
American Forces Press Service



Cyber Pros Earn Kudos at Chief Information Officer Awards      

WASHINGTON - For their efforts in cybersecurity, and information technology, management and assurance, finalists emerged as overall winners of the 2012 Defense Department Chief Information Officer Awards.


Carter Discusses Defense, Security Issues with Iraqi Leaders      

BAGHDAD - Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter met with Iraq's prime minster and acting minister of defense to reaffirm the U.S. commitment to strengthening security and defense.


Carter Delivers Message to Troops Aboard USS Eisenhower  This story contains photos.    

ABOARD USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER - Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter joined approximately 5,000 military members aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to express the Defense Department's gratitude for their service, sacrifice and resiliency.


Military Works to Prevent Domestic Violence  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department and each of the services are drawing attention to the plight of domestic violence because of people like Amanda Tenorio, a victim advocate for Army Community Services at Joint Base Henderson Hall, Va., and a domestic violence survivor.


U.S. Open to Thais Inviting Burma to Observe Cobra Gold      

WASHINGTON - The United States is open to considering a Thai request to allow a small contingent of Burmese military officers to attend the joint exercise Cobra Gold 2013 as observers, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.


Panetta: Nation Faces ‘Dangerous and Unpredictable’ World  This story contains photos.    

NORFOLK, Va. - After a decade of war, the U.S. is at a strategic turning point as it prepares for congressionally mandated budget cuts that come at a time when the nation still faces a dangerous and unpredictable world, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said at the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce in Norfolk, Va.


Alleged Assault Results in Curfew for U.S. Forces in Japan      

WASHINGTON - An alleged assault of a female Japanese citizen in Okinawa by two U.S. service members Oct. 16 has drawn an apology from the commander of U.S. forces in Japan and imposition of a curfew throughout the country.


Face of Defense: Army Runner Pursues Her Dreams  This story contains photos.    

GYEONGGIDO, South Korea - Army Spc. Shernette Hyatt began running when she was 5 years old while she was living with her grandparents in Jamaica. Today, she's an accomplished soldier-athlete and world-class sprinter who has set her sights on Olympic competition.


Combined Force Arrests Taliban Leader      

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader in Kunduz province. The arrested leader is suspected of being involved in planning and executing improvised explosive device attacks as well as weapons and explosives facilitation, military officials said.


DOD Seeks Mentors to Help Hire People with Disabilities      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is preparing to kick off its annual volunteer mentoring program to help hire individuals with disabilities as part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, said Stephen M. King, DOD’s director of disability programs.


Classified Information Plays Central Role in Both 9/11, WikiLeaks Cases      

FORT MEADE, Md. - Pretrial hearings for two major court cases – one involving the alleged perpetrators behind the 9/11 terror attacks and the other the soldier charged with the largest intelligence leak in U.S. history – are converging as attorneys operating in two very different legal systems focus on the issue of classified information in the courtroom.


DOD Teams Up With Financial Bureau to Address Student Loan Problems  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department will work with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to ensure the financial health of service members and their families, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said during a joint press briefing with Holly Petraeus, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Office of Servicemember Affairs assistant director.


Red Ribbon Week Celebrates Success in Curbing Drug Abuse      

WASHINGTON - Drug and substance abuse among Defense Department military and civilian personnel and their families is at its lowest point in the department’s history, the Pentagon’s director of operational readiness and safety said.


Obama to Nominate Rodriguez as Next Africa Command Chief      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama intends to nominate Army Gen. David M. Rodriguez to succeed Army Gen. Carter F. Ham as the commander of U.S. Africa Command.


U.S. Partners Encourage Pacom Commander  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The top U.S. commander for the Pacific said he’s encouraged by the willingness of India, Bangladesh and Thailand to partner more closely with the United States on U.S. strategic goals in the region.


Advances Create Vulnerabilities, Cybercom Commander Says      

BALTIMORE - The U.S. lead in cyber technology innovation has created both advances and vulnerabilities, the commander of U.S. Cyber Command told industry leaders and technology experts at a dinner honoring the first 11 inductees into the new National Security Hall of Fame.


Afghan, Coalition Force Arrests Taliban Leader      

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader in Kandahar province. The arrested insurgent leader facilitated the use of homemade explosives and bomb-making materials across Afghan borders into Helmand province.


