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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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FDA Public Health Advisory, January 2006: Consumers Filling U.S. Prescriptions Abroad May Get the Wrong Active Ingredient Because of Confusing Drug Names

The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising healthcare professionals and consumers that filling U.S. prescriptions abroad may give patients the wrong active ingredient for treating their health condition. Some FDA-approved products have the same brand names as drug products that are marketed outside the U.S. but contain completely different active ingredients. In addition, 105 U.S. brand names are so similar to foreign brand names used for products with different active ingredients that patients who fill prescriptions abroad may inadvertently get the wrong drugs. Using the wrong drugs creates avoidable risks of adverse drug reactions with no health improvements. Consumers who fill U.S. prescriptions abroad, either when traveling or when shopping at foreign internet pharmacies, need to take caution because foreign drugs may use identical or potentially confusing brand names for products with different active ingredients.

Identical or very similar brand names, if associated with different active ingredients, may cause preventable pharmacy errors because approximately three quarters of all U.S. prescriptions are written using brand names rather than the scientific (or so-called "generic") names of the active ingredients.1 To minimize confusion within the U.S., FDA has procedures in place to review brand names for use in the U.S. proposed by the manufacturer, relative to U.S. marketed product names. No international regulatory system exists, however, to ensure that new brand names are sufficiently different from existing ones elsewhere in the world to prevent undue confusion by pharmacists who are filling prescriptions from outside their country.

The FDA found 18 foreign drug products that use the same brand name as an FDA-approved medication but contain a different active ingredient. Table 1 lists the 18 foreign brand names, along with the active ingredients used in the U.S. and abroad, and the foreign country where the other active ingredient is marketed. The list excludes drug products available only in a hospital setting and drugs regulated as controlled substances in the U.S. This list focuses on prescription-only products, although similar and identical names exist among over-the-counter remedies.2 While some of the identical brand names have different active ingredients appropriate for the same health condition, these products should not be substituted without the guidance of a healthcare professional due to different doses, side effects, allergies, and interactions with other drugs.

FDA cautions that this list of identical brand names used for different drugs in other countries is probably not comprehensive and is subject to change. To develop this list, FDA used Chemindex(TM), a proprietary database from a data vendor named IMS Health to compare brand names for single-ingredient products marketed in the U.S. and 28 other industrialized countries in 2003.3 FDA also used Martindale Product Index, an online drug reference database to identify some foreign drug names and indications.

Earlier reports confirm the risks described here. In a January 13, 2005 newsletter, the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) described a serious adverse event resulting from drug marketed abroad that had the same name as a product marketed in the U.S. but contained an active ingredient different from the product in the U.S. ISMP described a patient who traveled to Serbia and ran out of Dilacor XR (diltiazem extended release), marketed by Watson Labs in the U.S., and used to treat high blood pressure. A Serbian pharmacist filled the prescription with digoxin 0.25 mg because in Serbia, Dilacor, marketed by a local company, is a brand name for digoxin. Digoxin is used to treat heart failure as well as abnormal heart rhythms, and requires blood testing for close monitoring of the amount of the drug in the body to avoid serious adverse events. The patient, who continued taking the medication without realizing it was digoxin and not diltiazem, was hospitalized with life-threatening drug toxicity after his return to the U.S. An article in the Wall Street Journal on August 16, 2005 noted the risks inherent in identical brand names being used for products with different active ingredients and listed six such brand names for drugs sold in the both U.S. and in Europe. 4

FDA has also found 105 U.S. brand names for which there are foreign brand names that look or sound so much alike that consumers who fill prescriptions abroad may receive the wrong active ingredient as the result of pharmacy errors.5 For example, Ambyen is a brand name for amiodarone, used to treat abnormal heart rhythms, in the United Kingdom. A supply of Amyben in place of Ambien (zolpidem tartrate), a sleeping medicine marketed in the U.S., could have a serious adverse outcome. These very similar sounding brand names and the associated active ingredients are listed in Table 2 below, though this list is likely incomplete.

