Ensign Christopher Cornette conducts the U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band during a performance at the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Military Music Festival.

GARMISCH, Germany (Apr. 28, 2012) - Ensign Christopher Cornette conducts the U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band during a performance at the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Military Music Festival. The U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band was invited to perform at the music festival that included bands from Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Oman. View at highest resolution (4272 by 466 pixels)

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GARMISCH, Germany (Apr. 28, 2012) - Ensign Christopher Cornette conducts the U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band during a performance at the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Military Music Festival. The U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band was invited to perform at the music festival that included bands from Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Oman.

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