Information Papers

Military Construction Transformation

What is it?
Military Construction (MILCON) Transformation is the project-delivery process the Army is using to provide quality, adaptable, and sustainable facilities in less time and at lower cost. Key to this effort is the standardization of processes and facilities as well as the adoption of private-sector best practices. The Army is moving away from overly prescriptive requirements to performance-based criteria, and from design-build acquisition to site-adapt facilities. Site adaptation is scheduled to begin for Army standard facilities in FY09. Under MILCON Transformation, the following trends can be expected:

What has the Army done?
MILCON Transformation principles were applied on a limited pilot basis in FY06. In FY07, these principles were applied to much of the $7 billion of construction for the Army. One result of these efforts is the successful progress in construction of brigade combat team (BCT) facilities. Use of MILCON Transformation principles has put the Army on track to complete these key facilities within 18 to 24 months, which is an expectation of the Army leadership. Moreover, an observable increase in industry interest in the Army construction program across most geographical regions of the country will likely lead to greater competition and better value for the Army.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?
The Army is placing more emphasis on predesign planning. Together with the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM) and the Installation Management Command (IMCOM), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is focused on cost and scope validation to allow the Army to fund required FY09 project-level shortfalls and to prioritize construction requirements in the remaining years of the current program objective memorandum. ACSIM, IMCOM and USACE are posturing themselves to move out on the development of budget book–ready DD Form 1391s for the new BCTs resulting from the grow-the-force initiative and are looking ahead to shaping the FY10 program. USACE Centers of Standardization are on track to have facility-specific regional contracts in place in FY08 to facilitate the acquisition and construction of Army standard facilities. Results of the design-build–generated designs of standard facilities for the period FY06 through FY08 will be used to determine the "standard" model to be used in the future adapt-build mode.

Why is this important to the Army?
MILCON Transformation will ensure the Army has the facilities and infrastructure necessary to provide the Combatant Commanders with the capabilities to achieve national defense strategy objectives. These facilities will ensure that our Soldiers and Families will have a quality of training and quality of life commensurate with their service.