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 Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates
Shutdown could affect young troops most, Gates says

Posted 4/7/2011 Email story   Print story


by John D. Banusiewicz
American Forces Press Service

4/7/2011 - BAGHDAD, IRAQ (AFNS) -- While emphasizing that service members eventually will receive the pay they would earn during a government shutdown, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates acknowledged here April 7 that if the government shuts down for a week starting April 8, their mid-month paychecks would include only the pay they earned for the first week of the month.

During a visit with U.S. Division Center Soldiers at Camp Liberty, the first question posed to the secretary concerned the possibility of a government shutdown and the effect it would have on service members' pay.

"Over time, they won't lose anything," the secretary told reporters after the visit. "But you all know as well as I do that a lot of these young troops live pretty much paycheck to paycheck, and when I start to think about the inconvenience that it's going to cause these kids and a lot of their families, even half a paycheck delayed can be a problem for them.

"So I hope they work this whole thing out," he added.

Shouts of "Hooah!" rang out among the 175 Soldiers gathered for the secretary's visit when Secretary Gates began his answer to a question about the possible shutdown by saying, "First of all, let me say you will be paid."

Secretary Gates joked that as a historian, it always has occurred to him that "a smart thing for government is always to pay the guys with the guns first." But he then explained how the shutdown would affect the Soldiers' pay.

"Based on some stuff I read this morning, if the government shutdown starts on the 8th and goes for a week, you'd get half a check," he said. "If it goes from the 15th to the 30th, you wouldn't get a paycheck on the 30th, but you would be back-paid for all of it (when the government resumes operations)."

Service members are paid on the 15th and last day of each month.

Secretary Gates told the Soldiers he knows that could present a tough situation for them.

"Frankly, I remember when I was your age, I did a lot of living from paycheck to paycheck," he said, "and so I hope this thing doesn't happen, because I know it'll be an inconvenience for a lot of troops."

