DoDEA Pacific in the News

DoDEA Pacific Public Affairs

Kim McLaughlin to Succeed Ed Banka as Human Resource Officer for DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam

For Immediate Release — August 3, 2007 | Pacific
Charles Steitz: Public Affairs Officer | DSN: 644-5657

TORII STATION, OKINAWA , JAPAN — August 3, 2007 — Dr. Nancy Bresell, Director DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam, announced Mrs. Kimberlee McLaughlin will serve as the Human Resources Officer for DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam. Ms. McLaughlin will succeed Ed Banka, who accepted an assignment with the Human Resources Center at DoDEA headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.

McLaughlin came to the Pacific in August 2006 as a Lead Human Resources Specialist, responsible for staffing, classification, pay, allowances, and other major HR programs across the Pacific Area.

Prior to her assignment to the Pacific HR Division, McLaughlin served as the Chief of the Policy and Evaluation Division for the DoDEA Human Resources Center. In this capacity, she was responsible for policies related to pay and compensation, staffing, and labor/employee relations. Ms. McLaughlin earned her BS Degree in Human Resources from Oakland University and has complimented that education with extensive training in Federal human resources management. “Kim brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this assignment and we look forward to an exceptional HR program under her leadership,” Bresell said.

Banka will be leaving this month to become the Assistant Director of Human Resources. Ed has been the Human Resources Officer since January 2004. Prior to his current position, he served for four years as Deputy Chief of the Regionalization and Systems Modernization Division of the Civilian Personnel Management Service. He also served as the Chief of Staffing at HQ DoDEA for three years and has a total of over 30 years of HR experience with DoD agencies.

“Ed has been an incredible advocate for our teachers, administrators, and staff. His ability to manage complex and sensitive issues remains inspirational. I will truly miss his guidance and knowledge and wish him continued success as he takes on new challenges and opportunities,” said Bresell.