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Rangel Removal a First Step in Restoring House Rule of Law

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(WASHINGTON, DC) – The resignation of U.S. Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) as Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee over multiple ethics and tax evasion charges is a critical first step in restoring the Rule of Law in the House of Representatives and the nation at-large, according to House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter.

"I take no joy and in fact have great personal sadness over Charlie Rangel’s resignation from the chairmanship of Ways and Means," says Carter. "Even though we disagree on many political issues, Congressman Rangel is one of the most well-liked Members of the House by his colleagues, and has a record of service to this country that should never be forgotten, from his wartime sacrifices in Korea to his many years of work here in the House. But we cannot allow the chairman of the committee that oversees the IRS to continue in that position with the kind of violations of House and IRS rules that Congressman Rangel has admitted to and been charged with. When Americans see influential elected officials apparently getting away with breaking the law, while they themselves are held to the letter, we risk losing respect for the rule of law altogether."

Carter says he will continue his efforts to ensure that Rangel and U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner pay the customary penalties and interest for their admitted tax violations, or else grant all Americans the same tax immunity.

The former Texas judge will also continue floor efforts against the Administration’s appointment of "czars" without Senate approval; against House censorship of Members of Congress communicating with their constituents; in support of restoring the 72-hour reading-time rule before bills can be brought to a vote; elimination of political favoritism in federal bailouts and tax policies; and prevention of Member’s improper involvement in stimulus fund allocations.