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Community Development

Red Envelope  E-mail Alert for Bridges

Red Envelope  E-mail Alert for Other Community Development Publications & Resources

Red Envelope  E-mail Alert for Consumer Information: Booklets, Guides & Brochures



Bridges is a quarterly review of regional community development issues, projects and regulatory changes for lenders and community groups.

In The Balance

Short essays related to research on understanding and strengthening the balance sheets of American households.

Regional Economic Development

Regional Economic Development is a journal of local and regional economic development, with particular focus on the Eighth Federal Reserve District.

Research Reports

Casino Gambling in America and Its Economic Impacts

Will a casino be a boon or bust for your community? Fed senior economist Thomas A. Garrett explores the effects of casino gambling on local employment, tax revenue and retail business in this research study.

Community Colleges: A Route of Upward Economic Mobility

Community colleges play a critical and unique role in our higher education system. They are both a gateway to opportunities for individuals and a cornerstone for building a stronger economy. With the current economic crisis, their importance is magnified. In this report, St. Louis Fed economist Natalia Kolesnikova studies community colleges and their students. The report explores the advantages of community colleges and the characteristics of community college students, their goals, educational choices and outcomes.

Community Outlook Survey

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' Community Outlook Survey is a biannual survey that monitors the economic factors affecting low- and moderate-income (LMI) people and communities in the Eighth Federal Reserve District. The survey is sent to a variety of community stakeholders; results represent the opinions of those organizations that respond, which may vary from survey to survey. Data received will be useful for strategic planning, community and economic development, and public policy dialogue. The survey was piloted in September 2011 as the Low- and Moderate-Income (LMI) Survey. Archives avallable here.

Earnings Inequality within the Urban United States: 2000 to 2006

This study from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis looks at one of the most striking economic trends in the United States: the ever-widening wage gap between workers at the top end of the pay scale and those at the low end. In the report, economist Christopher H. Wheeler discusses the reasons behind this continuing trend and what public policymakers can do about it. The study includes information on four metropolitan areas within the Eighth Federal Reserve District: Little Rock, Louisville, Memphis and St. Louis.

Economic Effects of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Implications for a Modern-day Pandemic

In 1918, the United States experienced the most serious epidemic in its history. Millions of people were infected with the highly contagious influenza virus, and hundreds of thousands of people died. The possibility that a modern-day influenza outbreak could happen has caused researchers to look back to the 1918 pandemic as a foundational model for the likely effects of such an event on the United States. However, there has been relatively little research done on the economic effects of the pandemic. This report provides a concise discussion and analysis of the economic effects of the 1918 influenza pandemic based on available data and research.

The Effects of Recessions Across Demographic Groups

In this report, St. Louis Fed Economist Howard Wall takes the different effects of the recession on men and women as a starting point and examines employment experiences across a range of other demographic categories—marital status, race, age and education. The purpose is to understand more about what recessions mean to people. Such information should give us an idea of what needs to be done to address the effects of the current recession and to better prepare for future ones.

Employment Growth in America: Exploring Where Good Jobs Grow

High-paying or “good” jobs not only benefit employees, but entire communities. Employers offering high-paying jobs tend to locate their businesses in certain types of communities. Economist Christopher H. Wheeler studied what promotes the growth of good jobs.

The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America: Case Studies from Communities Across the U.S.

In 2006, the Community Affairs offices of the Federal Reserve System partnered with the Brookings Institution to examine the issue of concentrated poverty.The resulting report profiles 16 high-poverty communities from across the country, including immigrant gateway, Native American, urban and rural communities. One of the case studies focuses on Holmes County, Miss., located in the Federal Reserve’s Eighth District. With a poverty rate that stood at more than 41 percent in 2000, Holmes County is both geographically and economically isolated. Through these case studies, the report contributes to our understanding of the dynamics of poor people living in poor communities, and the policies that will be needed to bring both into the economic mainstream.

The Impact of Local Predatory Laws on the Flow of Subprime Credit

Starting in 1999 with North Carolina, 24 states and other local governments have enacted laws to curb predatory lending in the subprime mortgage market. How do these laws affect the flow of subprime credit in those areas? A new report from Anthony Pennington-Cross, a research economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, suggests that the typical law has little impact, as measured by loan origination and application.

Light-Rail Transit in America: Policy Issues and Prospects for Economic Development

Over the past several decades, cities across America have constructed light-rail systems as a means of reducing traffic congestion and promoting economic development. In this research report, Fed senior economist Tom Garrett discusses whether light rail has lived up to these expectations.

Local Crime and Local Business Cycles

Do business cycles affect crime rates? A report from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis provides some answers to that question by presenting information on local business cycles and crime rates in 23 major cities. Written by Fed economist Thomas A. Garrett and senior research associate Lesli S. Ott, the report includes data for four cities in the Bank’s District: St. Louis, Little Rock, Louisville and Memphis.

A Macro Overview of the Regional Economy: Structure and Performance of Selected Urban and Rural Counties in the Memphis Zone of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Prepared by David Ciscel, a professor of economics at the University of Memphis. Related to the economy of Memphis and the Delta region.

Neighborhood Characteristics Matter... When Businesses Look for a Location

What is it about a neighborhood that attracts businesses? Economist Christopher Wheeler studies the issue in this study that looks at the data from a neighborhood level. The report looks at ZIP codes across the country and then focuses on the St. Louis Fed’s District, with data from St. Louis, Little Rock, Louisville and Memphis.

