Blog Posts from February, 2012

Cyber Endeavor 2012 – Building Cyber Defense Capacity in our Partner Nations

Hello Cyber Defense Enthusiasts,

Shaun Cavanaugh here again to give you an update on what’s been going on with Cyber Endeavor since my last update in June of last year.

Cyber Endeavor 2011 – A Success!

In September of 2011 the second Cyber Endeavor event was held in Grafenwoehr, Germany. The statistics for Cyber Endeavor 2011 are as follows:

  • Length – 2 weeks / 80 hours
  • Participants – 76
  • Nations/Organizations – 33
  • Government / Academia / Industry Facilitators – 19
    • 15 of 19 were Public Private Partnerships
  • Number of Topics Presented - 34
EUCOM image


For those of you that are unfamiliar with what Cyber Endeavor is, allow me to explain. Cyber Endeavor is the United States European Command's paramount cyber security collaboration, familiarization and engagement program designed to strengthen partner nation cyber defense capacities through seminars, events and exercise support. Cyber Endeavor builds cyber defense partnerships with NATO, partner nations, academia and industry. Its purpose is to improve force readiness for deployment in support of exercises, multinational crisis response and future missions.

The official Cyber Endeavor 2011 video is located below. I recommend giving it a watch. It provides a good overview of what Cyber Endeavor is all about and gives insight as to what happens at the event.

Cyber Endeavor is the United States European Command's paramount cyber security collaboration, familiarization and engagement program designed to strengthen partner nation cyber defense capacities through seminars, events and exercise support. Cyber Endeavor builds cyber defense partnerships with NATO, partner nations, academia and industry. Its purpose is to improve force readiness for deployment in support of exercises, multinational crisis response and future missions.

Cyber Endeavor 2012 - Maturing

EUCOM image

Moving forward, Cyber Endeavor 2012 is scheduled to have more detailed and lengthy courses, as well as support a larger number of students.  The thought process for 2012 was why do we want to limit Cyber Endeavor to just one event in September?  Why not keep that “main event” and also have regional events throughout the EUCOM area of operation (AOR) during the year?  So, that is what we are doing for 2012.  Below you’ll see a snapshot of what exactly is in store for 2012.

As you can see, Cyber Endeavor 2012 has matured greatly from last year. We are very proud of this program and I look forward to updating you on its progress throughout the year.

Thank you,

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Comments: 2

by Joey Hernandez on March 10, 2012 :

This is successful international collaboration to enhance coalition capabilities - looking forward to 2012 Joey Hernandez CISSP CISM Cyber Operations Officer

by Pat C on March 31, 2012 :

Keep up the good work. We look forward to a media brief. Pat C

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