Face of Defense: Teen Gets Wish at Military Hospital  This story contains photos.    

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - A teenager’s wish to serve as a nurse in a military hospital came true Oct. 11, thanks to a group of nurses assigned to San Antonio Military Medical Center in Texas and the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


Photo Interpreters Recall Cuban Missile Crisis  This story contains photos.    

SPRINGFIELD, Va. - Fifty years after they discovered Soviet missiles poised to strike the United States from Cuba, two intelligence officers met with hundreds of their current-day counterparts to commemorate the anniversary of the crisis that nearly brought the world to nuclear war.


Carter Gives Thanks to U.S. Troops in Kuwait      

AL JABER AIR BASE, Kuwait - Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter thanked U.S. troops in Kuwait for their service and noted that they are not only serving their country, but they are doing a service to the whole world.


U.S. Must Stay Committed to Middle East, Carter Says      

SOUTHWEST ASIA - It is important for the U.S. to maintain its commitments to the Middle East, even as the nation’s defense strategy starts to shift focus away from the region, the deputy defense secretary told troops on a military installation in Southwest Asia.


Carter Arrives in Kuwait, Meets With U.S. Embassy Officials      

KUWAIT CITY, Kuwait - Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter arrived in Kuwait and met with U.S. embassy officials to discuss current relations with the Middle Eastern nation.


9/11 Defendant Condemns Military Tribunal Process      

FORT MEADE, Md. - Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-described mastermind in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, condemned the military commissions process for the second time since the pre-trial hearings for him and four other codefendants began at Naval Air Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


Great Lakes Recreation Programs Earn Gold Medal      

WASHINGTON - Naval Station Great Lakes, Ill., is the first military installation to earn top honors in the National Gold Medal Grand Plaque Award of Excellence in Park and Recreation Management competition for its recreation programs.


DOD Develops Energy Strategy for Future Force      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is developing an energy strategy that will carry it forward for decades, Sharon E. Burke, assistant secretary of defense for operational energy plans and programs, said at the Naval Energy Forum.


DOD Augments Stability Operations With Partners, Private Sector      

WASHINGTON - Conducting stability operations is a core mission for the U.S. military, but 10 years of war make clear a continuing need to augment such operations with the skills of regional partners and the private sector, said James A. Schear, deputy assistant secretary of defense for partnership strategy and stability operations.


U.S. Partners With Israel for Exercise Austere Challenge      

WASHINGTON - More than 3,500 American service members will join with Israeli allies for Exercise Austere Challenge 2012 in Israel.


Afghan-led Security Force Arrests Taliban Leader      

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan-led security force, supported by coalition troops, arrested a Taliban senior leader in Kandahar province.


Face of Defense: Cuba Native Takes Pride in Guard Service  This story contains photos.    

MADISON, Wis. - Command Sgt. Maj. Rafael Conde, the top enlisted soldier with the Wisconsin Army National Guard's 32nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, was 5 years old when his parents fled Cuba on one of the last “Freedom Flights” in April 1968.


Medical Civilians Experience Boot Camp Rigors  This story contains photos.    

PARRIS ISLAND, S.C. - A cadre of 12 medical experts in traumatic brain injury and psychological health from the National Intrepid Center of Excellence in Bethesda, Md., fell in line with boot-camp Marines to experience the rigors of military training, first hand.


3 Detainees Skip Court as 9/11 Hearing Continues      

FORT MEADE, Md. - Three of the five defendants charged with plotting the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States have refused to attend the second day of their pretrial hearing at Naval Air Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


New Graduate Program Helps Intel Officers Study Emerging Threats      

WASHINGTON - A new one-year, full-time graduate program approved by Education Secretary Arne Duncan will help intelligence officers to study and research a growing range of emerging science and technology-related threats.


Coalition Expresses Regret for Possible Civilian Casualties      

WASHINGTON - International Security Assistance Force officials expressed regret that an Oct. 14 coalition operation against suspected insurgents may have killed three Afghan civilians. A joint investigation into the incident is being launched by ISAF and Afghan officials.


Face of Defense: Admin Marine Knows Job’s Impact on People  This story contains photos.    

MARINE CORPS AIR STATION CHERRY POINT, N.C. - The cornerstone of administration is behind a desk, making keystrokes and mouse clicks that affect Marines’ pay, living arrangements and food -- in other words, their livelihood.


