Petty Officer 3rd Class Andrew Gilchrist, builder, (left) and Petty Officer 3rd Class Jesse Dean, construction electrician, both assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74, Detail Macedonia, p

Petty Officer 3rd Class Andrew Gilchrist, builder, (left) and Petty Officer 3rd Class Jesse Dean, construction electrician, both assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74, Detail Macedonia, place steel trusses while constructing a fire safety vehicle garage in Demir Kapija, Macedonia. The detail will complete a humanitarian and civic assistance mission supporting Medical Training Exercise in Eastern Europe 11 later this month. (Photo by: Chief Petty Officer James Blue) View at highest resolution (1000 by 499 pixels)

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Petty Officer 3rd Class Andrew Gilchrist, builder, (left) and Petty Officer 3rd Class Jesse Dean, construction electrician, both assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74, Detail Macedonia, place steel trusses while constructing a fire safety vehicle garage in Demir Kapija, Macedonia. The detail will complete a humanitarian and civic assistance mission supporting Medical Training Exercise in Eastern Europe 11 later this month. (Photo by: Chief Petty Officer James Blue)

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