Inclement Weather information

Letterkenny Army Depot is open under normal operating procedures

Current local weather here (E)

The following media outlets are alerted as soon as possible when the Commander makes a change in procedures as a result of inclement weather. 

Click here and information for outlets of TV / RADIO STATIONS

The depot weather phone is an automated voice mail service that delivers the depot working status 24 hours per day.

 Call the weather lines at 267-8109 or 267-8916. TTY number 267-8939 provides this information to the hearing impaired.


LEAD Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

Deliver superior maintenance, manufacturing, logistics, life cycle support and service worldwide to the Joint Warfighter and our Allies.

Vision Statement

LEAD is the depot of choice for Industry, Government, and the Greatest Warfighters in the world.

Safety Statement

Our mission at Letterkenny Army Depot is to provide outstanding safety and health protection to our soldiers, employees, contractors and visitors through solid management systems and employee involvement. We are committed to attaining a world class occupational safety and health management system, and firmly believe in the objectives and philosophy of the Voluntary Protection Program. We will continually strive to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses and to protect our valued employees, their families and our communities

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