4/8/2011 4:46:50 PM ET
What amazes me is all of the bickering and nastiness posted here. What many of you seem to have forgotten is this looming Government shut down shouldn't be happening at all. Regardless of how people spend their money or how much they save, a paycheck is something all of us come to rely on. I think people should be a little bit more compassionate and stop sounding so preachy and rude As a matter of fact this doesn't just affect pay... The Holloman AFB Commissary is closing tonight and will not be opening until this mess is sorted out. That affects a lot of people.
Kim, Holloman AFB
4/8/2011 3:51:15 PM ET
For all who are worried don't get too worked up yet. I lived through this once in the early 90's. A lot of banks paid the military what their average direct deposit was so that they could press on with life as usual. The creditors worked with people who didn't get paid because they know that eventually you will get your money and be able to pay them back. If you are a civilian you may be in a slightly different situation but all Active Duty will work out okay. Like the Chief said, if you need immediate assitance, contact the AF Aid Society. They are a great organization dedicated to helping Airman in need.
JT, Scott AFB
4/8/2011 2:33:27 PM ET
@ Justin CA- Good to know you have so much money. Some of us actually have to work for what we have.
A1C Alaska, Eielson
4/8/2011 2:23:10 PM ET
The writer John D. Banusiewicz needs to do fact check. The military have been paid on the 1st and the 15th of the month for years now. This was another congress move many years ago to save money for one year only which proves Congress has been doing bone head moves for years with no thoughts to what they do cost people money.
Thomas, Dayto Ohio
4/8/2011 1:57:56 PM ET
I have to say after reading these comments my mind has officially been blown. We've been told since basic training to always have at least 3 months expenses in savings. All airmen are told to save their money. So why then do we have so many broke airmen? I can understand that sometimes things arise unexpectedly that can drain our savings and then something like this comes along and just puts you under water. However, for people in those situations help is not hard to find. But those situations should be the exception not the rule. If having one paycheck or even three DELAYED is going to put you in that tough of a situation then you are living above your means - period. I also don't want to hear anything from the single parents. You of all people should know how to manage your finances. I'm single and am in the process of moving to a larger house because 3 of my family members are moving in with me and, guess what, I'll be fine.
Matthew102932, Maxwell AFB Gunter Annex
4/8/2011 1:45:15 PM ET
@ Justin CA- Those of you who do not have money saved up is your own problem. That's a bad attitude to take. You do not know everyone's situation. Granted their are those that are irresponsible with thier money but many members of our Armed Forces have had to endure hardships that have drained their bank acounts. This possible shutdown only exacerbates their problems. Since you feel that you are the shining example of fiscal responsibility perhaps you should apply that Wingman concept they have drilled into your head since basic and help your fellow Airman by showing them how.
Manfred Wise, Langley AFB VA
4/8/2011 1:09:53 PM ET
I understand that no matter what happens that we will still be paid and any bills that we can't cover will have letters sent to them explaining the situation. What I wonder now is are there going to be any accomodations for the basic needs of our military during this time? For example one of my husband's coworkers spoke of the comissary allowing up to a certain dollar amount of free food during this time based on rank such as 200 of free food for an E-3's family. I wanna know if this is true and if there's any other accomodations like it.
A1C Expecting, Langley AFB VA
4/8/2011 1:04:03 PM ET
A1CMOM- My thoughts exactly. I am an E3 and the sole provider for a house of 4 and it is very tough to save. I put a little away and will be fine for a week or 2 but any longer and that will be depleted. It is very confusing to me as to why our Congress can't agree on something so important. Politics, I understand, but this issue should transcend political affiliation and they should get this DONE. Would it be acceptable for any of us to not get our job done for 6 months? I doubt it.
Clayton, Eglin AFB
4/8/2011 12:19:15 PM ET
We were already looking at cutting costs since my husband just lost his job. We have a 3 year old at home and I'm now 7 months pregnant. He's looking for work and at this point I've been looking at getting a second job. It's nice that most of you single people were able to save up enough money that you'll be fine, but I'm worried that the little bit we did have saved is going to be used and gone before they pay us. If this only goes on for a week I know I'll be fine, but if we don't get paid when May comes around I'm not sure what we'll do. Try being the sole provider for a house of 3 -almost 4- and finding out that your paycheck is going to be delayed.
4/8/2011 12:12:48 PM ET
Frustrated Airman. No one is judging the way you spend your money. That is your choice and our advice applies to civilians as well as military, federal employees...essentially everyone. Based upon the description of your lifestyle of 'we drive nice cars and live in a nice neighborhood' maybe in order to save more money you should drive a less nice car. Again, that is your choice. Additionally, if you signed up so you should not have to worry about being forced to work without pay it sounds like you should never have enlisted. Lastly, you will get paid - just not when you would have normally been paid. Grow up. If everyone complaining about not being able to save money really thought about it I guarantee everyone will realize how much money they waste a month. Total the cost of the number of sodas or alcohol you drink a month. Why not drink water? Instead of having cable or satellite get an antenna and watch local channels. Instead of going to the movies watch a DVD.
4/8/2011 11:57:57 AM ET
