Economic Literacy Project Logo

“Economic literacy is crucial because it is a measure of whether people understand the forces that significantly affect the quality of their lives.”

Gary H. Stern, President
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

“Economic literacy is a vital skill, just as vital as reading literacy.” —Robert F. Duvall,
President and CEO
National Council on Economic Education

The above quotes are from articles in The Region magazine's issue on Economic Literacy.

2002 Economic and Financial Literacy Conference

Economic and Financial Literacy Moves From the Schoolhouse to the Statehouse, Participants at a Washington, D.C., conference suggest ways to further integrate economic education in school curriculums.

Report from the Economic Literacy Symposium,
May 13-14, 1999

“The Economic Literacy Project: Seeking a Blueprint for America,” featured over 60 specially invited representatives of academia, business, labor, K-12 education, consumers, government and financial institutions. It was hosted by Sound Money, the MPR Civic Journalism Initiative and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis' The Region magazine.

The Region, June 1999

The Region, Dec. 1998

Marketplace Money

National Council on Economic Education

Resources for Teachers

Federal Reserve Consumer Help