70th Anniversary coin photo

Seventy years later, on Dec. 15, 2011, Letterkenny kicked off a year–long anniversary celebration with a retiree reunion and the official unveiling of the 70th anniversary commemorative coin. Former employees revisited the Depot to celebrate a milestone in the Depot’s legacy. The retirees were afforded the opportunity to walk through the Maintenance Facility and take a windshield tour of the Depot. Many employees had not been on the Depot for decades and noted the many changes they saw. “The biggest change is the vehicle, compared to what we did,” Paul R. Stambaugh, Chambersburg, Pa. said. Others were surprised at how bright and open the Maintenance Facility looked. During the coin unveiling ceremony, Depot Commander, Col. Cheri A. Provancha recognized the retirees. “Thank you for your service and dedication to something greater than yourself—the defending of our freedom and liberty,” Provancha said. “Thank you for laying the foundation for this pillar, this jewel of our industrial base and thank you for the time and care you took in teaching, coaching and mentoring those of us that followed in your footsteps.” Former Letterkenny Commander, Col. Henry (Bill) Suchting, commanded the Depot from 1998 until 2000 and spoke at the unveiling. “I came to love Letterkenny quite a bit…There are none more dedicated and caring than the people here at Letterkenny,” Suchting said. “That has translated into the best equipment you could field for our Soldiers.” The 70th Anniversary coin was designed to reflect the historical journey of Letterkenny Army Depot from its beginnings as an Ordnance Depot to its current status. The coin includes several symbols that depict the mission of the Depot through the years, from the Ordnance Bomb to tracked wheeled vehicles, to missiles and Route Clearance Vehicles. The words “Kenny Penny” have been inscribed to remember the origination of the Letterkenny Commander’s coin. Finally the coin boldly proclaims LEAD’s famous slogan, “When the first shot has to count…count on Letterkenny.” Col. Provancha, unveiled the coin and noted its significance, “the coin gives a small glimpse of the diverse capabilities and flexibility of the Depot to meet the demands of the Soldier.” In addition to the kick-off, the 70th Anniversary Committee is planning a variety of events throughout the coming year to commemorate this special occasion. The Depot has engaged with local business to help share the impact Letterkenny has had on the local community for 70 years. Commemorative items are available for purchase along with planned activities to include lunch-n-learns, a sweetheart candy sale, a recipe book, a 1940s featured film movie night, and a USO style Spring Fling. “In the past, there has been one event for the year’s celebration, this really raises the bar for future anniversaries,” Nora Cummings, 70th Anniversary Chairperson said. “Having multiple events throughout the year encourages employees to remember and celebrate the anniversary all year long, rather than just at one event.” Letterkenny Army Depot is proud to recognize the important role in which it has played throughout the past 70 years of continued support to the nation and our troops.

70th Anniversay Coming Events

  • - August 2012 - Roy Pitz "Lagerkenny" unveiling
    - September 2012 - Official 70th Anniversary Celebration

70th Anniversary Photo Gallery - click here

Letterkenny Kick  off photo



LEAD Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

Deliver superior maintenance, manufacturing, logistics, life cycle support and service worldwide to the Joint Warfighter and our Allies.

Vision Statement

LEAD is the depot of choice for Industry, Government, and the Greatest Warfighters in the world.

Safety Statement

Our mission at Letterkenny Army Depot is to provide outstanding safety and health protection to our soldiers, employees, contractors and visitors through solid management systems and employee involvement. We are committed to attaining a world class occupational safety and health management system, and firmly believe in the objectives and philosophy of the Voluntary Protection Program. We will continually strive to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses and to protect our valued employees, their families and our communities

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