Passive Policies for Entrepreneurs

A study by St. Louis Fed economists Thomas A. Garrett and Howard J. Wall finds that the absence of government intervention creates a better climate for entrepreneurship. Although policymakers often pursue active policies when recruiting businesses, such as targeted tax breaks or other incentives, more passive policies lower the general cost of running or starting a business and increase rates of entrepreneurship.

The Rise in Personal Bankruptcy

In this research report released in 2006, economist Thomas A. Garrett examines why so many Americans file for bankruptcy. Between 1980 and 2005, the number went up nearly 350 percent, and many of those filing live in states the Bank serves. The most common cause is an unexpected shock to their incomes, such as job loss, medical bills or divorce. This report focuses on the role that other factors—such as availability of credit, bankruptcy laws and decreased consumer savings—play in making Americans even more susceptible to bankruptcy. The report includes statistical information on counties in the Federal Reserve’s Eighth District..

The Rising Residential Concentration of Joblessness in Urban America, 1980 to 2000

Between 1980 and 2000, America’s urban neighborhoods became increasingly polarized into high- and low-unemployment areas. Economist Christopher Wheeler presents his findings on this topic in this study of neighborhood-level unemployment in more than 360 U.S. cities. His report includes information on four metropolitan areas within the Eighth Federal Reserve District: Little Rock, Louisville, Memphis and St. Louis.

Urban Sprawl, Urban Promise: A Case Study of Memphis, Tennessee

Prepared by David Ciscel, a professor of economics at the University of Memphis. Related to the economy of Memphis and the Delta region.

Booklets, Guides, and Brochures

Coming Up with the Money

Published in 2002, this self-study guide explains the basics of launching a community development project. Available as an easy-to-use online tool or in a series of printable PDFs:

For a free paper copy, e-mail us.

Credit Scoring

The Federal Reserve System's Mortgage Credit Partnership Credit Scoring Committee has produced a series on this increasingly popular underwriting tool. The series was published in installments in 2001 and 2002 by the St. Louis Fed as a project of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, San Francisco and St. Louis, as well as the Board of Governors.

The series examines many of the controversial elements of credit scoring. Each part is available as a separate PDF.

Did Your Home Go Through Foreclosure in 2009 or 2010?

English PDF | Spanish PDF

If so, review this flier to see if you might qualify for an independent review to determine if you are eligible for compensation from participating mortgage servicing companies. You have until Dec. 31, 2012 to submit a request for a review.

For more information, watch this video about the review process.

For full details, visit www.independentforeclosurereview.com.

Foreclosure Survival Guide

This publication from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is intended for homeowners who are having difficulty paying their mortgage. The guide provides basic information on when to worry about a loan, how to get help from a housing counselor and pitfalls to avoid in choosing a counselor. The free publication also includes a national hotline number (1-888-995-HOPE) and a list of local counseling agencies.

Innovative Ideas for Revitalizing the LIHTC Market

In the current economy, with homeownership more difficult to attain, the need for rental housing has become increasingly important. However, the market for Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs), a major source of capital for the development of rental housing, has experienced a serious downturn. This publication, produced by the Board of Governors’ and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ Community Affairs functions, features six short articles by experts with their ideas for bolstering the LIHTC program.

Learn Before You Leap

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' Learn Before You Leap brochures list counseling agencies, customized by Eighth District Branch, that provide advice on every step of the home-buying process, from budgeting income to negotiating a contract to closing on a loan. Available as printable PDFs in both English and Spanish. Multiple hard copies can also be ordered from each District Branch contact:

  • St. Louis (call Cynthia Davis, 314-444-8761)
    English (PDF 292 KB) Spanish (PDF 238 KB)
  • Little Rock (call Julie Kerr, 501-324-8296)
    English (PDF 307 KB) Spanish (PDF 305 KB)
  • Louisville (call Emily Lape, 502-568-9282)
    English (PDF 195 KB) Spanish (PDF 247 KB)
  • Memphis (call Cathy Martin, 901-579-4102)
    English (PDF 362 KB) Spanish (PDF 354 KB)

The Resource Guide for Small Businesses: Where To Go for Money and Advice, Little Rock Area

Small and micro businesses in this region will find a wealth of information in this guide about assistance available to help them achieve success. The first section, "Business Assistance Resources," lists nearly 25 pages of public and private organizations that offer advice and technical expertise, most for free. The second section, "Alternative Financial Resources," lists more than 70 nontraditional sources of funding, from venture capital groups to government agencies. Contact information is also given for the 14 chambers of commerce in the area.

The Resource Guide for Small Businesses: Where To Go for Money and Advice, Memphis and Shelby County Region

Small and micro businesses in this region will find a wealth of information in this guide about assistance available to help them achieve success. The first section, "Business Assistance Resources," lists nearly 30 pages of public and private organizations that offer advice and technical expertise, most for free. The second section, "Alternative Financial Resources," lists more than 50 nontraditional sources of funding, from venture capital groups to government agencies. Contact information is also given for the dozen chambers of commerce in the area.

You've Earned It! What the Earned Income Tax Credit Can Do for You

Millions of low-income, working Americans are unaware that they are eligible for thousands of dollars in tax credits. This booklet explains how the tax credit works and how to find out if you qualify. Eligible taxpayers can receive up to $4,500 with their income-tax refund. The typical refund in the Bank's Eighth District has been about $2,000. Read the booklet online or order a free copy by calling 314-444-8761 in St. Louis; 501-324-8296 in Little Rock, Ark.; 502-568-9282 in Louisville, Ky.; and 901-579-4101 in Memphis, Tenn. Versions containing information specific to each state are also available: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee.

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