USGS - science for a changing world

REST Web Services

USGS Daily Values Site Web Service

You can use this service to retrieve daily statistical data about the hundreds of thousands of hydrologic sites served by the USGS. This service provides USGS water data in WaterML 1.1 (an XML schema) as well as the legacy RDB (tab-delimited) format and a JSON (Javascript-friendly) format.

Please join the USGS Water Data for the Nation Notification List External Link. This way you will receive an announcement when changes are made to this web service, or if it there are significant problems with the service.

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How the service works

With hundreds of thousands of qualifying sites across the nation, the amount of data available is very large. No one user is allowed to download all of the data with a single call. The service has consequently been engineered to facilitate common mass queries, defaulting to returning a narrower set of data. You are encouraged to make your queries efficient too, mindful that many others need access to the data at the same time. Always specify the minimum amount of data you need in your request, using built in filters and date ranges to the maximum extent possible.

Testing the service

Probably the best way to learn how to use the service is to try it out!

The USGS provides this tool that allows you to generate syntactically correct calls to the service. You can even run the query live in your browser. When you have perfected your query you can copy and paste the URL into your application to get the precise data you need.

Test the service now

Interpreting the output

Please note that recent daily values are frequently qualified as provisional, so the data should be interpreted with caution as it is possible (although unlikely) it will be revised. See the USGS Provisional Data Disclaimer page External Link for more information.

When using format=waterml (the default format), data are returned in XML External Link using the WaterML 1.1 schema External Link. WaterML External Link is a schema created by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc (CUAHSI) External Link. The USGS has a cooperative agreement with CUAHSI. The crucial data are the embedded daily values. A unique daily value can be found inside the <value> tag, which is nested inside the <timeSeries> tag, such as in this example:

  <ns1:value qualifiers="P" dateTime="2011-05-02">14.8</ns1:value>
  <ns1:qualifier qualifierID="0" ns1:network="NWIS" ns1:vocabulary="uv_rmk_cd">
    <ns1:qualifierDescription>Provisional data subject to revision.</ns1:qualifierDescription>

  <ns1:method methodID="0">

By itself this imparts no information as to what the daily value represents, other than the statistic is provisional because qualifiers="P". We do know the value is 14.8 and it represents a daily value for May 2, 2011. We also need to know what was measured. The key to figuring this out is to examine the outer <timeSeries> tag, which contains some important information, shown below in bold:

<ns1:timeSeries name="USGS:01646500:00010:00002">

The name attribute contains a sequence of useful information with key fields delimited by colons. The pattern is <agencyCd>:<siteNo>:<parameterCd>:<statisticsCd>.

So this node contains data about site number 01646500 (Little Falls Pumping Station on the Potomac River) monitored by the USGS. Specifically it has a calculated daily statistic for USGS parameter 00010, which is water temperature in degrees Celsius. How do we know this? It is made clear inside the <variable> node within the <timeSeries> node.

<ns1:variable ns1:oid="45807042">
  <ns1:variableCode network="NWIS" vocabulary="NWIS:UnitValues" default="true" variableID="45807042">00010</ns1:variableCode>
  <ns1:variableName>Temperature, water, &#176;C</ns1:variableName>

  <ns1:variableDescription>Temperature, water, degrees Celsius</ns1:variableDescription>
  <ns1:valueType>Derived Value</ns1:valueType>
    <ns1:unitAbbreviation>deg C</ns1:unitAbbreviation>
    <ns1:option name="Statistic" optionCode="00002">Minimum</ns1:option>

Since a daily value is a computation of many regular timeseries measurements, the next question is what statistic is being measured? A mean temperature? Maximum temperature? Minimum temperature? The statistics code is 00002, which the <options> tag nested inside the <variable> tag tells us is minimum (see above).

Putting it altogether, this means that for this site, the provisional minimum water temperature on May 2, 2011 was 14.8 degrees Celsius, or about 59 degrees Fahrenheit.

With other output formats, the location of the data will depend on the syntax of the format. You will need to inspect the format to locate the relevant data.

See the full description of output formats.