The similarities between the U.S. and foreign names listed in Table 2 may contribute to potentially harmful pharmacy errors. Using a computer algorithm, FDA compared the degree of similarity of drug names listed in Table 2 with the degree of similarity of drug names that ISMP reported were actually confused by pharmacists and doctors in the U.S.6 The drug name pairs in Table 2 are much more similar than those for which ISMP has reported that a patient received the wrong drug because of drug name confusion. This advisory complements the ISMP study data findings. FDA plans to update this advisory, as appropriate, after it collects more information.


Table 1
Identical U.S. and Foreign Brand Names Associated With Different Active Ingredients
Brand Name U.S. Active Ingredient U.S. Indication Foreign Active Ingredient Foreign Indication Foreign Country
Aldactone spironolactone water pill Potassium canrenoate water pill Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary
Alphadine* povidone-iodine disinfectant Ranitidine ulcer Greece
  Antagon*   ganirelix   fertility Astemizole allergies Mexico
Ranitidine ulcer Brazil
Calan verapamil heart conditions Vinpocetine stroke symptoms Japan
Cervidil dinoprostone labor induction Gemeprost labor induction Italy
Cloderm clocortolone pivalate dry, itchy skin Clotrimazole fungal skin infections Germany
Diasorb activated attapulgite diarrhea Loperamide diarrhea U.K.
  Dilacor   diltiazem   heart conditions Digoxin heart failure Serbia
Verapamil heart conditions Brazil
Barnidipine blood pressure Argentina
Flomax tamsulosin enlarged prostate Morniflumate anti-inflammatory Italy
Hexalen* altretamine ovarian cancer Hexetidine antiseptic mouthwash Greece
Naqua** trichlormethiazide water pill Furosemide water pill Portugal
Norpramin desipramine depression Omeprazole ulcer Spain
Rubex doxorubicin cancer ascorbic acid vitamin C deficiency Ireland
Urex methenamine urinary tract infection Furosemide water pill Australia
Vivelle* estradiol hormone replacement norgestimate, ethinylestradiol birth control Austria


*These products have different dosage forms, so that use of the wrong drug seems relatively unlikely, although the difference in active ingredients should be noted.
**Naqua was identified based on the Wall Street Journal story on August 6, 2005.



