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10 Bruce Springsteen lyrics that make absolutely no sense [SLIDESHOW]

Ah, Bruce Springsteen. The Boss. Some people love him, some people hate him. It’s clear that President Barack Obama is a fan, since the singer has been stumping for Obama out in the heartland — the place of his people. Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld explained the pairing in one tweet, writing, “Springsteen loves Obama because he finally made America as depressing as his songs.

For those out there who love The Boss (this means you, Mr. President), his songs may be catchy, but have you ever actually listened to the lyrics? Like, truly listened? Because a lot of them make absolutely no sense. Or if they do make some semblance of sense, the metaphors are incredibly strained and exhausting.

Seriously, they’re like something out of a college freshman’s creative writing class he took only to satisfy a humanities credit.

For example:

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