Error codes

Since this system uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), any application errors are reported in the HTTP headers, which are normally not seen. This means that when writing applications, when you get a response it is important to first examine the HTTP status code External Link that is returned in the HTTP response. The application server will return the error code along with a message describing the error in the event there is a problem. Programmers should always check the HTTP response code and if not a 200 handle the response as an exception. Among the status codes you may see:

Using the Web Service with Adobe Flex or the Flex API

Adobe Flex External Link requires our server have a crossdomain.xml file External Linkindicating those domains that can access our web service using Adobe Flex. We are adding these on a case by case basis. If you need to access the service using Adobe Flex or the Flex API, please contact us at gs-w_support_nwisweb at usgs dot gov and indicate the domain of the server that will access the service.

Service Documentation

URL Format

The URL must always be in this format:<arguments>

where <arguments> are one or more HTTP GET parameter names and values based on the information below.

Specifying the URL Arguments

You specify the arguments that go in <arguments>.

Here is an example of a valid URL that should return data:

URL argument names and argument values can be in upper, lower or mixed case. They will all be handled correctly. All of the following will yield the same result:

URL argument conventions

The following conventions are used below to document URL argument values:

arg1=[ a {,x | ,y} | b | c,d,...]

In the above example, these would be the allowed legal values:

Major Filters

Single Site Queries

Want to only query one site? Use site (or sites) as your major filter, and put only one site number in the list! Example:

Multiple Site Queries

Major Filter

(select one of the following)

Meaning Minimum Number of Argument Values Maximum Number of Argument Values Examples
sites (aliases: site, location) A list of site numbers. You can specify unlimited sites, up to any limit imposed by the application server or your client. Sites are comma separated. Sites may be prefixed with an optional agency code followed by a colon. If you don't know the site numbers you need, you can find relevant sites with the NWIS Mapper External Link or on the USGS Water Data for the Nation site. External Link 1 Unlimited (see caveat) &site=01646500
(alias: stateCds)
U.S. postal service (2-digit) state code. USPS List of State Codes. External Link 1 1 &stateCd=NY
(alias: hucs)
A list of hydrologic unit codes (HUC) or aggregated watersheds. Only 1 major HUC can be specified per request. A major HUC has two digits. Minor HUCs must be eight digits in length. Not all sites are associated with a HUC. List of HUCs. External Link 1 1 Major, 10 Minor &huc=01,02070010
bBox A contiguous range of decimal latitude and longitude, starting with the west longitude, then the south latitude, then the east longitude, and then the north latitude with each value separated by a comma. The product of the range of latitude and longitude cannot exceed 25 degrees. Whole or decimal degrees must be specified, up to six digits of precision. Minutes and seconds are not allowed. Remember: western longitude (which includes almost all of the United States) is specified in negative degrees. Caution: many sites outside the continental US do not have latitude and longitude referenced to NAD83 and therefore can not be found using these arguments. Certain sites are not associated with latitude and longitude due to homeland security concerns and cannot be found using this filter. 1 1 &bBox=-83,36.5,-81,38.5
(alias: countyCds)
A list of county numbers, in a 5 digit numeric format. The first two digits of a county's code are the FIPS State Code. External Link List of county codes. External Link 1 20 &countyCd=51059,51061

Specifying Date Ranges

Many sites have periods of record that can be measured in decades, sometimes fifty years or more. Some sites have been measuring common parameters like streamflow continuously, others are seasonal in nature, and others have had periods when no funding was available to maintain the site so no data are available. Since daily values are by definition daily calculations, it makes no sense to request time periods in less than day increments. Please follow these rules for expressing dates with this service:

I want to... Do this... Syntax Rules Examples
Get the latest daily values only Nothing. Only the latest value is returned by default for each requested site, parameter and statistic.
  • None, no argument needed
  • In some unusual cases like predictive gages, the daily value might be for the current day or a date in the future.
&stateCd=ny&parameterCd=00060 // Get the latest discharge daily values for all sites in New York state
Get a range of daily values from now Specify the period argument
  • period must be in ISO-8601 Duration format External Link. Do not express in increments of less than a day. For example, period=P7D is allowed but period=PT2H is not.
  • periods must be deterministic. Days and weeks are deterministic (always the same duration), but months and years or not.
  • Beware that there there are typically no daily values for today because the day is not yet finished, hence no daily statistic can be derived. This means in most cases if period=P7D, six daily values beginning with yesterday will be retrieved.
  • Data are always returned up to the most recent value, which in the case of a predictive gage might be in the future.