Pretrial Hearings Kick Off for 9/11 Defendants      

FORT MEADE, Md. - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and four co-defendants have the right to skip court proceedings regarding their case, an Army judge has ruled.


‘Feds Feed Families’ Breaks Donation Record      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department's 2012 contribution to the “Feds Feed Families” campaign surpassed all expectations, said Paige Hinkle-Bowles, deputy assistant secretary of defense for civilian personnel policy.


DOD Official Praises Vet Employment Program      

WASHINGTON - A senior defense official recently announced the “Get Skills to Work” program, a partnered effort managed by the Manufacturing Institute that aims to train and place 100,000 veterans in advanced manufacturing and related jobs by 2015.


U.S. Continues to Send Nonlethal Aid to Syrian Opposition      

WASHINGTON - The United States will continue to funnel nonlethal aid to the Syrian opposition, and urges the international community to unite against Bashar Assad’s regime, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.


Combined Force Arrests Haqqani Leader in Ghazni      

WASHINGTON - A combined Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Haqqani network leader in Ghazni province. The detained Haqqani leader is believed to be directly associated with suicide-bombing and improvised explosive device attacks, military officials said.


Face of Defense: Las Vegas Native Cooks for Sailors, Marines  This story contains photos.    

PHILIPPINE SEA - Culinary specialist Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Latrice Walker serves up nutritious meals to service members aboard amphibious dock landing ship USS Tortuga while on deployment in the Western Pacific.


Pacom Chief Encourages Closer U.S.-India Security Ties  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - In his first visit to India as commander of U.S. Pacific Command, Navy Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III encouraged a closer defense relationship between the United States and India in which they address shared interests to promote long-term regional security and stability.


Vice Chairman Visits Wounded Warriors in San Antonio  This story contains photos.    

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - Navy Adm. James A. Winnefeld Jr., vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, honored two wounded warriors during a Purple Heart ceremony at the Brooke Army Medical Center's Warrior and Family Support Center in San Antonio.


DOD Helps Military Families Maintain Financial Readiness      

WASHINGTON - As service members prepare for any and all possible military operations, the Defense Department is reaching out to ensure that there are no contingencies back home to distract them from the mission, namely their personal finances.


U.S., China to Consider Sharing Resources During Joint Missions      

WASHINGTON - Officials from the United States and China plan to meet to discuss sharing logistical resources, including fuel, as they operate together during counterpiracy and humanitarian assistance and disaster response missions.


Cybercom Chief: Culture, Commerce Changing Through Technology      

WASHINGTON - Over the past six or seven years, cyberspace has undergone a tremendous transformation, the commander of U.S. Cyber Command told attendees of the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation’s GEOINT 2012 conference in Orlando, Fla.


New Strategy to Posture Transcom for Post-war Future  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A new, five-year strategic plan unveiled by the U.S. Transportation Command will posture it to ensure the military maintains its global mobility edge, Air Force Brig. Gen. John E. Michel, Transcom’s chief change and learning strategist said.


Official: DOD Seeks ‘Small Footprint’ in Africa      

WASHINGTON - Djibouti, a nation located in the horn of Africa and host to the only U.S. forward operating base on the continent, plays a strategic role for several U.S. military commands in the region, according to Amanda J. Dory, deputy assistant secretary of defense for African affairs.


Face of Defense: Air Force Runner Goes for 'Ultra' Distance  This story contains photos.    

MILDENHALL, England - U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Chris Bennett greatly enjoys long-distance running, and he recently completed a 61.2-mile ultramarathon from London to Brighton, England.


Combined Force Arrests Haqqani Leader      

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Haqqani leader in Afghanistan's Paktiya province.


Panetta Spells Out DOD Roles in Cyberdefense  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta spelled out in detail the Defense Department’s responsibility in cybersecurity during a speech to the Business Executives for National Security meeting in New York.


Partnership, Engagement Highlight Africa Policy      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department's top policy official on Africa says what happens there definitely affects the United States, and that Americans would be wrong to think otherwise.


Defense Intel Agency Director Outlines Changes Under Way      

WASHINGTON - Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn spoke to the U.S. Geospatial Intelligence Foundation about reshaping defense analysis and professional development of the workforce, but began with his plan to use the Defense Clandestine Service to integrate the intelligence community.