Table 2
Similar U.S. and Foreign Brand Names Associated With Different Active Ingredients
US Brand Name US Active
US Indication Foreign Brand Name Foreign Active Ingredient Foreign Indication* Foreign Country
Accupril Quinapril HCL high blood pressure Acepril Lisinopril high blood pressure Denmark
Acepril Enalapril high blood pressure Hungary, Switzerland
Acepril Captopril high blood pressure UK
Albenza Albendazole parasite infections Avanza Mirtazapine depression Australia
Allegra Fexofenadine HCL allergies Allegro Frovatriptan headache Germany
Allegro Fluticasone Proprionate allergies Israel
Allegra D Fexofenadine HCL; Pseudoephedrine HCL allergies/cold symptoms Allegro Frovatriptan headache Germany
Allegro Fluticasone Proprionate allergies Israel
Aralen Chloroquine Phosphate malaria Oralon Povidone-Iodine disinfectant Japan
Paralen Paracetamol mild to moderate pain Czech Republic
Avandia Rosiglitazone Maleate diabetes Avanza Mirtazapine depression Australia
Betagan Levobunolol HCL glaucoma Betagon Mepindolol glaucoma Italy
Beta-Val Betamethasone Valerate skin problems Betanol Metipranolol glaucoma Monaco
Betimol Timolol glaucoma Betanol Metipranolol glaucoma Monaco
Carac Fluorouracil cancer Carace Lisinopril high blood pressure Ireland, UK
Cardene Nicardipine HCL high blood pressure, chest pain Cardem Celiprolol high blood pressure, chest pain Spain
Cardin Methyldopa high blood pressure Brazil
Cardizem Diltiazem HCL high blood pressure, chest pain Cardem Celiprolol high blood pressure, chest pain Spain
Cedax Ceftibuten Dihydrate infection Codex Saccharomyces Boulardii GI disorders Italy
Cefotan Cefotetan Disodium infection Lexotan Bromazepam anxiety Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, UK
Cefiton Cefixime infection Portugal
Ceftin Cefuroxime Axetil infection Cefiton Cefixime infection Portugal
Ceftina Cefalotin infection Mexico
Ceftim Ceftazidime infection Italy
Cenestin Estrogens; Conjugated Synthetic menopause Canesten Clotrimazole fungal infections Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, UK
Clobex Clobetasol Propionate skin problems Codex Saccharomyces Boulardii GI disorders Italy
Cognex Tacrine HCL Alzheimer's disease Codex Saccharomyces Boulardii GI disorders Italy
Depen Penicillamine Wilson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis Depon Paracetamol pain, fever Greece
Dipen Diltiazem high blood pressure, chest pain Greece
Desferal Deferoxamine Mesylate lower blood iron Deseril Methysergide migraines Australia, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, UK
Desyrel Trazodone HCL depression Desurol Oxolinic Acid urinary tract infections Czech Republic
Deseril Methysergide migraines Australia, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, UK
Detrol Tolterodine Tartrate bladder control Desurol Oxolinic Acid urinary tract infections Czech Republic
Didrex Benzphetamine HCL appetite suppression Nitrex Isosorbide Mononitrate chest pain Italy
Dilantin Phenytoin seizures Dolantine Pethidine Hcl relieves moderate to severe pain, including labor pain Belgium, Switzerland
Dilor Diphylline asthma, bronchitis, emphysema Dilar Paramethasone inflammation France, Mexico
Diuril Chlorothiazide blood pressure, swelling associated with heart & liver failure Duorol Paracetamol pain, fever Spain
Doxil Doxorubicin HCL cancer Doxal Doxepin depression, anxiety, insomnia Finland
Doxal Doyxcycline infection Austria
Doxal Pyridoxine Hcl, Thiamine Hcl vitamin Brazil
Epipen Epinephrine severe allergic reaction Epigen Glycyrrhizinic Acid herpes infections Mexico
      Epopen Epoetin Alfa blood loss Spain
Estring Estradiol menopause Estrena Estradiol menopause Finland
Estrone Estrone menopause Estrena Estradiol menopause Finland
Eurax Crotamiton scabies skin infection Urex Furosemide swelling caused by congestive heart failure, liver disease, or kidney disease. Australia
Flarex Fluorometholone Acetate red, watery eyes Flurets Sodium Fluoride cavity prevention Australia
Fluarix Vaccine, Influenza influenza prevention Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, UK
Fluorex Sodium Fluoride cavity prevention France
Flomax Tamsulosin HCL enlarged prostate Flomox Cefcapene Pivoxil Hcl infection Japan
Florone Diflorasone Diacetate skin disorders Fluoron Fluorine cavity prevention Canada
Fluoron Fluorine cavity prevention Canada
Flogene Fentiazac pain, inflammation Italy
Flogene Piroxicam Betadex pain, inflammation Brazil
Florone-E Diflorasone Diacetate skin disorders Fluoron Fluorine cavity prevention Canada
Flovent Fluticasone Propionate asthma Flogen Naproxen pain, inflammation Mexico
Floxin Ofloxacin infection Flogen Naproxen pain, inflammation Mexico
Fluoxin Fluoxetine depression Czech Republic
Flexin Orphenadrine Citrate muscle spasm Israel
Fluor-Op Fluorometholone red, watery eyes Fluoron Fluorine cavity prevention Canada
Foradil Formoterol Fumarate asthma Theradol Tramadol pain Netherlands
Fosamax Alendronate Sodium osteoporosis (thinning of the bone) Fisamox Amoxicillin infection Australia
Genotropin Somatropin Recombinant growth problems Genatropine Atropine digestion problems France
Hydrea Hydroxyurea cancer Hydra Isoniazid tuberculosis Japan
Hytone Hydrocortisone skin disorders Hysone Hydrocortisone adrenal insufficiency, inflammation Australia
Imitrex Sumatriptan headache Nitrex Isosorbide Mononitrate chest pain Italy
Inderal Propranolol HCL high blood pressure Indiaral Loperamide diarrhea France
Inderal La Propranolol HCL high blood pressure Indiaral Loperamide diarrhea France
Kionex Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate lower blood potassium Kinex Biperiden Parkinson's Disease Mexico
Lamisil Terbinafine fungal infections Lemesil Nimesulide pain, inflammation Greece
Lanoxin Digoxin heart failure Lemoxin Cefuroxime infection Mexico
Limoxin Amoxicillin infection Mexico
Levatol Penbutolol Sulfate high blood pressure Lovacol Lovastatin high cholesterol Chile, Finland