&period=P7D // Retrieve last seven days up from now to most recent instantaneous value)
&period=P520W // Retrieves approximately ten years of data (520 weeks is about 10 years)

Get a range of daily values from an explicit begin or end date Use the startDT and endDT arguments
  • Both startDt and endDt must be in ISO-8601 Date format External Link
  • Do not express dates in increments of less than a day
  • Do not supply time zones. The time zone is whatever time zone is in effect at the site.
  • startDt must always be supplied
  • If endDT is not provided, endDT is the most recent daily value
  • startDT must be chronologically at or before endDT

&startDT=2010-11-22&endDT=2010-11-22 // One day of daily values only
&startDT=1990-01-01&endDT=1999-12-31 // All daily values for the 1990s
&startDT=2010-11-22 // Ends with most recent daily value
&endDt=1999-12-31 // Not allowed because of start date is ambiguous

Format (format)

URL Argument Name format

Used to specify the output format of the data returned.

  • waterml is WaterML 1.1 External Link, an XML schema published by the CUAHSI.
  • rdb is a self-describing tab-delimited format used widely by the USGS, documented in a PDF file here External Link (Adobe Acrobat Reader External Link)
  • json is Javascript Object Notation External Link. See the warning on using this format. The current version of WaterML will be rendered in a JSON structure as a set of name/value pairs. JSON is excellent for Web 2.0 applications. However, use JSON with caution as name/value pairs will change automatically when the default version of WaterML is upgraded. Note: json is returned with an application/json MIME type which generally has the effect in a browser of being prompted to download and save a file. In actual Web 2.0 usage this should be handled by your Javascript logic.
  • Version numbers are optional. The version is actually tied to WaterML, so if you want WaterML 1.1 rendered as JSON, this can be done explicitly using format=json,1.1

format=[waterml{,1.1} | rdb{,1.0} | json{,1.1}]

Default waterml
Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed 1
  • &format=waterml // Latest implemented version of WaterML wanted
  • &format=waterml,1.1 // WaterML version 1.1 wanted
  • &format=rdb
  • &format=rdb,1.0
  • &format=json // Latest implemented version of WaterML translated to JSON
  • &format=json,1.1

Minor Filters

Additional filters can be applied after specifying a major filter. This further reduces the set of expected results. Users are encouraged to use minor filters because it allows more efficient use of this service.

Parameter Code (parameterCd)

URL Argument Name parameterCd (aliases: variable, parameterCds, variables, var, vars, parmCd)
  • USGS parameter code.
  • All parameter codes are numeric and 5 characters in length. Parameter codes are used to identify the constituent measured and the units of measure.
  • Popular codes include stage (00065), discharge in cubic feet per second (00060) and water temperature in degrees Celsius (00010)
  • Complete list of USGS parameter codes External Link (not all parameters are served by time-series sites)


Default returns all time-series parameters for the requested sites
Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed 100
  • &parameterCd=00060 // discharge, cubic feet per second
  • &parameterCd=00060,00065 // discharge, cubic feet per second and gage height in feet
  • &variable=00060 // discharge, cubic feet per second
  • &variable=00060,00065 // discharge, cubic feet per second and gage height in feet

Statistics Code (statCd)

URL Argument Name statCd (alias: statisticCd)
  • Selects sites based on the statistics codes desired, such as minimum, maximum or mean
  • Using statCd without parameterCd is possible, but is not logical. statCd is useful only in refining data about parameters collected at a site.
  • All stat codes are five numeric characters in length
  • List of stat codes External Link

statCd=[ all | { statCd1,statCd2,... } ]

Default all - all statistics codes served for the sites and parameters requested
Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed 20
  • &stateCd=ri&parameterCd=00060,00065&statCd=00003 // latest daily mean streamflow and gage height for Rhode Island

Site Status (siteStatus)

URL Argument Name siteStatus

Selects sites based on whether or not they are active. If a site is active, it implies that it is being actively maintained. Each USGS Water Science Center determines whether a site is active or inactive. The default is all (show both active and inactive sites).


siteStatus=[ all | active | inactive ]

