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DOD official: DREAM Act would expand recruiting pool

Posted 12/2/2010 Email story   Print story


by Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

12/2/2010 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Enactment of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act would expand the eligible recruiting pool for the U.S. military, a senior Defense Department official said Dec. 2.

"The department supports those elements of the DREAM Act that provide children of nonresident immigrants a clear path to U.S. citizenship through service in the military," said Clifford Stanley, the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness.

If enacted, the bill would provide a path for certain undocumented alien students to earn conditional permanent residency if they complete two years in the military. Candidates enlisting under the act would be subject to the same rigorous military entrance standards as all other applicants, officials said.

"Throughout past and current conflicts, those who are not yet citizens have answered the call to defend their adopted nation," Mr. Stanley said. "Allowing DREAM Act-eligible youth the opportunity to serve this nation would continue this tradition of service, while expanding the market of high-quality patriotic youth, to the advantage of military recruitment and readiness."

Noncitizens have enlisted in the military since the beginning of the republic. During the American Civil War, recruiting officers often greeted immigrants as they debarked in New York and Boston, officials noted. Today, 35,000 noncitizens are members of the military, and about 5,000 to 8,000 permanent-resident aliens enlist each year.

Military recruiting officials have said that only 25 percent of U.S. youth qualify to enlist in the military. The DREAM Act, they have noted, would expand the pool of potential recruits and would be another tool that recruiters could use to build the force.

