Power Projection and #WARFIGHTING

This is the third of five entries looking at Navy #Warfighting by Rear Adm. Michael Smith, Director, Strategy and Policy Division (N51).

“It is the function of the Navy to carry the war to the enemy so that it will not be fought on U.S. soil.”
Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz

Power projection is the ability of a nation to apply elements of its national power outside of its territory to respond to crises, contribute to deterrence, and protect national interests.  Naval power projection involves influencing events on land from the sea, and requires a full spectrum of lethal, non-lethal, conventional, and special capabilities applied in concert to gain an advantage.

With our Navy we have the unique ability to help influence events overseas by being continuously forward deployed and operationally ready to respond to events quickly and effectively.  In short, power projection is the Navy’s ready, versatile offensive punch, employed across a broad spectrum of military operations to deter or defeat aggression and, if required, enable the introduction and sustainment of follow-on forces.

In cooperation with our allies and joint force partners, the Navy is able to apply the inherent lethality, flexibility, and reach of our naval forces across all operational domains: sea, air, land, space and cyberspace.  Power projection capabilities include cruise missiles, naval aircraft, naval surface fires, electronic warfare, amphibious forces (employed in concert with our Marine partners), SEALs, and other naval special warfare units.

While the Navy is capable of overcoming many geographic challenges, naval forces today face increasingly capable anti-access/area-denial threats that make power projection in some critical areas of operation more risky.  The Navy therefore remains constantly engaged in the development and implementation of new capabilities and techniques designed to address such threats.

I hope you will share your thoughts on power projection with me, and I look forward to hearing from you.