Default Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed 1
  • &siteStatus=active

Site Type (siteType)

URL Argument Name siteType (aliases: siteTypes, siteTypeCd, siteTypeCds)
  • Restricts sites to those having one or more site types.
  • List of valid site types External Link
  • If you request a major site type (ex: &siteType=ST) you will get all sub-site types of the same major type as well (in this case, ST-CA, ST-DCH and ST-TS)

siteType=[all | { siteType1,siteType2,... } ]

Default All site types are returned
Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed No limit
  • &siteType=ST // Streams only
  • &siteType=ST,LA-OU // Streams and Land Outcrops only

Site was modified since (modifiedSince)

URL Argument Name modifiedSince
  • Returns all sites and their values only if any of the requested daily values have changed during the requested period.
  • The modifiedSince time period always begins with today and moves toward the past. It must be expressed in an ISO-8601 duration format External Link.
  • If the modifiedSince argument is not specified in the generated URL, it has no effect on the query.
  • Only deterministic periods are allowed. Since months and years are not deterministic, do not use them.


Default None
Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed 1
  • &stateCd=NY&modifiedSince=P1W - All NY daily values are retrieved only if any of their requested daily values were changed in the last week.

Agency Code (agencyCd)

URL Argument Name agencyCd (alias: agencyCds)
  • The list of sites returned are filtered to return only the provided agency code. An agency is the organization operating or funding the collection of data at the site.
  • An authoritative list of agency codes can be found hereExternal Link.
  • Note: most sites are USGS maintained, and have an agency code of USGS


Default All sites regardless of agency code are retrieved
Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed 1
  • &stateCd=tx&agencyCd=USCE // Only US Army Corps of Engineers sites in Texas

Altitude (altMin and altMax)

URL Argument Name
  • altMin (alias: altMinVa)
  • altMax (alias: altMaxVa)
  • These arguments allows you to select sites with daily values where the associated sites' altitude are within a desired altitude, expressed in feet. Altitude is based on the datum used at the site.
  • Providing a value to altMin (minimum altitude) means you want sites that have or exceed the altMin value
  • Providing a value to altMax (maximum altitude) means you want sites that have or are less than the altMax value
  • Both whole numbers and decimals may be used
  • If both the altMin and altMax are specified, sites at or between the minimum and maximum altitude are returned
  • altMin=minValue
  • altMax=maxValue
Default All sites are retrieved, regardless of their altitude
Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed 1
  • &altMin=1000&altMax=5000 // Return sites where the altitude is 1000 feet or greater and 5000 feet or less.

Surface Water Filters

Drainage Area (drainAreaMin and drainAreaMax)

URL Argument Names
  • drainAreaMin (alias: drainAreaMinVa)
  • drainAreaMax (alias: drainAreaMaxVa)
  • These arguments allows you to select daily value surface water sites where the associated sites' drainage areas (watersheds) are within a desired size, expressed in square miles.
  • Providing a value to drainAreaMin (minimum drainage area) means you want sites that have or exceed the drainAreaMin value
  • Providing a value to drainAreaMax (maximum drainage area) means you want sites that have or are less than the drainAreaMax value
  • Both whole numbers and decimals may be used
  • If both the drainAreaMin and drainAreaMax are specified, sites at or between the minimum and maximum drainage areas values specified are returned
  • Caution: not all sites are associated with a drainage area.
  • Caution: drainage area only applies to surface water sites, this should not be used with groundwater sites other than springs.
  • drainAreaMin=minValue
  • drainAreaMax=maxValue
Default All sites are retrieved, regardless of their drainage area
Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed 1
  • &drainAreaMin=1000&drainAreaMax=5000 // Return sites where the drainage area is 1000 square miles or greater and is 5000 square miles or less.

Groundwater Filters

Aquifer Code (aquiferCd)

URL Argument Names
  • aquiferCd
  • Used to filter sites to those that exist in specified national aquifers. Note: not all sites have been associated with national aquifers.
  • Enter one or more national aquifer codes, separated by commas.
  • A national aquifer code is exactly 10 characters.
  • A complete list of national aquifer codes can be found here External Link.
  • aquiferCd={aquiferCd1,aquiferCd2,...}|all
Default all
Minimum argument values required 0
Maximum argument values allowed 1000
  • &aquiferCd=S500EDRTRN,N100HGHPLN // returns groundwater sites for the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system and the High Plains national aquifers.

