
Department of Defense Policy to Implement the EPAs Military Munitions Rule (DOC)

DoD  and  EPA Management Principles for Implementing Response Actions at Closed, Transferring, and Transferred Ranges (PDF)

DoD Munitions - Munitions DOD and EPA Partnership Completes Interim Final UXO Management Principles Document (PDF) (PDF)

See Federal Register announcement here


MEC-HA Federal Register Notice (PDF)

MMRP Comprehensive Plan (Section 313 Report) (PDF)

MMRP Developing a Prioritization Protocol for Munitions Response Sites (PPT)

MMRP Developing a Prioritization Protocol for Munitions Response Sites Tribe 6 (PPT)

MMRP DoD Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol 12 August 2003 (PPT)

MMRP Informational Presentation for the Meeting of Federal Agencies (12/4/02) (PPT) (PPT)

MMRP Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol Federal Register Final Rule (PDF)

MMRP Munitions Update Briefing Selstrom 25 February 2003 (PDF) (PDF)

MMRP Public Informational Presentation at the DoD-Tribal Meeting (9/16/02) (PPT) (PPT)

MMRP Public Presentation at San Diego NCAI Conference (11/13/02) (PPT) (PPT)

Munitions Response Committee Protocol Presentation, Scottsdale (11/20/02) (PPT) (PPT)

Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol Background Information (PDF)

Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol Progress (PDF)

Range Scrap (Firing Point) Study Characterization Strategy Report (Phase II) (PDF)

This strategy report addresses the characterization requirements for the inventory of firing point range scrap identified in Phase I of this project, Range Scrap (Firing Point) Study Data Review and Inventory Report, June 1999.

Range Scrap (Firing Point) Study Data Review and Inventory Report (PDF)

This report provides an inventory of solid wastes generated from the use of munitions on Army ranges, and an extensive regulatory analysis for metallic range scrap through the examination of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

Range Scrap (Firing Point) Study Waste Profile Notices (Phase III) (PDF)

Waste Profile Notices for individual munitions item disposal.

Site Assistance Visits Lessons Learned (PDF)

Munitions Rule

Munitions Rule

EPCRA Munitions Reporting Handbook for the U.S. Army

Cover Page (DOC)

Muntions EPCRA Introduction to EPCRA Toxic Chemical Release Reporting for U.S. Army Munitions Operations (DOC)

Part 1 - Introduction to EPCRA Toxic Chemical Release Reporting for U.S. Army Munitions Operations (DOC)

Part 2 - Calculating Thresholds for Munitions to Identify Toxic Chemicals that Require Reporting (DOC)

Part 3 - Calculating Chemical Releases and Transfers from Munitions for Form R (DOC)

Part 4 - Appendices and Reference Materials for EPCRA TRI Reporting for U.S. Army Munitions Operations (DOC)

Last Modified: 10 December 2010 at 14:49