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Managing My Time

(Choosing the Coast Guard Academy, Class of 2016) Permanent link   All Posts
 Trefonides PhotoThe friends I’ve made here at the Academy during my first month are great. Playing soccer and being a part of the team – great. The pizza and chocolate milk – great. My instructors, aside from only a couple – great. But my first month in general – just alright.


Adjusting to school work has been tough for me. Academics in high school were never really a big issue, but here, and I’m sure any college as well, coursework is a lot more rigorous. Finding enough time to do homework has been a struggle, and unfortunately I usually end up having to do homework and study during the time when I wish I could be sleeping. I am getting pretty good grades, but I have to work on finding a way to manage my time so that I can get good grades and enough sleep, too.


Still, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Cadets here are working toward receiving a reputable Bachelors of Science degree and a commission as an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. I’m always busy, but this is my job and I am getting paid to be here, so I can’t complain. The way I like to think of it is that at some point I had to get my act together and start working toward something, so why not now. I figured joining the military is a pretty good way to make that happen and get right into a career, and the Coast Guard is an awesome service.


To any prospective cadets reading, I invite you to email me at The cadet blogs had a sufficient impact on me when I was applying, so feel free to shoot me an email and I will promptly answer any questions you may have.


More about Nick.