I don't know how people live paycheck to paycheck. I have never been that way. I have enough to last me a few months with out getting paid. Plus I have a baby on the way.
Airman, CONUS
4/8/2011 11:54:20 AM ET
Justin- Do you have a family? Anyone to worry about besides yourself? If not, then please don't preach about having 6 months saved up. You have no idea about having to care for a family.
Jonesy, CO
4/8/2011 11:42:30 AM ET
I imagine if the truth were to come out most of the people complaining about not being able to save any money have things they do not need. As an example a 10K car will get you to work just as easily as a 20K car. You do not have to have a TV, computer, gaming system, go to the movies, MP3 player, eat out a lot, etc., to live your life. Sacrifice for a while and ensure you are able to save at least three months of pay. If that takes two three or four years or more, then so be it. I did it so can anyone else. If you have no savings then you have no one to blame but yourself.
4/8/2011 11:31:34 AM ET
I Just find it amazing that they are not going to pay the military or DOD civilians but Congress is still getting paid
Tom, Vandenberg AFB CA
4/8/2011 11:22:10 AM ET
Hey Justin - sounds like you need to tell mommy and daddy they need to put more money in to your savings. Your comment is arrogant and typical of a silver spooner who has never had to be financially responsible because your parents are there to help.
jc, conus
4/8/2011 10:32:41 AM ET
Everyone stop their complaining. Those of you who do not have money saved up is your own problem. I am a SrA and have plenty of money, and that's with a 600 truck payment not counting insurance and house payment. I am still able to save over 1000 easy a month. You all need to take something from this - it's not all bad. Makes you realize that maybe you should start putting away a little extra money for times such as these. The goverment was going to shut down a month ago and we went through this same deal; well knowing that should you not have started to save a little money from just then? Bottom line is that you're going to get paid and you should be able to go without a paycheck for atleast 4-6 months.
Justin, CA
4/8/2011 9:38:16 AM ET
My husband and I are both active duty, we drive nice cars and we live in a nice neighborhood. We live a lifestyle that we can AFFORD. We do not take on more than we can handle and neither do most airman. Who are you people to judge the way we spend our hard earned money? This is our job, just like civilians have their own jobs in which they spend money they earn however they darn well please just the same. We should not have to worry about being forced to work without pay - that is not what we signed up for. Even though we will get 'back paid' for our time without pay, how many of you have waited for back pay in your careers? Most if not all of you I am sure. It takes FOREVER because finance has enough issues as it is. We have busted our butts trying to make a decent savings account for ourselves - it is not easy. I hate that we have been saving for YEARS just to more than likely spend every last penny because of this 'shutdown'. It is ridiculous and frustrating to no end.
Frustrated Airman, WPAFB Ohio
4/8/2011 7:57:11 AM ET
All of you who say live within your means must live a perfect life. I have a a wife and son to take care of and I live in an area that the average price of gas is 4.55 a gallon. Milk, food and everything else is just as expensive. I don't have big screen TVs or fancy decked out cars. I have what we need to survive. Rent on an apartment is 2200 plus utilities. Add all that up and not getting paid is NOT an option. OUR Government does not think about us they think of themselves. A congressman from Fl said on CNN he would not compromise no matter what. He will still get paid and not get evicted. The President said he will veto any temporary bills and this helps how? Congress and Sec Gates need to look outside the box and not make jokes at our accord. And, Mr. Gates, what job have you ever had where you lived pay check to pay check? Maybe back in school.
4/8/2011 7:34:08 AM ET
CJ and all of the other young AF families out there ... The Air Force Aid Society can help. Your husband needs to talk to his first sergeant. That you haven't received BAH for 3 months is inexcusable. The first sergeant will be able to help with the AFAS grant or loan ... probably a combination of both ... and should be able to kick down a couple of doors to get that BAH issue cleared up ASAP. If not call the commander ... I resolved a 3 month BAH issue for one of my guys with one well-placed email. I know it can be done. Supervisors you need to keep your fingers on the pulse of your Airmen and their families ... this is stressful for all but our young families will need some TLC and guidance if this worsens.
Chief Foster, Germany
4/8/2011 7:06:29 AM ET
I am not trying to complain but I am worried about the morale here in Afghanistan. People are threatening not to continue to fight for this Country... That scares me to be in a war zone and not fight because we aren't getting paid right away.
S, Bagram Afghanistan
4/8/2011 7:06:29 AM ET
@CJ MissouriCheck with the Air Force Aid Society. If you are near an Army base then check with the Family Readiness center. They should be able to
Queso, JBLE
4/8/2011 6:09:04 AM ET
When I first entered the military I definitely had no nestegg. How many of our newer Amn, Sldrs, Marines or Sailors do? This is yet another sad event in our recent history. Follow TSgt G's advice - call your creditors, write down who you talk to and when in a log. Most creditors will work with you.
Tom, McGuire
4/8/2011 3:38:57 AM ET
I think there is a misuse of the word inconvenience.
Ray, Southwest Asia
4/8/2011 1:58:00 AM ET
Being an airman and living on base this will affect me but not as much as people with families. I can easily go to chow hall and not go out and have enough money to pay for my phone/internet and other bills...but what about my friend back in the states that's deployed and his wife and son are depending on that check to support them? This is a very touchy subject to talk about because everyone in the military has different financial endeavors. Hopefully this all gets sorted out, but let's just be ready for the worst.
marcus, osan ab
4/8/2011 1:54:53 AM ET
