COL Provancha

COL Victor S. Hagan

COL Victor S. Hagan assumed command of Letterkenny Army Depot during a Change of Command Ceremony on August 10th, 2012 at Letterkenny Army Depot.


Colonel Victor S. Hagan is a native of Louisville, Ky. In May 1987, he was commissioned as a Field Artillery (FA) Officer in the United States Army Reserves. He assumed Command of Letterkenny Army Depot, Chambersburg, Pa. on Aug. 10, 2012.

His first duty station was in Hanau, Germany, where he served as the 3rd Armored Division Recon Survey Officer, a Fire Direction Officer, Firing Battery Platoon Leader, and Battery Executive Officer. During this assignment, he was deployed with Bravo Battery, 4th Battalion, 82nd FA Regiment in support of Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield.

After graduating from the FA Officer Advanced Course and branch transferring to the Quartermaster Corps, he was assigned to the 64th Corps Support Group (CSG), 13th Corps Support Command (COSCOM) at Fort Hood, Texas from June 1993 to June 1997.  He served in a number of logistics staff positions culminating as Commander, 565th Quartermaster Company.

From July 1997 to August 2000, COL Hagan was assigned to U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command, Fort Lee, Va., where he served as a Logistics Automation Staff Officer; Joint Task Force-Bravo J4, Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras during Operation Fuerte Apoyo (Hurricane Mitch recovery operations); and Student, Logistics Executive Development Course, U.S. Army Logistics Management College. 

In July 2001, after graduating from the Army Command and General Staff College, COL Hagan returned to the 13th COSCOM serving as the Executive Officer, 553rd Corps Support Battalion (CSB) and subsequently as the 64th CSG Operations Officer (S3) from July 2001 to April 2004.  During this assignment, he deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) I.  Upon his return, he was assigned to U.S. Army Human Resources Command, Alexandria, Va. as the Chief, Functional Area 90 (Multifunctional Logistics) Branch and Chief, Lieutenants Logistics Branch from June 2004 to June 2006.

In July 2006, COL Hagan assumed command of the 260th Quartermaster Battalion at Hunter Army Airfield, Fort Stewart, Ga. and deployed to Iraq for fifteen months. After battalion command, he returned to Fort Lee to serve as Chief of the Logistics Branch Proponency Office until August 2009.  In June 2009, he attended the Industrial College of the Armed Forces (Class 2010) and was subsequently assigned to North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command as the Director of the Washington Office in the Pentagon. 

His personal and unit awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Bronze Star Medal (2 OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (1SLC), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medals, Southwest Asia Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War-on-Terrorism Expeditionary and Service Medals, Humanitarian Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Army Overseas Ribbon, Saudi Arabia Kuwait Liberation Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, Joint Unit Award, Valorous Unit Award and Meritorious Unit Awards. 




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