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Air Force officials release staff sergeant selection statistics
Air Force officials selected 11,337 of 26,549 eligible senior airman for promotion to staff sergeant for a selection rate of 42.70 percent. The list will be released at 8 a.m. Aug. 4. (U.S. Air Force graphic)
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Officials announce E-5 selection stats

Posted 8/1/2011 Email story   Print story


8/1/2011 - RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFNS) -- Air Force officials here selected 11,337 of 26,549 eligible senior airman for promotion to staff sergeant for a selection rate of 42.70 percent.

The average score for those selected was 275.56, with an average time in grade of 1.88 years and an average time in service of 4.44 years. The average score was based on the following point averages: 131.68 for enlisted performance reports, 0.96 for decorations, 63.49 for the promotion fitness examination and 56.66 for the specialty knowledge test.

The staff sergeant promotion list will be released Aug. 4 at 8 a.m. CST on the Air Force Personnel Center's website and Air Force Personnel Services website under enlisted promotions. Airmen can also access their score notices at the same time on the Virtual Military Personnel Flight through the Air Force Portal.

Those selected for staff sergeant will be promoted according to their promotion sequence number beginning in September.

As a reminder, selections are tentative until the data verification process is complete, which is no later than 10 days after the promotion release date. Air Force Personnel officials will notify Airmen through their military personnel sections if their selection is in question.

For more information about personnel issues, visit the Air Force Personnel Services website.

(Courtesy of Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower Public Affairs)