DOD Aggressively Pursues Intel Innovation, Vickers Says      

WASHINGTON - Michael G. Vickers, undersecretary of defense for intelligence, said the Defense Department is driving innovation across all defense intelligence functions and discussed priorities and partnerships during remarks at the annual Geospatial Intelligence Symposium.


Combined Force Arrests Insurgent Leader      

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan financial facilitator in Kunduz province. The arrested insurgent is suspected of being involved in purchasing and trafficking weapons for use in attacks on Afghan and coalition forces.


Face of Defense: Soldier Makes Mark at Firing Range  This story contains photos.    

ORCHARD COMBAT TRAINING CENTER, Idaho - Army Pfc. Samuel Oehring, who grew up in the rural areas of Texas and Arkansas where hunting and shooting was a part of everyday life, practiced his marksmanship with the M240B machine gun.


Locklear Encourages Closer U.S.-Bangladesh Military Ties  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Praising Bangladesh as a global model in both peacekeeping and disaster management, Navy Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III, commander of U.S. Pacific Command, told Bangladeshi leaders and reporters he welcomes more opportunities for the two countries to work together to support their mutual security interests.


Land, Sea Roles Changing, Dempsey Says      

WASHINGTON - While the Navy’s aircraft carrier fleet is sized correctly to carry out its mission, land forces are facing “significant changes,” Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at the National Press Club.


Commissaries to Offer New Innovations, Conveniences      

WASHINGTON - The new commissary rewards card now offered at all 247 military commissaries worldwide offers a glimpse into what the Defense Commissary Agency is working to provide its customers: the same selection, conveniences and quality as popular commercial grocery store chains with better customer service and lower prices.


Organization Offers Online Self-assessments for Depression      

WELLSLEY HILLS, Mass. - Anonymous, online mental health screenings are available to service members, veterans and their families in conjunction with the observance of National Depression Screening Day.


Dempsey Praises Allen, Dunford Nominations      

WASHINGTON - Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, praised two Marine Corps generals nominated to key posts by President Barack Obama.


Dempsey: Partnerships Essential to Defense Strategy      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department depends on its relationships with partner nations, Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said while delivering remarks at a National Press Club luncheon.


Panetta: DOD Works with Jordan, Turkey on Syria Repercussions      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is working with Jordan and Turkey to help with collateral humanitarian and security issues affecting them because of the brutal war that continues in Syria, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said during a news conference in Brussels.


Medical Intelligence Center Monitors Health Threats      

FORT DETRICK, Md. - The Defense Intelligence Agency's National Center for Medical Intelligence scientists, physicians and other experts at Fort Detrick, Md., monitor a range of intelligence and open-source channels for threats to the health of U.S. forces and the homeland.


Troop Numbers to Remain Stable for Kosovo, Rasmussen Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - NATO has no plans to reduce its Kosovo Force, Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said during an alliance defense ministers conference in Brussels.


Chairman, Enlisted Advisor Urge Service Members to Vote      

WASHINGTON - Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and his senior enlisted advisor, Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Bryan B. Battaglia, have joined forces to urge service members to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming election.


Combined Force Kills Several Insurgents      

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan and coalition security force killed several armed insurgents seized assault rifles, a machine gun and several grenades during an operation to arrest a Taliban leader in Sar-e Pul province.


Face of Defense: Airman Keeps Mission on Target  This story contains photos.    

LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. - Air Force Senior Airman Kimara Duncan, 94th Fighter Squadron F-22 crew chief on Langley Air Force Base, Va., takes pride in ensuring her fighter jet is in tip-top mechanical condition.


Panetta Details New Realities, Command Change in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

BRUSSELS - Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta detailed new realities of the coming year in Afghanistan and announced leadership changes for NATO and the International Security Assistance Force during a conference of NATO defense ministers in Brussels.


NATO Partners to Discuss Afghan Successes, Challenges      

BRUSSELS - When NATO defense ministers meet with representatives of six non-NATO nations that contribute to the International Security and Assistance Force, the topic will be Afghanistan’s successes, its challenges and its future.


Saber Junction Reflects Post-Afghanistan Training Model      

WASHINGTON - An exercise under way in Germany – the largest in more than two decades – is providing a template for how U.S. ground forces will incorporate lessons learned in Iraq and Afghanistan into future training operations.


