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A1C Garner
Airman 1st Class Matthew Garner listens to a speech from a Ranger Training Brigade leader April 29, 2011, at Ft. Benning, Ga. The Ranger graduation ceremony was preceded by a Rangers in Action Demonstration and attended by hundreds of friends and families. Airman Garner is assigned to the 823rd Base Defense Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Brigitte N. Brantley-Sisk)
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Airman Ranger made the cut, now leads the way

Posted 5/9/2011 Email story   Print story


by Airman 1st Class Brigitte N. Brantley-Sisk
23rd Wing Public Affairs

5/9/2011 - FORT BENNING, Ga. (AFNS) -- The course began with 404 people. After 61 days of fast-paced stressful situations that pushed them past their physical and mental limits, only 191 remained, and only one was an Airman.

Airman 1st Class Matthew Garner, an 823rd Base Defense Squadron member, is one of fewer than 300 Airmen to make it through Army Ranger School and earn the Ranger tab since the school opened in the 1950s.

"I wanted to become a Ranger to find out what my limits were," said Airman Garner, who graduated April 29. "Completing the course helped me realize there were no limits. The course is designed to help you find out who you really are. You're tired and hungry, and surrounded by chaos and confusion in the worst of conditions, but you still have to overcome adversity and get the job done."

Airman Garner was chosen to fill one of only six slots the Air Force gets each year for the course.

During the nine weeks of the combat leadership course held at Fort Benning, Ga., the aspiring Rangers were isolated as they learned the skills that will lead them to gaining the coveted qualification.

"We were allowed (to receive) mail during most parts of the course, and that was definitely a morale booster," Airman Garner said. "What really helped each person get through the training was their team. It takes a lot of individual effort, but nobody earns the Ranger tab on their own. If someone was having a particularly rough day, the teammates would help support them."

To help aid with the team concept, none of the students wore ranks.

The three phases hone their combat skills including demolitions, mountaineering, ability to lead a platoon-sized patrol, combat arms proficiency, land navigation, and combat water survival.

The phases were held in different environments, including mountains and a coastal swamp, but each phase tested the students' commitment and stamina while facing severe weather, hunger and mental, physical and emotional stress.

"Because I went through the Air Force pre-Ranger course, I felt like I had really been set up for success," Airman Garner said. "Overall, I put about 10 months of intense training into earning my Ranger tab."

Airman Garner said he credits two people with helping him the most during the preparation process: his father, Don Garner, and Staff Sgt. Seth Hunter, from the 820th Combat Operations Squadron.

"We're very proud of him for serving his country and accomplishing something like this," said Mr. Garner. "Even as a young man, he was always into exercising and doing things that weren't expected of him. Before joining the Air Force, he went to college for a year on a bull-riding scholarship. Bull-riding isn't something Indiana is known for."

Airman Garner started riding bulls when he was 14 years old and has spent two years since then as an amateur and three years as a professional. His father acted as a coach then, but still has an effect on his son now.

"My father helped me develop the mental fortitude to drive forward and never quit," Airman Garner said. "He was like a personal coach and gave me some memorable 'don't quit' talking sessions. During the Ranger course, the temptation to quit is always there, so that really helped."

Airman Garner also credits Sergeant Hunter with some of his success. It began when Sergeant Hunter graduated Ranger school.

"I graduated from Ranger school in October 2010 and then helped assess Airman Garner during his pre-Ranger course late last year," said Sergeant Hunter, the 820th COS manager for tactical training, and sharpshooter and sniper skills. "We spent a lot of time training and preparing for this, and I'm super proud of him.

"Only 30 percent of Rangers make it through the entire course without being recycled, and he was one of them," he said. "His graduation is an outstanding accomplishment, especially for someone his age. The leadership and combat skills he's gained during Ranger school will be very beneficial to his unit."

The graduation included a Rangers in Action Demonstration, which showcased rappelling, demolitions, extraction by helicopter and hand-to-hand combat abilities.

Airman Garner is scheduled to attend the U.S. Army Airborne School in May to earn the title of Airborne Ranger.

