Soldier Life
SGT Magdalena James

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Sergeant Magdalena James
Eugene, OR
Army Position:
Fort Lewis, WA


A Sense of Accomplishment

SGT Magdalena James: Honestly, I didn't really know what to expect from coming into the Army.

Everyone told me don't do it, you know, you're just a girl, you're too little, you can't do it, but that made me want to do it even more.

I was definitely intimidated by going to basic. The first day we pulled up in the bus, that first thought that goes through everybody's mind is "oh my gosh, what did I do?" But, after a while it just became second nature. It became easy, it became normal, and I bonded with the people who I was in Basic with.

If I saw someone who was thinking about joining the Army, I would definitely say "go for it."

I think everyone should at least experience the sense of pride, the sense of accomplishment that Soldiers feel when they come out of Basic Training.

The Army has taught me so much and given me so much that I think anyone can benefit. It asks you to step up and become the person you were meant to become.