Technology Applications

One of the most important things we do at the MDA is fund advanced technology research and development projects at federal laboratories, universities and small and large businesses. These organizations provide us the expertise, new ideas and technology we need to defend our nation, allies and deployed forces from ballistic missile attacks. Their work also promotes economic growth and enhances the quality of life in the United States.

There’s much more our collective technology can do. That’s where the MDA Technology Applications Program steps in to assist outside organizations with getting their discoveries to market for a variety of applications and uses. To do this, the program leverages the expertise of industry professionals and communicators who have the experience needed to accelerate the growth and commercialization of technological developments. For example, the program offers:

  • Business Focus Workshops: Attendees receive personalized business assistance through a one-day program designed to help them develop a preliminary commercialization strategy.
  • Strategies for Mature Technologies: MDA-funded companies with a commercialization strategy and a marketable product or service will benefit from the Technology Application (TA) Review by a panel of experts who provide analysis and recommendations for them to pursue.
  • Outreach/Publications: The Program’s quarterly newsletter, MDA TechUpdate, discusses and promotes MDA-funded technology to potential customers or partners to a mailing list of 7,000+ individuals interested in new technology developments.

View and download documents from the Technology Applications Program Library free.