For all those people that say that you should always have reserves for emergencies. What do you do if you just had an emergency and it wiped out your savings...please tell me....waiting.......oh thats right just sucks to be me
Nick, MLWA
4/8/2011 1:21:32 AM ET
Be great if people could not pay IRS and cc bills late without penality. I recommend if the govt shuts down they compensate military members additionally to offset the damages caused. They should draft a bill and vote into law a rule creditors, etc., cannot penalize us when this is no fault of ours. Here's a thought - shut down foriegn aid as it is currently in the billions tell them- sorry guys we have to pay our bills- get back to you next year.
AD, Hawaii
4/8/2011 12:50:32 AM ET
Everyone needs a rainy day fund. Service members get caught up in the mindset of I have a guaranteed paycheck every 1st and 15th. As we're now seeing our paychecks aren't guaranteed.Yes it's more difficult for younger troops to save money but it's not impossible. Buy used instead of new. If you're used to going out four weekends per month try only two weekends per month. Skip the cable and settle for the slower speed internet at home. Fortunately there are thousands of ways folks can change their life to save money.Unfortunately there are even more excuses to not save money. We all have to make choices that best suit our situation. As for me I'd rather be prepared for the rainy day. Those unlike our paychecks are guaranteed.
4/7/2011 11:49:41 PM ET
So wouldn't the Soldiers and Sailors Act come into affect if mortagesleases can not be paid due to hardship with not getting paid?
JG, Kirtland AFB
4/7/2011 11:09:11 PM ET
With all due respect, sir, if this nation is so financially bad off that it can't pay the ones who protect it, then it shouldn't pay those who got us to this point.
Edward, peterson AFB
4/7/2011 9:41:53 PM ET
There is not much a military member can save. I knew an Airman who saved a ton he stayed in his room and did absolutely nothing. Most would prefer going out and living life while they can... how they can get away with not paying those who give their lives is absurd. Of course it is easy for them to stop others pay making tons of money at the top. If they can do it once they can do it again. That is what I am worried about.
KC, Osan AB
4/7/2011 9:21:17 PM ET
Terry clearly you are missing the point of many service member's frustration. Sure the responsible thing is for people to save money in case of an emergency. However this is not an emergency. This is a political ploy by elected officials that is going to cause our service members to suffer just so a politicial can point the finger at the other party. An emergency is a tragic accident medical emergency death not the government's failure to pay for services rendered. I thank God that nothing like this happened when I was in the military and I feel the utmost embarrassment that this is the best we can do for our service members. So Terry hopefully you realize that even in the military people are entitled to an honest day's pay for an honest day's work.
Chris, Louisiana
4/7/2011 8:10:50 PM ET
Most jobs in the DoD and the Air Force require a security clearance. Under Guideline F of security concerns the DoD can -and WILL I speak from experience - revoke your clearance if your debts are delinquent .If one's clerance is revoked for this reason the appeal process takes 90 days minimum-during which said member cannot work around classified information.If members fall behind on their bills due to this shutdown and are thus suspended from their duty sections this cannot be good for mission accomplishment.
DT, Ellsworth AFB
4/7/2011 8:06:01 PM ET
This would be a great time to educate our young airmen about the Air Force Aid. They can assist you if you run into unexpected financial issues. Hopefully people will support it so it stays around.
Paul, Boston
4/7/2011 7:25:52 PM ET
I never said I haven't had money problems, I definitely have. I had some pretty bad money management skills and usually had my paycheck spent before I got it. But I realized I was screwing up re-evaluated what I was doing wrong and fixed it. There's no reason the vast majority of folks couldn't do the same thing. There are some with legitimate hardships but I think if everyone who's going to be hurting by having their pay delayed two weeks is honest with themselves they'll realize that they could be doing much better.
MikeB, FL
4/7/2011 6:54:22 PM ET
Perhaps those of you so quick to judge the financial situations of others should walk a mile in their shoes. Some people have more financial responsibilities than others. If you are able to save great. I'm happy for you. Acting superior to those who cannot or just plain don't is unbecoming of those who are supposed to be representing our armed forces.
G, North Carolina
4/7/2011 6:46:38 PM ET
Who is anyone to judge how military members spend their money? They fight for our freedom..if they want to buy nice things who are you to judge My husband? And I did have a savings till it recently got wiped out. Even if you have a savings account we shouldn't have to worry about tapping into it. We do not by anymeans live outside our means. We can afford all of our billsbut without a paycheck or even just a half a paycheck that does not pay for rent car insurance utilities phones etc etc etc. We've got two kids to support and I'm not working due to high cost of daycare. Most military familes live paycheck to paycheck especially if the other spouse does not have an income. Its not a matter of us changing our lives its a matter of our goverment fixing our problems and not everyone elses.
nikita, creech afb
4/7/2011 6:21:17 PM ET
We got plenty of to fund Tops in Blue and new aircraft but not enough to pay servicemen fighting in 3 wars 2 of which are illegal. On Welfare and out of workdon't want to work Don't worry we got your back. On SSI Don't sweat it.In the military Sucks to be you.
Not rich like Politicians, NA
4/7/2011 6:19:46 PM ET