12/7/2010 8:53:39 AM ET
@D from Kansas -- care to explain that? From where I sit, the DREAM act looks like it opens a door for immigrants to EARN their citizenship instead of just signing a few sheets of paper and having it granted to them. It looks to me using your words like a way for the gay illegal immigrant to volunteer services and earn the same rights as a straight American... I'm not seeing where this is unfair to you or me.
tr, ok
12/5/2010 11:43:36 AM ET
A number of you have voiced opinions that this act goes against core values when in reality one of the best ways for someone who had no choice in what their parents forced on them would be for them to give something back from what they have taken. If joining the military shows a lack of integrity, what does that say about YOUR involvment?
A1C B, Missouri
12/3/2010 10:54:35 PM ET
So, let me get this straight. If I'm a gay, illegal alien I get more rights than a straight American citizen? Yep that about sums it up where our country is headed. Sounds like a bad Hollywood movie.
D, Kansas
12/3/2010 5:34:32 PM ET
Though this act does bring about some questions of how does one recieve a security clearance it does seem like a good idea. If one looks at the DREAM Act it allows CHILDREN of Illegal immigrants to become U.S citizens.I believe there are many kinks in this act that need to be ironed out however it seems fair that they have the same chance of freedom that every american receives.
Jerimie Rothwell, Travis AFB
12/3/2010 5:26:27 PM ET
I wish they would spend the money on our own natural born kids instead of giving hand out to people that are here illegally. If i was in another country illegally I would be arrested. I wouldn't be givin the chance to get free money to go to school. I am pretty sure that any other country wouldn't want illegal citizens serving there country. Take all that Dream Act money and put towards the federal debt that are country has put us in in the past few years. Ponder That
Citizendreamer, Here
12/3/2010 4:04:57 PM ET
The DREAM Act is a joke. There should be only one way to legally obtain citizenship. Are we that desperate for recruits we need to solicit ILLEGAL ALIENS with an offer of citizenship? Illegal is illegal. Violates US Law and the First USAF Core Value--Integrity First. Furthermore a slap in the face of those who legal immigrants who obtained US resident alien status and then citizenship legally and went on to serve our country.
Chief W--Retired, Tennessee Valley
12/3/2010 1:51:42 PM ET
How do you get a security clearance on an illegal immigrant? And whose identity are they using?
Pat, NH
12/3/2010 1:11:08 PM ET
So lemme get this straight The Chairman of the JCS tells the rank and file If you don't want to serve with openly gay servicemembers there's the door and now we're being told that the DREAM Act will benefit recruiting. It's become apparent to me that even the highest levels of leadership in the Pentagon have become infected with the disease of liberal political correctness. Where are all the combat leaders? Glad I'm retired...
Mike, Florida
12/3/2010 12:20:07 PM ET
The only reservation I have about this legislation is that it may be perceived by illegals as cumpulsory military service. For many this is probably the only road to citizenship... I don't want the proud heritage of US Military service to be imposed on anybody. Other than that, bring on the willing. We may not need them now but if all this whining about DADT is any indication we'll need the extra numbers very soon.
tr, ok
12/3/2010 11:51:48 AM ET
What the DOD Official really means is it will expand the liberal democrats voting pool. This Dream Act is nothing but amnesty plain and simple. I wish the politicians cared as much about American citizens as they do about illegal immigrants.
AP, Sheppard
12/3/2010 11:16:45 AM ET
Get your facts straight NCO Japan. The provision is to provide a path for certain undocumented alien students - people who have already broken the law once. Not the people who go through the proper channels and apply in their home country.
Frank, Sheppard
12/3/2010 10:21:59 AM ET
@Jerry This either means leadership doesn't care about the Core Values or the Core Values are simply bumper sticker quotes. I'm sure Curtis LeMay is rolling in his grave at the Air Force of today.
TacAirlifter, Colorado
12/3/2010 9:49:15 AM ET
Jerry If you are concerned about core values, then what are the core values of America under the Constitution? Is this not a land of opportunities and freedom for anyone to pursue? As this article clearly pointed out immigrants of all kinds have served with honor and distinction in our armed forces while LEGALLY obtaining their citizenship. JC New York makes a very good point in that you have immigrants ready and willing to die for a chance at living the American dream while true American citizens rather whine protest and bash each other in public forums.
Steve, Tampa
12/3/2010 9:16:16 AM ET
What is a nonresident immigrant? And what does it mean for an alien student to be undocumented Until I understand these terms I won't see how this plan is different from what we already have.
LB, Ellsworth AFB SD
12/3/2010 9:07:17 AM ET
Remember the core values? One of them states, Integrity First. How is allowing someone who is not a LEGAL resident of the United States to join the military instilling core values? If the DREAM Act passes the Air Force needs to rewrite or just get rid of the farce of Core Values.
Jerry, Oklahoma
12/3/2010 8:12:51 AM ET
I thinks it's a good thing for this to happen. For someone who is not a citizen to be willing to fight for a country they wish to be part of. We have US citizens that aren't willing to enlist but I bet they are willing to complain about the military. So, if they meet the requirements let them enlist.
JC, New York
12/3/2010 7:58:46 AM ET
Get your facts straight folks. Many people earn thier citizenship through the US military with the current policy in place, which only mandates that they apply through their home country. You should probably be ashamed of yourselves.
NCO, Japan
12/3/2010 1:54:00 AM ET
Where did the pride and honor of being able to serve your country in the US military go? The most basic requirement to join should be legal citizenship to begin with. Our military is turning into a social club as if appeasing the gays wasn't enough now we're going to let illegals serve when it is clearly not their right to.
JSO, Florida
12/3/2010 12:27:16 AM ET
SW - have you ever been a recruiter? It is a lot more difficult than you think...ask around you will see that the motivation levels of the qualified applicants are not willing to serve the military. So this Act will give recruiters another avenue for meeting their goals. I am all for it. We have motivated individuals that constantly want to join but the qualification criteria is so strict that we turn down most of those that want to join hence the 25 percent statistic.
Chad, Undisclosed Location
12/2/2010 9:24:57 PM ET
Please keep partisan politics off of the AF Homepage.
Chris, Offutt AFB NE
12/2/2010 8:02:56 PM ET
I agree with SW. We already have thousands of future Airmen waiting for dates to BMT. With the security clearances needed for most jobs I don't see how this can be a good thing for recruiting. Good for applicant. not good for the Air Force.
12/2/2010 5:57:56 PM ET
Why is the DoD so eager to embrace all of the liberal agenda items of the day? We're ready to drop DADT despite very real concerns identified by combat troops... and now we're ready to greet illegals with open arms. Both issues are using the military as a tool to force the liberal leadership's agenda. The articles written on these topics on AF Link these past few days have a definite liberal slant to them. I guess politics take precedence over leadership now.
12/2/2010 5:34:56 PM ET
If this DREAM Act does indeed pass it needs to start with the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants leaching off our country's lax policies. Let's solve the problem already at hand before we start looking for another solution...
Ben, Japan
12/2/2010 5:00:24 PM ET
So, ok, first the DADT act is being repealed. And now this. What's the agenda of the politicians that we vote for? Do they even care about the ones already serving? They want to pass all this legislation but not once lately have we seen anything to help promote an increase in wounded warrior funding, etc. What about increasing research money for TBI and PTSD? Thanks to our leadership and so called Sec of Defense and politicans for really taking care of us.
D, Kansas
12/2/2010 4:18:00 PM ET
Nice to see the Air Force is now actively lobbying Congress on PROPOSED legislation. A DoD official means what someone appointed by the president to push presidential agendas
TacAirlifter, Colorado
12/2/2010 3:57:36 PM ET
If we have been consistently meeting or exceeding our recruiting goals while simultaneously downsizing the military, why do we need this and why is it being sold as a good thing? OK, so 25 percent of youth qualify, but the entire military only accounts for 1 percent of the population. Already sounds like winning odds to me.
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