity received> and the <quantity to cancel>. Suffix is Z.
  3. Partial Receipt with Stock Still Due In: Enter a checkmark, the <actual quantity received>, and change the suffix to match the MRO. After processing, the remaining Due In Quantity will remain in the Receipts window.

NOTE: Always verify the price and quantities against the MRO.

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