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A President in Denial

There is no point, and great danger, in attempting to talk with President Obama about healthcare reform until he first agrees that the House and Senate healthcare bills are dead.

Republicans have not killed his bills. The American people have rejected them, from their knowledge of the details of the Democrats’ plans. Democrats and the President can't seem to fathom that the voters of this country are pretty darn smart and very interested in anybody's plans that include controlling their healthcare and 18 percent of the national economy from Washington. Average voters across the country have actually bothered to read extensively about these proposals, and have reached their own informed conclusions.

This fact is indeed a big pill to swallow for those who believe average Americans spend all their time bitterly clinging to their guns and Bibles.

Rejection of these proposals by the public is the driver behind the Tea Party phenomenon across the country, the massive Republican election wins in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, and the national polls showing Obama’s popularity in the tank and the pending Democrat loss of the House and Senate in November.

Mr. Obama is in denial of these facts. He has convinced himself that the public has simply been misled, that they really would like his plan if they only knew more about it, and that all this rejection is due to just clever and underhanded political maneuvering by Republicans.

Obama has so basked in the adoration and praise of the left and the national media since taking office last year that he believes he simply cannot be wrong on any policy he espouses.

So rather than engage in true open and honest discussion on healthcare reform with Republicans next Thursday, the President has chosen to meet again in the shadows with the left wing of his party to repackage the same failed legislation, and attempt to win over public opinion by better "messaging".

He has accordingly announced that when Republican House leaders meet with him to discuss healthcare reform, they will be discussing his House and Senate bills, and they should be prepared to agree to "some things they don’t like".

Then if Republican leaders do the right thing and tell the President again that these bills are repugnant to the voters, the Obama media machine will launch their PR campaign that while the President tried to "reach out", Republicans chose to remain the "party of no", and that the Democrats will now be justified in violating historic Senate procedure to jam their bill down the people’s throats without having to gain the necessary 60 votes.

There is no point in House Republican Leadership wasting the people’s time by allowing this President in denial to continue his political tantrum.

Unless the President agrees in advance to wipe the slate clean and bury the rotting corpse of Democrat healthcare reform, we will really have nothing to talk about.