Afghan-led Force Arrests Taliban Facilitator      

WASHINGTON - An Afghan-led security force, supported by coalition troops, arrested a Taliban facilitator and improvised explosive device producer in Kandahar province. The facilitator is suspected of managing the construction of large quantities of IEDs, and organizing the their transfer.


NATO Ministers Discuss ‘Smart Defense’ Initiative  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - NATO defense ministers held discussions in Brussels on the alliance’s “Smart Defense” initiative and how to provide security during tough financial times, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said.


All Active Services Meet Recruiting Goals Through August      

WASHINGTON - All four active services met or exceeded their numerical accession goals for fiscal 2012 through August, Defense Department officials announced.


Face of Defense: Airman Continues Long Run of Softball Success  This story contains photos.    

SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE, N.C. - While many airmen who play the sport avidly hope to make the Air Force softball team once or twice in their careers, Master Sgt. Tony Patrick has donned the blue and black uniform an unprecedented 10 times since 2000.


Panetta to Convey U.S. Support at NATO Conference      

BRUSSELS - At a conference of NATO defense ministers in Brussels, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta will convey U.S. support for enhancing alliance capabilities, missile defense, cybersecurity, counterterrorism and countering weapons of mass destruction.


Panetta: Western Hemisphere Nations Face Threats in Common  This story contains photos.    

PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay - Nations of the Western Hemisphere are a family sharing many of the same threats that confront them across borders and oceans, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said during a conference of defense ministers in Uruguay.


In Uruguay, Panetta Meets With Regional Counterparts  This story contains photos.    

PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay - In advance of the 10th Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas in Paraguay, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta held bilateral meetings with counterparts from the region.


Panetta Discusses Defense With Top Officials in Peru  This story contains photos.    

ABOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT - The United States is committed to deepening its defense relationship with Peru, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said during a visit to the country.


Panetta Hails New Era for Security in the Americas      

ABOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT - A transformation has taken place over the past decade in the Western Hemisphere, where countries are doing more than they ever have to advance peace and security within and beyond their borders, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said aboard a military aircraft en route to Peru.


DOD Clarifies Civilian Overseas Assignment Policy      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department wants to clarify a personnel policy -- generally known as the “five-year rule” -- that establishes time limits for civilian overseas assignments, an official said.


Officials Confirm Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay Deadline      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials have confirmed the Oct. 21 deadline to apply for Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay has not been extended by the recently enacted Continuing Resolution.


Panetta Encourages Defense Department Members, Families to Vote      

WASHINGTON - In a video message, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta urges the men and women of the Defense Department and their families to vote in the upcoming election.


Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill Would-be Suicide Bombers      

KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan and coalition forces killed several would-be suicide bombers, detained additional insurgents and seized multiple weapons during a security operation in Wardak province.


Face of Defense: Army Acquisition Officer Works With Google  This story contains photos.    

KAISERSLAUTERN, Germany - Army Maj. Matthew Bisswurm, an acquistion officer with the 903rd Contingency Contracting Battalion in Kaiserslautern, Germany, is the first in his branch selected to work with Google Inc. as part of the Army's Training with Industry Program.


Panetta to Meet With Top Officials in Peru, Uruguay      

WASHINGTON - During a trip to meet with leaders of Peru and Uruguay and his counterparts at a conference of defense ministers of the Americas, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta will implement elements of the 2012 DOD Strategic Guidance related to the Western Hemisphere, a senior defense official said.


Dempsey Thanks Service Members in Pacific Northwest  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff thanked service members and their families in the Pacific Northwest during a town hall meeting on Naval Base Kitsap in Bangor, Wash.


U.S. Should Lead Cybersecurity Efforts, NSA Director Says      

WASHINGTON - Army Gen. Keith Alexander, National Security Agency director and commander of U.S. Cyber Command, discussed the costs and consequences of cybersecurity issues on commerce during his keynote address at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Cybersecurity Summit.


TRICARE Advises Patients About German Ban on Mailed Medicine      

FALLS CHURCH, Va. - TRICARE officials are working with beneficiaries located in Germany as they prepare for changes to their mail-order pharmacy service to accomodate a German law that prohibits importing medications into the country.


Pentagon Releases Western Hemisphere Defense Policy Statement      

WASHINGTON - Defense Department officials released a policy statement explaining how the defense strategic guidance announced in January 2012 will influence U.S. military engagement in the Western Hemisphere.