8/4/2011 8:48:09 AM ET
Good words Capt Pietersma. SrA have nothing to do with Jr NCO problems. Maybe Herc was the problem due to hisher un wingmanship attitudes.
Deng, Edwards AFB
8/4/2011 7:28:21 AM ET
I don't understand why people are so upset by the promotion rates. The AF has a quota to fill and they promote based on what they feel they need. It has nothing to do with the inflated EPR system. Even if it did who are we to blame besides the NCOs who write these EPRs for these Airmen and the SNCOs that approve them. So in the end how can we really blame the people who are getting promoted Maybe if they were all shown the right way by their leaders this inflation wouldn't happen. Not to mention that it is the SNCOs that write the SKTs for everyone in their job. So let's not blame the people getting promoted. If in fact the system is messed up then we only have those before them to blame.
B, las vegasnv
8/4/2011 7:04:11 AM ET
I think the focus is off in some comments below finger pointing gets us nowhere fast. I am currently deployed and I work hand-in-hand with our Army Brethren. I see the level of responsibility given to young Army E-3's E-4's and E-5's. What makes the AF any different at giving our future leaders the opportunity to get promoted early on I have worked with Army E-6's with two years TIS so if our young Airmen have potential it is important to develop this. It is a matter of steering our young NCO's in the proper direction while allowing them to make mistakes. There is no perfect system so we have to make the most of the system we currently have. If you have a proposal for change submit it through the proper channels but know this system has been around longer than many of us have been in the AF. Congrats to all SSgt selectees. Strive to be the best NCO you can be and dont be afraid to make mistakes. This is the best advice we can give any of our young Airmen and NCOs. Wheth
SMSgt Terence J. Ford, Deployed
8/4/2011 6:46:23 AM ET
Herc you comment was neither helpful nor needed. There is a obvious need for this percentage of new SSgt's. If your comment about our AF's Jr NCO ranks being screwed up is true which I don't believe the case the only people to blame are the SNCO's above them who are not taking their role seriously. Assuming you are one of those SNCO's maybe you should do your part and mentor these new NCO's or if as a SrA they are not ready to be promoted plead that case as well. Congrats to all the Staff Sergeant-selects. Here's to a promotion well deserved.
CMSgt George Richey, Deployed to SWA
8/4/2011 3:35:08 AM ET
I don't understand why people get so upset when someone gains rank. The rank is the easy part. It is the responsibility level that makes it different. I didn't make SSgt my first time and do not feel any anger towards anyone who does. People who are sour probably didn't make it and are just mad that the outcome someone else received. Don't bash people for making rank as it will show and more than likely reflect if they are not a good leader. Good luck to all the SrA that tested and remember not making it your first time is not life or death. There is next year.
Travis, JP
8/3/2011 10:53:11 PM ET
I am hopeful that all of us that get selected will be proficient supervisors and even mentors. But still have my doubts. Ive been in 6 years and went through ALS last year and some of those in my class I could not picture leading. @MSGT RAFL I disagree those individuals should be prepared before the line numbers come out not after. It takes a long time to become a good supervisor it doesnt happen over night you cant prepare for everthing your troops bring to you.All in all I disagree with the EPR system being broke. we just misuse it but I agree the promotion system should be overhauled. Maybe give each squadron so many stripes and have a non-biased board do the promoting. dont know if that would work but an idea.
SrA SFS, Lackland AFB
8/3/2011 10:29:25 PM ET
Good luck everyone For all who didn't make it there's always next year
Crawford, Spangdahlem
8/3/2011 8:33:09 PM ET
Not usually a big fan of officers but damn you owned Herc with that comment. Good luck to all the eligible promotees.
SSgt H, Peterson AFB Frozen over Hell
8/3/2011 3:37:50 PM ET
I wish there was a like button on here as Facebook does so I could "like" Capt Pietersma's comment. Congratulations to all the new selects.
TSgt Triple T, DMAFB TX
8/3/2011 2:01:37 PM ET
The system may not be perfect. However in my experience, which includes time as an NCO, Airmen who strive to do the best at their job and who study hard for professional development are successful in mission and personal accomplishment. Again the system may not be perfect but there is always the option of Blue to Green.
Capt Pietersma, F. E. Warren AFB Wyoming
8/3/2011 1:27:06 PM ET
@ Capt P. While Herc's comments seemed harsh, there is an element of truth and Upset AF and Dan Tucson capture some of those concerns. What was automatic were previous O-3 boards since promotion opportunity was just lowered from 100 back to 95 percent starting with the Captain Liine of the Air Force promotion board in July 2011. That also meant some 1Lts who had no business being captains had slipped by, if the RIF did not get them later. Not pointing any fingers, just stating fact, so 42.7 is a relative figure.
8/3/2011 1:19:20 PM ET
On one hand I'm happy and supportive for those selected. On the other I fear that they are not yet ready. Less than 2 yrs TIG, less than 5 yrs TIS? This is significantly different from past rates. Are these members truly ready to take positions of leadership? With the understanding that promotion rates are driven by the need to maintain force distribution across grades, what is the larger issue driving the high promotion percentage rate?
8/3/2011 12:06:23 PM ET
Well put Capt P. Good Luck to all SrA who tested!
SSgt Lesane, RAF Lakenheath
8/3/2011 11:15:08 AM ET
I personally think that many of the new NCOs have been stepping up and doing a great job, especially here at Charleston and have personally seen very few screw ups with our jr NCOs here and at the many places I have gone TDY. Props to Capt Pietersma on his entire comment and again congrats to our new AF SSgt selects. You will all do a great job!
SSgt Tewell, Charleston AFB SC
8/3/2011 9:02:27 AM ET
@Capt Win
8/3/2011 8:54:02 AM ET
Capt Pietersma...what is not helpful nor intelligent is the fact the Air Force continues to promote individuals based on who can pass a written exam and who are victims of a broken EPR system. Unfortunately some of these selects will lack the necessary skills and common sense to be an effective NCO. So when some of these SSgt selects you say will be defending our freedoms take a hard look at them and ask yourself if they are or have the ability to be the leaders the Air Force is expecting them to be in particular while operating downrange. Im not saying all of these selects dont deserve to be promoted but rather saying we the Air Force need to seriously look at the system itself and determine if it is fair and balanced. Personally I think the system is long past due to an overhaul.
Upset, AF
8/3/2011 8:42:05 AM ET
Wow Herc. Way to bust the bubble of those SrA that have been studying and working hard. Every year the negative comments come out about the percent of SrA selected for promotion and those of us who have been in a while know that even when the promotion numbers were much lower there were people selected that should not have been. We as leaders at all ranks need to ensure that once the line numbers come out we prepare that person for their next level of responsibility instead of smacking them down for spelling their name right.
8/3/2011 7:37:47 AM ET
Well done Capt P. Seems Herc may be feeling the pinch of actually doing his job and mentoring some of these newly promoted SSgts. It's troops like him who make my job more challenging than the new NCOs.
MSgt Carns, Deployed
8/2/2011 11:36:49 PM ET
Way to keep it civil Captain Calling someone ignorant in a run-on sentence is not needed. Although snarky Hercs comments bring up a perfectly valid point.For many years now the Air Force has been promoting so many SrA's to SSgt that it has made the promotion near automatic like getting E2 thru E4. I was one of 20000 to receive SSgt the year I was promoted. The year before that they promoted 66 percent of those eligible. If the Air Force does not stop promoted anyone with a heartbeat they will further erode respect for the Junior NCOs like SrA Gonzalez that actually earned their stripe.
Dan, Tucson AZ
8/2/2011 9:52:21 PM ET
Congrats to all of the SSgt selects. Hopefully some of my friends will be on the list this year. Maybe Herc you are one of the reasons the Jr NCO ranks are screwed up. How about you stop complaining about the problem and be apart of the solution. Teach them the right way
SSgt Amburgey, Kleine Brogel AB Belgium
8/2/2011 9:51:56 PM ET
Herc, you are better off not commenting, saying garbage like that. Congrats to everyone who made it.
Scott, Eielson AFB
8/2/2011 6:27:46 PM ET
Herc as an airman I would hope your outlook on being an NCO or SNCO changes quickly. Maybe you could take some initiative and help mentor some of these airman you're talking about.
Fill, KL
8/2/2011 6:25:44 PM ET
To Herc Can you explain to me how they are giving it away Why not step up and be a leader to those you can instead of bashing new ones. Congrats to all those selected and welcome to the NCO Corps
MSgt Doc, AK
8/2/2011 4:21:06 PM ET
Herc check this history my friend there aren't 500-600k people in the AF anymore. The same amount of people are getting promoted the numbers just look higher because of a smaller force.
SSgt A, Dyess
8/2/2011 2:28:17 PM ET
Thank you, Herc for your comment which was neither helpful nor intelligent. Congratulations to all the SSgt selects who will continue to defend the freedoms such as our freedom of speech even when those freedoms are used so ignorantly as indicated by the comment below.
Capt Pietersma, F. E. Warren AFB Wyoming
8/2/2011 1:53:36 PM ET
Hope all you hopeful SrAs spelled your names right. Why not just give it away? This is why the AF's Jr NCO ranks are so screwed up.
Herc, TX
8/2/2011 11:37:28 AM ET
I am so nervous
SrA Gonzalez, Beale Cow Zone AFB
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