I find it very disheartening and ignorant that many still believe that most Airmen are financially irresponsible. The cold remarks about having money saved for emergencies ring most true for those who do not have parents and families back home to support and who aren't single parents. Not every Airman buys new cars TVs or lives beyond their means. The average young Airman in 2011 is in their early 20's and may have college debt or other financial obligations to take care of. The incompetency of goverment members who care more about being reelected than they do about the people who voted for them makes me sick. As previously stated banks don't care if you can't pay your bills for a cycle because the goverment decided it was too good to use common sense compassion and selflessnes.
Jay, Holloman
4/7/2011 4:51:19 PM ET
You cannot assume that every young Airman has the luxury to save money everytime they get paid. What about those who are single parents getting no child support or those who have to support their relatives back home? DO NOT include all of us in that statement about needing to re-evaluate our financial habits. Life happens, and if you have never had money issues then good for you. I was a single parent trying to make it with NO help and there have been times where I could not afford to eat because my daughter needed to eat instead. And, yes, I was in the military when this happened. Not all troops waste their money like those few, so do not assume we are all alike.
Rachael, SD
4/7/2011 4:16:04 PM ET
If this shutdown does occur my husband is just starting out and we are behind on bills to begin with because for 3 months now we have not received BAH or anything but his base pay and he's away for tech school for over a year. Our 2 month old son and I will be evicted because the money hasn't come and our landlord has waited too long for pay. I don't have a job because I just had a baby and I lost my job due to pregnancy complications in December so we have no other income besides what my husband brings in. I am left scrounging for change to buy much needed diapers for our son. I am now being forced to make arrangements to fly accross country to live with my parents who don't have much room either. I honestly don't know what is going to happen to us if there is a government shutdown. We have already endured so much.
CJ, missouri
4/7/2011 4:10:17 PM ET
I think it's unreasonable to blame anyone for missing a payment if their pay is reduced by half for two weeks. Good for you if you have a nest egg and, of course, that's preferable, but to smugly judge those who may not have reserves whether by choice or due to lack of enough pay to create a reserve is kind of cruel and typical of someone with no ability to understand the situations of others-- to make sweeping generalizations and paint yourself as superior.
John, Melbourne FL
4/7/2011 3:34:25 PM ET
As people have stated, if losing half a paycheck means you can't make a mortgage payment or eat dinner at home you need to rethink your way of life. Many military people live outside their means and always have to have the newest and best of things.This is exactly why a savings account is important. I doubt airmen will get in trouble as no one is getting paid and if people call their companies before the bill is overdue they will work with them.
4/7/2011 3:03:26 PM ET
How about living off-base in England and paying 2400 total in rent and utilities? I guess living on base now would not be so bad...
Concerned MSgt, Lakenheath
4/7/2011 2:30:53 PM ET
Don't worry as Secretary Gates said this will simply be an inconvenience to the younger troops. What is the worst that will happen? You don't get paid for a while, so you don't pay your bills for a while. Then you will get to go see the 1st Shirt and explain why you are being financially irresponsible. Of course, if a shut down lasts very long your credit score will be affected by this but, after all, a credit score is not all that important now days---unless you are trying to get or renew your Security Clearance Remember this will simply be a little inconvenience for everyone. This coming from a guy that makes 191000 a year.
Retired SNCO, Ohio
4/7/2011 2:20:55 PM ET
Great - grand - wonderful. I am pleased as punch my husband will still be 'earning' a check....that doesn't do my creditors any good - pretty sure an IOU isn't good for them, and finance has enough issues of its own getting regular pad straight. Add the backlog of back pay for however long and you have an even bigger recipe for disaster. I sincerely hopes this all gets straightened out because the stress of it alone is ridiculous. I don't even want to imagine how stressed we all will be if it does happen.
Amber, Davis-Monthan AFB
4/7/2011 2:10:39 PM ET
If having half your paycheck delayed for 2 weeks causes you to miss a mortgage payment then it's time to re-evaluate your financial habits because you're doing something wrong.
MikeB, FL
4/7/2011 2:05:59 PM ET
That's why we save...for situations like this. No matter how young an airman, soldier, sailor, or marine, it's everyone's responsibility to save for emergencies. Too often you see young military members with brand new vehicles, big screen televisions, etc. Live within your means people.
Terry, Hanscom AFB
4/7/2011 1:36:20 PM ET
The shutdown will be more than just an inconvenience. Young Airmen are usually brought before their supervisors, first sergeants, etc., when they find out their bills aren't being paid because the creditors, landlords, etc., don't care about shutdowns - they still want their money. It is so ironic that Airmen are lectured on individual financial responsibility but our leaders can haggle and play politics with our Airmen's livelihoods. What a shame.
Beth, Randolph AFB
4/7/2011 1:31:29 PM ET
If it comes to a shutdown and you do not receive any or all of your pay, try calling and working with creditors versus not paying your bills. Most will be understanding and work with you.
TSgt Gutierrez, Lackland AFB
4/7/2011 1:19:11 PM ET
It may be close to the time where Wing Commanders need to open the chow Hall to all under his command so everyone can at least eat three squares a day while working during the USG shut down. Hope for our troops sake it does not happen. Thanks for continuing the service we gave during our time.
USAFE Retired, Ohio
4/7/2011 11:59:36 AM ET
So when my credit score is hurt because Im not going to be able to make my mortage then what? I hope they come to a consensus, because they are going to be affecting many of us.
Paul, Edwards AFB
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