Pentagon Dedicated to Bergdahl’s Return, Spokesman Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The safe return of Army Sgt. Bowe R. Bergdahl, the only U.S. service member known to be in Taliban captivity, remains a top Defense Department priority, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.


U.S. Military Supports FBI Mission to Benghazi, Libya  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military provided logistics and security support to an FBI team investigating the attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.


Press Secretary Calls Syria’s Actions ‘Wrong, Deplorable’  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The United States supports Turkey's response to a Syrian cross-border mortar attack that killed five Turkish civilians yesterday, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said while also emphasizing that it is time for Bashar Assad and his regime to step down.


Panetta to Visit South America, Brussels  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta will travel to South America and Europe to strengthen partnerships around the world, the Pentagon press secretary said.


Afghans Put Insurgents Under Increasing Pressure, Ops Chief Says      

WASHINGTON - The Afghan national security forces are growing increasingly capable, putting the insurgency under greater pressure, said a senior officer at NATO's International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.


Six-day Combined Operation Concludes in Afghanistan      

KABUL, Afghanistan - Dozens of Afghan soldiers and police, supported by coalition special operations forces, concluded a six-day operation against insurgent networks in the Chak district of Wardak province.


Face of Defense: Father, Son Reunite in Southwest Asia  This story contains photos.    

SOUTHWEST ASIA - It had been a year since Air Force Master Sgt. Niihau Ramsey has seen his son, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Brad Ramsey, until luck brought them together during an overseas tour of duty.


Biden, Odierno Announce Education Milestone for Military Kids  This story contains photos.    

FAIRFAX, Va. - More than 100 colleges and universities have signed on to a White House initiative to prepare educators for the unique needs of their military-connected students, said Dr. Jill Biden, wife of the vice president, during a "Joining Forces" event in Fairfax, Va.


‘Tonight’ Episodes Believed Lost Turn Up at DOD Facility  This story contains photos.    

RIVERSIDE, Calif. - Once thought to be lost, a film reel containing clips of “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” was recently discovered in a military visual information storage facility in Riverside, Calif., and returned to Jeff Sotzing, nephew of Johnny Carson.


ISAF Troops Step Back as Afghans Become Face of Security      

WASHINGTON - The competence and capabilities of Afghan security forces continues to grow as troops of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force step back from key roles, British Lt. Gen. Adrian J. Bradshaw, ISAF deputy commander, said.


Grants Expand Military Children’s Educational Opportunities      

BETHESDA, Md. - Department of Defense Education Activity Director Marilee Fitzgerald urged recipients of the 2012 educational grant program to push the envelope in developing programs that ultimately will benefit all military schoolchildren.


ISAF Adds Precautions to Counter Insider Attack Risks      

WASHINGTON - International Security Assistance Force leadership continues to take steps to protect its forces as they advise Afghan security forces, said British Lt. Gen. Adrian J. Bradshaw, ISAF’s deputy commander.


Carter: Regional Prosperity at Heart of Asia-Pacific Strategy      

WASHINGTON - The rebalance of U.S. military focus toward the Asia-Pacific region has regional prosperity as its objective, Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter told an audience at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.


Face of Defense: Soldier Uses Obstacles as Motivation  This story contains photos.    

FORT HOOD, Texas - Army Sgt. 1st Class Oscar Ayala, a platoon sergeant assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Texas, excels as a senior noncommissioned officer despite two hip surgeries.


Walter Reed Joins National Kidney Exchange Pool      

BETHESDA, Md. - Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., is the first military hospital to join and participate in a national network of civilian centers for a kidney transplant exchange, said Army Col. (Dr.) Edward Falta, chief of the center’s Army-Navy Transplant Program.


Combined Force Kills Taliban IED Cell Leader      

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan and coalition security force killed the leader of a Taliban improvised explosive device cell in the Alisheng district of Laghman province. The leader was linked to multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces using IEDs, rocket-propelled grenades, rockets and mortars.


Official Describes Joint Information Environment      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is working to improve its ability to share information, not just between the services, but also with industry partners and government agencies, said Dave DeVries, the Pentagon’s deputy chief information officer for information enterprise.


