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Washington, DC- Rep. Pete Olson (R-Sugar Land) today issued the following statement recognizing the 64th anniversary of Israel’s independence:

"Today marks the 64th anniversary of Israel’s founding.  Israel’s independence was a momentous event, providing refuge and a national homeland for the Jewish people and establishing a democracy in the Middle East. Israel continues to serve as a model democracy with its representative government and its promotion of rights cherished by those who love freedom.

“The U.S.–Israel relationship is a strong and vital one for both nations. Since its creation, the State of Israel has been forced to defend itself against armed aggression and violent rhetoric from hostile neighbors. This disturbing trend continues today with the threats being made by a nuclear-aspirant Iran. Now, more than ever, it is crucial that the U.S. stands firmly with our most loyal ally in the world – Israel.

“Best wishes to the people of Israel and to people of the Jewish faith around the world who celebrate this historic day.”


Media Contact: Melissa Kelly