6/4/2012 10:05:34 PM ET
So does this Airman go on Ranger combat missions or does he just wear the Tab?
Sean, New Orleans
5/16/2011 10:59:23 AM ET
As a graduate of Ranger school 1-94 and prior service Army, I salute Airman Garner. What an accomplishment. Now if only the uniform board would see fit to allow Airman Garner and others like him to proudly display the Ranger tab. Unfortunately, he won't be able to be a role model to other Airmen who may not know him, due to the inability to wear it and show our pride.
James , Homestead ARB
5/14/2011 5:54:37 AM ET
My two cents: The Army has recently opened up more slots for Airmen to attend. Check out this: Again, I will emphasize that this is a leadership course, which in my opinion is much better than any AF leadership course offered. The cost of the training is not as high as some of the AF courses offered, they hardly eat in a chow hall and do not stay in billeting. So it is, in fact, probably the most cost effective leadership course the military has to offer.
Rifleman96, conus
5/13/2011 10:44:00 PM ET
Jerry you ask why? The answer is because he could! Congrats, A1C Garner!
Ralo Tamasi, TEXAS
5/13/2011 7:19:27 PM ET
This is absolutely valuable training. There are squadrons - and some detachments - that are tasked to support Ranger Regiments with TACPs. If TACPs are fighting beside the Rangers they should go to Ranger school. A1C Garner will likely work with Rangers in his career field so it's great that he got the training. For those of you who think it's too expensive, this is some of the cheapest training that an Airman can get. The Army provides the instructors, the trainees sleep mostly in the field, the trainees probably don't get per diem since meals are provided, and travel was from Moody to Fort Benning.
Caveman, Bedrock
5/13/2011 4:58:39 PM ET
Congratulations to A1C Garner. That is truly an amazing accomplishment. I however agree with Jerry. These are lean times in the AF and in the military in general. It seems half of the news stories I read all have to do with people either participating in or graduating from programs that are not specifically mission essential to their career fields. And I really mean mission essential. Will Ranger training benefit A1C Garner and his unit Sure. Is it absolutely necessary I don't think so. If it was then that knowledge and skill would be offered in SF school wouldn't it It's time to think about these issues from a different and sensible perspective and those of us who point it out are not all sour grapes.
Rick Springfield, Texas
5/13/2011 12:16:47 PM ET
Congrats to A1C Garner for enduring the grueling Ranger School, but I'm with Jerry. I don't understand why the Air Force has six seats to this school. Don't get me wrong. I think it is great that we have six slots, but why not more? We have a total Active Duty strength of roughly 330K, and if this training is so important, why only send 0.00001 percent of the force to this training per year? I'm sure we deploy more than six Airmen a year into IED territory, but only six per year get this training.
My 2 C, TX
5/13/2011 10:25:07 AM ET
@Jerry: Why would you make such a comment? Can you not stand to see an airman have more success than you? That must be it. I don't like being lumped in with people like you, so please, if you do not agree with what the Air Force is doing, get out and stop dragging your wingmen down with your whiny attitude. Congratulations, airman. This is an amazing feat.
Rallied, Lackland AFB
5/13/2011 8:18:03 AM ET
What a rare opportunity and superb accomplishment for Airman Garner. It is unfortunate that there are some extremely well-prepared and higly-qualified Airmen who will never have a single chance to even compete for such an opportunity to attend this prestigious training. This is a very visible example of life in the DoD; you have to take what opportunities you can earn and cheer on those who get still more. Airmen all over owe Garner thanks for making all of us look a little better today.
The Old Retired Guy, San Antonio
5/12/2011 10:50:57 PM ET
Jerry, if the Air Force has six funded seats per year in this course, then there is an established requirement for the skills A1C Garner was sent to learn. The Army does not give the AF seats in their schools because it wants to be 'nice' to a sister service. OBTW, his squadron is part of 93 AGOW -- 93rd Air GROUND Operations WIng. Congrats to A1C Garner.
Crusty Major, Langley AFB
5/12/2011 1:24:26 PM ET
Sierra Hotel. Having taken numerous Chair Force ribbings from my joint brothers it's nice to see an Airman, regardless of rank or AFSC, hold his or her own. @Jerry, along with your other comments, I agree we need to tighten the belt but not here. We can do much better in the Organize aspect to reduce overhead duplication and inefficiency but not in these Train or Equip aspects at the expense of the readiness and combat effectiveness of our Airmen. We need these sorts of programs that improve joint training and awareness for our troops.
CP, Colo Spgs
5/12/2011 12:47:00 PM ET
Well done, A1C Garner. I agree fully with Chris and others: six funded slots per year is a very small price for future AF and joint dividends, not to mention morale. All these interservice training and exchange opportunities are a drop in the proverbial fiscal bucket for what they net. Way to set the bar for future AF trainees.
5/12/2011 12:35:52 PM ET
Hey Jerry, could YOU do it? Did you ever apply? Did you read the other story about five Security Forces Airmen who just completed Army Air Assault? I worked with a TSgt in a Security Police Squadron ages ago who was a Ranger and he was an outstanding example for the entire squadron. A1C Garner is a junior guy but what he will bring back to his squadron will be invaluable when training other cops. He's a tremendous asset to the AF even in shrinking budgets. Go sit down Jerry.
5/12/2011 4:09:26 AM ET
Go away, Jerry. Your negativity is not wanted. Congrats on your accomplishment Airman.
Derek, Ramstein AB
5/11/2011 9:25:51 PM ET
Jerry, MOST Ranger students are not going to serve in Ranger units. It's a leadership school, not a qualification school for Rangers. The benefits of A1C Warner's attendance will be to the USAF and the Airmen he supervises.
Thomas Wilson, Tampa FL
5/11/2011 9:23:03 PM ET
I guess there are always Debbie-Downers in any discussion thread, Jerry. I, too, had the opportunity to attend the Ranger Airborne and Air Assault Courses years ago as an Airman and believe the training saved my life on numerous occasions. As a Security Forces Airman, it is highly probable that this young man will wind up in IED territory at some point and the advanced light infantry training he received at Ranger School will better prepare him for this experience. He will also be able to share his training with other Airmen and help increase intra-service understanding and appreciation. Ranger School also gives junior enlisted members the opportunity to lead squad- and platoon-size teams, which is not at all common in the Air Force. So this Airman will go through the junior ranks with confidence and poise that his peers will observe, respect and hopefully imitate. I think I've given enough reasons to foot the bill for six slots per year. I think it is a great thing you've accomplished
Chris Kimball, Louisiana
5/11/2011 12:37:03 PM ET
Why? If he isn't going to be assigned with an Army Ranger unit why did he attend this training and Airborne Ranger school? We are in an era of tight budgets. I am sure the Air Force and A1C Garner gain from the experience but at what cost?
Jerry, Oklahoma
5/10/2011 9:01:05 PM ET
Outstanding achievement, A1C Warner. GREAT job. Congratulations on an outstanding accomplishment. SSgt Hunter, fantastic work on your end as well and way to be a leader. My hats off to the both of you. RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!
Retired, Arizona
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