NATO Extends Rasmussen’s Term as Secretary General      

WASHINGTON - NATO'S North Atlantic Council has extended Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s four-year term as the alliance's secretary general for another year until July 31, 2014.


Military Stands Ready to Help African Partners, Little Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department continues to assess the security needs of its African partners, some of which face a growing terrorist presence, but is not planning for unilateral military intervention, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.


Time Remains for Absentee Voting, Official Says      

WASHINGTON - Absentee Voting Week is a reminder that it’s still possible for eligible U.S. voters overseas to register and to vote, said Pamela S. Mitchell, the acting director of the defense department’s Federal Voting Assistance Program.


Iraqi Training to Continue Uninterrupted, Press Secretary Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - U.S. military training for Iraq’s security forces will continue uninterrupted despite Congress’s failure to approve money for it in a temporary spending bill now funding government operations, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.


Data Center Improves Self-service for ID Cards      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Manpower Data Center recently launched a new system that is making it easier for service members and their families to get and maintain identification cards, said Mary Dixon, director of the Defense Manpower Data Center.


Program Empowers Absentee, Overseas Citizen Voters  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - As Election Day nears, the Federal Voting Assistance Program has taken a global, innovative and user-friendly approach, including measures mandated by Congress to assist voters, said Pentagon Press Secretary George Little.


Combined Force Arrests Taliban Leader      

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan-led, coalition-supported force arrested a Taliban leader in the Maiwand district of Kandahar province. The security force also detained multiple suspected insurgents and seized an IED firing device and IED-making materials, officials said.


Face of Defense: Passion for Cooking Drives Marine’s Service  This story contains photos.    

COMBAT OUTPOST FIDDLERS GREEN, Afghanistan - When Staff Sgt. Juan Contreras first joined the Marine Corps, he started out as an administration clerk but refined his skills to become a superb military cook.


Mobile Devices Offer Fast Decisions, Productivity, Official Says      

WASHINGTON - Mobile devices are becoming the way we communicate, and the Defense Department views that change as an opportunity, said Air Force Maj. Gen. Robert E. Wheeler, the department’s deputy chief information officer for command, control, communications and computers and information infrastructure.


U.S. Leaders Cite Partnership as Key to Cybersecurity      

WASHINGTON - As the cyber threat intensifies over time from exploitation to disruption to destruction, responsible U.S. agencies and industries can fight back using cooperation and transparency, said Army Gen. Keith B. Alexander, the commander of U.S. Cyber Command and director of the National Security Agency.


Jacoby Salutes Northcom’s Decade of Protecting Homeland      

WASHINGTON - The commander of U.S. Northern Command commemorated its 10th anniversary, praising the Colorado-based command for living up to its mission of protecting the homeland.


Dempsey: Americans Will Shape Image of Modern Vet      

MANHATTAN, Kan. - Each generation of Americans has formed an image of its veterans, and today's veterans' courage, resilience, resolve and adaptability must be taken into account in forming that image, Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during a speech at Kansas State University.


Biden, Carter Applaud ‘Team MRAP’ as Production Ends  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Vice President Joe Biden and Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter hosted a ceremony at the Pentagon to mark the end of production of the mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicle, credited with saving thousands of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Northcom Marks 10 Years Protecting U.S. Homeland      

WASHINGTON - Ten years ago, the United States stood up U.S. Northern Command with the sole mission of detering, preventing and defeating threats against the homeland.


Missions, Capabilities Will Top NATO Conference Agenda      

WASHINGTON - NATO defense ministers will meet next week to discuss the alliance’s defense capabilities and missions in Kosovo and Afghanistan, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen announced.


Face of Defense: Marine, Seabee Reunite After Decade  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE JACKSON, Afghanistan - More than a decade after their paths first crossed in Operation Iraqi Freedom, a former Marine and a former Seabee are united as corpsmen with 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment in Afghanistan.


Allen Discusses Insider Attacks in ‘60 Minutes’ Interview      

WASHINGTON - The commander of U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan told CBS's "60 Minutes" he takes his mission personally and is angered by insider attacks by Afghan security forces and militants wearing Afghan uniforms.


Attack May Have Included Insurgent Fire, Officials Say      

WASHINGTON - A Sept. 29 exchange of gunfire in Wardak province that left an International Security Assistance Force service member and an ISAF-contracted civilian employee dead may have involved insurgent fire, ISAF officials reported.

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