Lidopen Lidocaine HCL anesthetic (numbs body to pain) Linoten Pamidronate Disodium stop bone loss Spain
Lincocin Lincomycin HCL infection Lidosen Lidocaine local anesthesia Italy
Limoxin Amoxicillin infection Mexico
Livostin Levocabastine HCL eye allergies Limoxin Amoxicillin infection Mexico
Lovastin Lovastatin high cholesterol Malaysia
Lodosyn Carbidopa Parkinson's disease Lidosen Lidocaine local anesthesia Italy
Lomotil Atropine Sulfate; Diphenoxylate HCL diarrhea Lemesil Nimesulide pain, inflammation Greece
Loniten Minoxidil high blood pressure Linoten Pamidronate Disodium stop bone loss Spain
Lonox Atropine Sulfate; Diphenoxylate HCL diarrhea Flomox Cefcapene Pivoxil Hcl infection Japan
Lotemax Loteprednol Etabonate inflammation (swelling) Lotanax Terfenadine allergies and respiratory system disorders Czech Republic
Lotensin Benazepril HCL high blood pressure Latensin Bacillus Cereus immunotherapy Germany
Lotronex Alosetron HCL diarrhea predominate irritable bowel syndrome Lotanax Terfenadine allergies and respiratory system disorders Czech Republic
Lovenox Enoxaparin Sodium blood clots Lotanax Terfenadine allergies and respiratory system disorders Czech Republic
Loxitane Loxapine Succinate anxiety Lexotan Bromazepam anxiety Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, UK
Macrobid Nitrofurantoin urinary tract infections Mikrozid Ethanol, Propanol disinfectant UK
Medrol Methylprednisolone rash, inflammation Medral Omeprazole ulcer Mexico
Microzide Hydrochlorothiazide high blood pressure Nitrobide Isosorbide Dinitrate chest pain Japan
Mikrozid Ethanol, Propanol disinfectant UK
Miralax Polyethylene Glycol 3350 constipation Murelax Oxazepam anxiety Australia
Moderil Rescinnamine high blood pressure Noveril Dibenzepin depression, bed-wetting Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland
Mycelex Clotrimazole fungal skin infection Mucolex Carbocisteine chronic bronchitis Ireland, Portugal, Thailand
Mucolex Guaifenesin productive cough Hong Kong
Narcan Naloxone HCL narcotic overdose Marcen Ketazolam anxiety, insomnia, skeletal muscle spasm Spain
Natrecor Nesiritide Recombinant severe congestive heart failure Nitrocor Glyceryl Trinitrate chest pain Chile, Italy
Niacor Niacin vitamin deficiency Nacor Enalapril high blood pressure Spain
Nipent Pentostatin leukemia Nipin Nifedipine high blood pressure, chest pain Italy, Singapore
Nitro-Dur Nitroglycerin chest pain Nitrocor Glyceryl Trinitrate chest pain Chile, Italy
Nortrel Ethinyl Estradiol; Norethindrone birth control Nostril Chlorhexidine; Cetrimonium disinfectant mouthwash France
Nutracort Hydrocortisone skin problems Nitrocor Glyceryl Trinitrate chest pain Chile, Italy
Optivar Azelastine HCL red, watery eyes Opthavir Aciclovir chickenpox, shingles, herpes virus infections Mexico
Oralone Triamcinolone Acetonide mouth ulcers Oralon Povidone-Iodine disinfectant Japan
Pamine Methscopolamine Bromide ulcer Pemine Penicillamine inflammatory disease Italy
Patanol Olopatadine HCL red, watery eyes Betanol Metipranolol glaucoma Monaco
Precose Acarbose diabetes Precosa Saccharomyces Boulardii diarrhea from antibiotics Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden
Prolixin Fluphenazine HCL mental illness Prolixan Azapropazone inflammatory disease Austria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland
Protonix Pantoprazole Sodium heartburn Pretanix Indapamide high blood pressure Hungary
Prozac Fluoxetine HCL depression Prazac Prazosin high blood pressure Denmark
Remeron Mirtazapine depression Reneuron Fluoxetine depression, bulimia, obsessive-compulsive disorder Spain
Renagel Sevelamer HCL lower blood phosphate Remegel Calcium Carbonate acid indigestion and heartburn Ireland, Italy, UK
Renova Tretinoin acne Remov Nimesulide pain, inflammation Italy
Revex Nalmefene HCL narcotic overdose Brivex Brivudine viral infections Switzerland
Rubex Ascorbic Acid vitamin C deficiency Ireland
Salagen Pilocarpine HCL dry mouth Polagen Grass Pollen Extract allergen immunotherapy Portugal
Skelid Tiludronate Disodium Paget's disease of the bone Skaelud Pyrithione Zinc skin disorders, dandruff Denmark
Spectracef Cefditoren Pivoxil infection Spectrocef Cefotaxime infection Italy
Spectrobid Bacampicillin HCL infection Spectrocef Cefotaxime infection Italy
Symmetrel Amantadine HCL influenza (flu) infections (type A) Somatrel Somatorelin test for growth hormone deficiency Denmark
Talacen Acetaminophen; Pentazocine HCL mild to moderate pain Talliton Carvedilol heart failure Hungary
Tenex Guanfacine HCL high blood pressure Kinex Biperiden Parkinson's Disease Mexico
Terazol 3 Terconazole fungal infections Theradol Tramadol pain Netherlands
Terazol 7 Terconazole fungal infections Theradol Tramadol pain Netherlands
Tetrex Tetracycline Phosphate Complex infection Nitrex Isosorbide Mononitrate chest pain Italy
Thalomid Thalidomide leprosy Thilomide Lodoxamide Trometamol red, watery eyes Greece
Tiazac Diltiazem HCL high blood pressure, chest pain Tazac Nizatidine ulcer Australia
Toradol Ketorolac Tromethamine moderately severe pain Theradol Tramadol pain Netherlands
Trexall Methotrexate Sodium cancer, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis Truxal Chlorprothixene Hcl mental illness Belgium
Trexol Tramadol pain Mexico
Triacet Triamcinolone Acetonide allergies, inflammation Triatec Ramipril high blood pressure Brazil, Chile, Denmark, France, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Greece
Vigamox Moxifloxacin HCL eye infections Fisamox Amoxicillin infection Australia
Vistaril Hydroxyzine HCL Or Pamoate allergies Vastarel Trimetazidine chest pain Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Denmark, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Portugal, Singapore, Thailand
Zestril Lisinopril high blood pressure Nostril Chlorhexidine; Cetrimonium disinfectant mouthwash France


