General Information
HR Advisor
HR Advisor: Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2011

Medical Care & Special Education Services

Medical Care.

Applicants who have family members with special medical needs should be particularly cautious in selecting an overseas assignment. Prior to accepting a position, applicants should ensure that the family members' needs can be met. Access to care in a military treatment facility (MTF) may not be available to civilian employees since access is on a space available basis. When medical care is available from the MTF, access to a specialist may require the employee to go through a primary care manager first. Payment for MTF care is required at the time of service. Currently, civilians pay about $120 per visit for medical care at an MTF. Because access to the MTF is on a space-available basis, many civilian employees must use host nation medical services. Additionally, teachers must pay for all prescriptions filled at MTFs. The MTFs pharmacy rates are comparable to rates in the United States. Applicants should be aware that health practices, procedures, and quality vary in the overseas environment and may differ greatly from health care in the United States. In addition, language and cultural differences may present unexpected challenges in accessing care from host country providers. Cost of health care varies from country to country. Whether care is provided by the MTF or a host nation provider, civilian employees must pay for care when services are rendered and request reimbursement by their private medical insurance.

Special Education

The Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) provides education including special education to the children of DoD civilians who are eligible for services from DoDDS. Students must meet DoDDS criteria for special education. Services are provided based on an Individualized Educational Program. Most schools are not staffed for all disabilities although DoDDS staffs schools in specific locations for a full range of disabilities. Prior to accepting a position, applicants who have children with significant disabilities (i.e., blindness, deafness, severe mental retardation, serious emotional impairments) should ensure that the child's educational needs can be met at the location of the job. Applicants may review the Special Needs Network for more specific information on the location of special education services overseas.

The Military Medical Departments provide early intervention services to infants and toddlers (birth through two years of age) who are developmentally delayed and who but for their age are eligible to attend a DoDDS school. Children must meet DoD criteria will receive services based on an Individual Family Service Plan. Click here for more information.