<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Letterkenny Army Depot: UID Works

Processing your Order

Welcome to the Letterkenny UIDworks© Customer Order site.
Complete the following steps to make your transaction with us as smooth as possible.

This is your Order Number, copy this number down and keep it in your records. Reference this number when conducting any verbal or email correspondance with UIDworks

1) The Microsoft XL Spreadsheet (download)

The attached Spreadsheet is the information needed to fully process your request. Columns B thru F are mandatory fields and must be completed.


The attached Spreadsheet is the information needed to fully process your request. Please use the "Field Reference" tab as a guide for data entry instruction.

**General Rules**

All fields must be in all CAPITAL LETTERS, remove spaces in the PartNumber and SerialNumber fields. Hyphens ( - ) are the only acceptable special character

Field Descriptions

Plate Design - - Enter the plate template design you wish to have made here. All plates within the same Excel spreadsheet must be of the same template. For further information on the template designs, refer below.

* EnterpriseID - This is the manufacturer's industry identification, usually a 5-character alpha-numeric field. (i.e. CAGE, DODAAC, DUNNS, or other unique ID number)

* EnterpriseName -The name of the organization to which the above industrial identifier code describes. NO Abbreviations and entered in UPPERCASE letters 

* PartNumber - The Part Number of the asset being tagged, identifies the item being marked, not the drawing number or tag part number. Preference is to have a spreadsheet for each of the different part number (HYPENS ALLOWED - NO SPACES).

* Description - The name of the asset being labeled. NO ABBREVEATIONS, Spaces are allowed between words however commas should be replaced by hyphens (-)

* SerialNumber - The serial number of the asset being tagged, may not be duplicated. if you require two sets of labels (internal and external markings) note that as a special request. (NO SPACES)

MarkValue - Several descriptive values can be entered here, the primary entries will be the national stock number, serial number, or usa number.  The default value will be the value in the “SerialNumber” column.

MarkContents - Denotes what information is contained in the” MarkValue” field, this field will either be NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER, SERIAL NUMBER, or USA NUMBER

Medium -HUMAN READABLE (no other options)

Bagged - 'N' for Standard Assets 'Y' for assets too small to attach a label.

* Denotes Mandatory Field

2) Templates

The UIDworks© program standard label is .020 guage thickness alluminum, unless specified in the email. Below are the UID Template designs available, custom designs are available upon request. (NOTE: figures not shown to scale)

Metal Plate Design Templates:

Template "A": Template A (2" wide x .75" high)

Template "B": Template B (2" wide x .75" high)

Template "C": Custom - Color, Design, and sizes determined by customer.

Tesa Label Design Templates:

AMC Standard TESA Templates
1/2 Inch round 1/4 Inch square  
Standard TESA Templates
1 Inch round 1/2 Inch round 1/4 Inch round
1 inch square 1/2 inch square 1/4 inch square

3) UIDworks© Supplimental Order Form in PureEdge here or Fillable PDF here

Fill out either form for each order you place with UIDworks©, when finished save it to your harddrive to email it to us when your order is complete. This form requires PureEdge viewer or Adobe Reader, if you do not have PureEdge, you can download it free from https://ascp.monmouth.army.mil/scp/nocost/pure_edge.jsp
for government users or Adobe Reader from Adobe free for anyone here

4) Order Submittal/Payment

After completing the above items, email them and a PDF file of your custom plate design (if applicable) to usarmy.lead.usamc.mbx.uidworkslead@mail.mil include any special instructions you may have regarding your order. Include your Name, Date and Order Number in the subject line of the email.

Email MIPR payment information Include your name, date, and Order Number in the subject line of the Email.

Contact Information

For further questions or to speak with a UIDworks© representative directly contact:

Special Projects Branch Supervisor
email: usarmy.lead.usamc.mbx.uidworkslead@mail.mil
DSN: 570- 9552
Work: (717)267-9552

Special Projects Branch Leader
email: usarmy.lead.usamc.mbx.uidworkslead@mail.mil
DSN: 570 - 8856
Work: (717)267-8856

email: usarmy.lead.usamc.mbx.uidworkslead@mail.mil
DSN: 570 - 5106 or DSN: 570 - 8097
Work: (717)267-5106 or DSN: 570 - 8097