Local Aquifer Code (localAquiferCd)

URL Argument Names
  • localAquiferCd
  • Used to filter sites to those that exist in specified local aquifers. Note: not all sites have been associated with local aquifers.
  • Enter one or more local aquifer codes, separated by commas.
  • A local aquifer code begins with a 2 character state abbreviation (such as TX for Texas) followed by a colon followed by the 7 character aquifer code.
  • A complete list of local aquifer codes can be found here External Link. To translate the state code associated with the local aquifer, you may need this reference External Link.
  • all|localAquiferCd={localAquiferCd1,localAquiferCd2,...}
Default all
Minimum argument values required 0
Maximum argument values allowed 1000
  • &localAquiferCd=AL:111RGLT,AL:111RSDM // returns sites for the Regolith and Saprolite local aquifers in Alabama

Well Depth (wellDepthMin and wellDepthMax)

URL Argument Names
  • wellDepthMin (alias: wellDepthMinVa)
  • wellDepthMax (alias: wellDepthMaxVa)
  • These arguments allows you to select daily value groundwater sites where the associated sites' well depth are within a desired depth, expressed in feet from the land surface datum.
  • Express well depth as a positive number.
  • Providing a value to wellDepthMin (minimum well depth) means you want sites that have or exceed the wellDepthMin value
  • Providing a value to wellDepthMax (maximum well depth) means you want sites that have or are less than the wellDepthMax value
  • Both whole numbers and decimals may be used
  • If both the wellDepthMin and wellDepthMax are specified, sites at or between the minimum and maximum well depth values specified are returned
  • wellDepthMax should be greater than or equal to wellDepthMin.
  • Caution: well depth applies to groundwater sites only
  • wellDepthMin=minValue
  • wellDepthMax=maxValue
Default All sites are retrieved, regardless of their well depth
Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed 1
  • &wellDepthMin=100&wellDepthMax=500 // Return daily value sites where the well depth is 100 feet or greater and 500 feet or less.

Hole Depth (holeDepthMin and holeDepthMax)

URL Argument Names
  • holeDepthMin (alias: holeDepthMinVa)
  • holeDepthMax (alias: holeDepthMaxVa)
  • These arguments allows you to select daily value groundwater sites where the associated sites' hole depth are within a desired depth, expressed in feet from the land surface datum.
  • Express hole depth as a positive number.
  • Providing a value to holeDepthMin (minimum hole depth) means you want sites that have or exceed the holeDepthMin value
  • Providing a value to holeDepthMax (maximum hole depth) means you want sites that have or are less than the holeDepthMax value
  • Both whole numbers and decimals may be used
  • If both the holeDepthMin and holeDepthMax are specified, sites at or between the minimum and maximum hole depth values specified are returned
  • holeDepthMax should be greater than or equal to holeDepthMin.
  • Caution: hole depth applies to groundwater sites only
  • holeDepthMin=minValue
  • holeDepthMax=maxValue
Default All sites are retrieved, regardless of their hole depth
Minimum argument values required 1
Maximum argument values allowed 1
  • &holeDepthMin=100&holeDepthMax=500 // Return daily values sites where the hole depth is 100 feet or greater and 500 feet or less.



PHP Example

Here is a simple example using the popular PHP External Link scripting language that retrieves the most recent mean streamflow daily value for all sites marked with the site type in "Stream" Rhode Island. PHP is popular on web servers for serving dynamic content. It may be useful in understanding how to access the service and traverse XML trees but should not be used as a "best practice" way of retrieving data.

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Javascript Example

Warning: this example probably will not work because browsers are typically not allowed to use JSON content which did not originate on the same server as the web page. The USGS expects to support JSONP External Link or a similar format to address this issue in a subsequent release. You can try it live.

Here is an example of using this service with Web 2.0 technologies, specifically Asynchronous Javascript and XML External Link (AJAX), using the service's JSON External Link format and a Web 2.0 toolkit called jQuery External Link. This is designed to work in a browser and the jQuery library makes it very portable across browsers.

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