1 Verispan LLC, Vector One (TM) National, Years Q3/2005, Data Extracted 11-2005. FDA believes that use of brand names in writing prescription is higher for drugs for which no generic is available and lower for drugs commonly sold as generic products.

2 One example is the insomnia treatment Sominex, an over-the-counter medication, which has diphenhydramine as the active ingredient in the U.S. and promethazine as the active ingredient in the U.K.

3 IMS Health, IMS Chemindex(TM) 2003 For additional information see http://www.imshealth.com/web/product/0,3155,64576068_63872702_70297674_71263626.00.html

4 One drug from the list published in the Wall Street Journal, Sominex, was not included because it is available over-the-counter in the U.S.

5 To compile this list of look-alike or sound-alike names, FDA used IMS' Chemindex and a phonetic-coding algorithm to rank pairs of drug names by their similarity. FDA then refined the list by removing any potentially confusing foreign products that also had an identical U.S. counterpart (same brand name, same active ingredient). FDA also deleted any products that FDA pharmacists determined were invalid or inappropriate (e.g., brand names like "Pain Reliever" or "Decongestant" and some dietary supplements).  FDA then identified those products for which the brand names were so similar that FDA would have asked for more information about the foreign name before approving it for use in the U.S.

6 See http://www.ismp.org/Tools/confuseddrugnames.pdf
